The only people talking about a pause (when they are not talking about cooling) are deniers.
One tried to quote Gavin Schmidt yesterday in a question but the word pause was not in the quote only the deniers own comment, this was also the case if you looked at the many references on other denier blogs.
Any rational look at the temperature record will show it fluctuates up and down with various cycles like the PDO and ENSO, these run to different cycles and sometimes they align, giving a cooler year, like 2008 or 2011 (years deniers still try to reference) the reality is as cool as 2008 was, it was still warmer than 1995 which at the time was the warmest year in the modern record.
Look a little further back and there was a double PDO event in the 1940's with a small break ~1960 it then continued to the 1970's this certainly override the then effects of AGW, but we are now much further down that road and have also been in a PDO cooling event since ~2005 but now it seems to be having much less of an effect temperatures have not dropped in the way they did in previous events.
Look also at what temperature did after these PDO events ended and deniers have little time left to play with their pet theories as when the current PDO ends temps are set to rise, probably sharply.
When that happens, nobody is going to believe denier nonsense about impending ice ages and pauses.
The current stories making the news rounds concerning the Sun are also played up by deniers, although I'm not sure how they think a change in solar activity changes the facts on AGW, they are separate events, yes an extended decrease in solar activity would cool the planet, but if/when such an event takes place, if it is on roughly the same scale as the Maunder Minimum, then we know approximately how much the average temperature of the planet fell during that event and it is only about as much as we have already caused it to rise ~1c, so we have in effect already offset another solar minimum, all such an event would do now is delay AGW a few extra years.
I have to say it is interesting watching deniers make claims about the Sun claims it caused the warming seen in the last 50 years, even though solid data shows this is not the case.
Predictions about what the Sun may do next, when we have already outstripped the effects of the last minimum, when we don't know enough about the Sun to predict it's future activity (although deniers seem convinced we can) funny, these are the same deniers who say we can't trust predictions, considering they try to ignore not the predictions but the actual recorded data on solar activity showing the Sun was not responsible for the warming seen in the last 40 years.
As far as I can tell the "pause" is what deniers see in the NASA data i.e. the 5 year running average, it gives the appearance of a flat line, of cause look at the individual years and there is no flat line two cooler years dropped the average (08, 11) but 2013 has lifted it again (4th warmest year) and 2014 looks set to be a very warm year as well. But then these are the same deniers who seem to not notice what an anomaly 1998 was as they try to claim we have cooled since then, despite the fact 2005 & 2010 where warmer and if you take away the boost, the 100 year record ENSO gave 1998 most of the years since would have been warmer, but then this is what denial is about, ignoring the obvious.