Thousands and millions of years ago the parts of the world that are now covered in permafrost supported various forms of plant life. Typically these were plants that thrive in damp conditions and include mosses, sphagnum, reeds, marsh grasses and in some cases, forests.
When they were alive, the trees and plants photosynthesised and in so doing they sequestered carbon dioxide from the atmosphere that they converted into cellulose. This cellulose typically made up two thirds of the mass of the plants.
Over time the trees and plants, together with any animals in the region, decomposed and much of it formed peat; left for a few million years longer it would become coal. The peat contains large amounts of carbon from the plants and trees; globally there’s about half a trillion tons of carbon trapped in peatlands.
One of the final stages of decay of plant matter in an anaerobic environment is a methanogenic one in which microbial decomposition produces methane gas. So, not only is there a very significant amount of carbon in the peat but there’s also some 70 billion tons of methane.
Given that methane is 23 times as effective at contributing to global warming as carbon dioxide is, this equates to the same as 1.6 trillion tons of CO2 – known as CO2e or Carbon Dioxide Equivalence (specifically CH4 has a 100 yr GWP of 23).
The carbon trapped in the peat isn’t so much of a problem, it would need to react with oxygen through a process such as combustion in order for it to react and form carbon dioxide. The methane on the other hand, needs no such reaction as it already exists as methane gas; and this is a concern.
Within the Arctic region there is very significant melting of the permafrost. In Siberia alone some one million square kilometres has melted. This is not the Sporadic, Isolated or Discontinuous Permafrost – the type that can melt seasonally, but the Continuous Permafrost – the type that shouldn’t be melting. In fact, it hasn’t melted for at least 130,000 years and possible much longer.
Globally there’s about 60 million square kilometres of permafrost and this means that, as an overall average, there’s about 1,200 tons of methane (27,000 tons CO2e) beneath each square kilometre of permafrost. The melting of a million square km is therefore pretty much the same as a whole years worth of human carbon dioxide emissions (27Gt : 31Gt).
As with all future predictions, there is considerable variation when calculating how much more permafrost will melt. Some calculations suggest as little as 2 or 3 million square km will melt by the year 2050, other researchers have provided figures of 10 to 20 million km² by 2100; the mean would appear to be around the 6 to 8 million km² mark by 2100.
As the permafrost melts it gives rise to an unusual phenomenon called Drunken Forests, in which trees lean drunkenly at unusual angles due to the fact that the once frozen ground has now thawed and become deconsolidated.
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The thawing also presents problems for buildings that have been constructed on permafrost. When they were constructed no-one thought that the ice would melt and so they were built directly onto what was considered a solid foundation. As the permafrost melts these buildings are now sinking.
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Stop waffling and read some science. Your answer serves to do little other than to demonstrate your very poor comprehension of climatic matters. You’ve made error after error and clearly don’t even understand what I’ve written.
Just one example “Trevor's point about it being 23 times as bad as CO2 fails to point out how temporary the methane is”. No it doesn’t, I specifically stated that “CH4 has a 100 yr GWP of 23” – if you don’t understand something don’t make assumptions, look it up.
If I wanted to be alarmist I would have stated that methane is 33 times as effective as carbon dioxide (this is the figure from recent research) or that during it’s atmospheric residence period (ARP) methane is more than 100 times as effective as CO2.
The figure of 23 that I used is the AVERAGE over a 100 year period – the standard way of expressing GWPs. Methane has an ARP of approx 12 years and therefore the GWP during that time is much higher.