2013-01-01 13:36:48 UTC
This question is the beginning of an an attempt to get at the meaningful truth associated with fluctuations in global temperature. Rather than have people comment unscientifically for a totally political purpose just both sides put up or shut up on the balanced, unbias scientific truths for anthropogenic and natural causes for global temperature fluctuation.
Natural causes for global temperature fluctuation include ocean currents, sun spots, solar flares. Anthropogenic causes include burning fossil fuels, forest biomass reduction. These are incomplete lists so first objective is to establish and confirm complete and thorough lists of causes for both natural and anthropogenic impacts to temperature. So lets start there.
First objective is to establish and confirm complete and thorough lists of causes for both natural and anthropogenic impacts to temperature.
Second objective is to gather all scientific information/knowledge for each cause and have it thoroughly evaluated by competent, experienced, unbias scientists alone.
Third objective is to undertake qualitative assessment of each cause to determine what is known truth and what is unknown about ALL factors associated with global temperature fluctuation.
Fourth objective is to close knowledge gaps and investigate the unknowns through further studies that provide the overall big picture truth of the overall balance of ALL factors for global temperature fluctuation. Have these studies peer reviewed by competent, experienced, unbias scientists alone.
Fifth objective is to have a like for like quantitative assessment of ALL overall causes to scientifically validate the known knowledge at this point in time relevant to global temperature fluctuation.
So it seems there are five major objectives that all need to be peer reviewed by scientists alone in a competent, experienced, unbias manner. This process will enable a scientifically robust method for assessment of global temperature fluctuation. Until these objectives are satisfied in full nobody really knows whether temperature fluctuation is definitively caused by natural or anthropogenic factors. Has this been done - no I definitely do not think so. Consequently, any definitive statements are not getting at the truth of global temperature fluctuation.
The vast majority of comments in this global warming section make definitive statements. So following the logic outlined above, these are meaningless comments. First step toward meaningful commentary is to remain uncertain and begin completion of the first objective. Following this, work down each objective. Following this process will enable an objective debate about global temperature fluctuation to come about.
So for this question just determine the following: -
Are the five objectives outlined above an agreeable scientific method to evaluate global temperature fluctuation? How could it be improved?
Following agreement of the scientific method, a series of questions could be initiated to evaluate how far down this method the science has progressed. This will provide the most realistic answer associated with global temperature fluctuation.