Yes exactly! Then they go around and claiming the people who try to do and do do, are the ones who have their own characteristics.
For instance when they say that Global Warming is a hoax. in fact the deniers are the hoaxters! Then they go and say Global Warming is a religion when in fact the denialists are running a cult!
When deniers cannot do they tell the people who can do that they cannot do.
When deniers cannot understand or refuse to understand simple science they have no right to obstruct those who do.
Whatever it is its absolutely unethical and irresponsible for them to obstruct the world from managing the risks of climate change.
Edit: No its not at all right to pass on their ignorance to scientists and others just cause they don't understand or like the facts.
@Eric C, If you don't try you have written yourself off and that is the definition of "can't do people". No model can ever be perfect but we all know that. But the attempt gives you a lot more knowledge into how you failed. Global Warming / CC is happening now right before our eyes so we have a real life model to help us make better models for the future.
@Jim Z Knock off your typical denialist rant. Its not about chicken littles its about the facts being indisputable and doing something about it and not continuing what we learned from the caveman days. You can't deny there are 6 billion+ in this world and you can't deny that we have been destroying the natural CO2 sinks and pumping mega amounts of CO2 in the air. You should no better.
Note: Jim Z does not present facts other than, it is cause I said so. If one devotes their life to studying climate and came up with the conclusions you did Jim, then I would have to say they haven't learned a whole lot out of their career.
@Peter J If you don't like being called a denier then maybe you should try to disprove the mounds of evidence or face being called a denier. Its simple prove the rate of increase since the industrial revolution is slower or equal to a natural rate. I've already shown in Dents graph that it naturally took almost 6000 years at a period in the past to rise 0.8 degrees C! Thats the rise that humans made happen in 160 years.
Edit: Ok since the deniers are not up to the task, how about this in the Medevil Ice Age it took 600 YEARS TO DROP AND RISE 0.8 degrees C!
Jim Z, Peter J and Dent have been TRUMPED!
Edit2: Well ok I'll give you the rise may have been closer to 400 years.
Not only does that trounce you but it proves you guys are liars! Cause the 0.8 C rise was only to the high level of the Medevil Warming period and then it spiked at 3 times the rate of that rise when the industrial revolution started.
You guys have now been doubly trounced now! HA!