I'm a Christian and having careers in the science, historical, sociological & cultural fields amongst other other things such as economics, law & theology is something I'm very interested in and in fact while I'm off to a late start, that's what I'm going to be going back to school for, but to tell the truth, I have long been ashamed of the republican party's manipulations and twisting of the Bible and of the minds of many Christians who for some odd reason have been letting themselves be tricked by the lies of the republican party. Here's the thing, I'm not conservative and I'm not totally liberal, although I swing to the left on some issues and swing to the right on some other issues. I know that both the republican and libertarian parties are totally EPIC FAIL with their "Laissez Faire" economic ideas and policies when it comes to economics, because without regulation, the weathy billionaires and say people who have at least 100 million dollars who are majority stockholders, sole proprietorship company owners & the other wealthy CEOs they have working for them as yes men for them have been ruining the economies of the US and other countries for nearly a century, especially ever since the democrat Woodrow Wilson was tricked into signing the Treasury Act in 1913, which he regretted signing after he realized what he'd done. Here's the thing too - that stupid bailout was more for the wealthy owners & CEOs of the companies that's been ruining the country with hiring people to only exploit the working people by using them with hiring them to only spit them out with layoffs while cheating them of their retirement pensions & plans. REGULATIONS ARE NEEDED TO KEEP GREEDY NARCISSISTIC LAZY SELF CENTERED SELFISH WEALTH A**holes from ruining everything for everybody, because people that greedy are so stupidly obsessed about getting wealth & power that they'll destroy their own health & their own family to get wealth & power, so of course those same wealthy people will not care if they destroy the planet with global warming either, which includes destroying every living being on earth.
That being said, Global Warming does happen every time the planet's magnetic fields shift the poles to the opposite end, as in the North Pole becomes the South Pole and the South Pole becomes the North Pole and that's also what's happening now, however this sort of thing does NOT happen often - more like every so many thousands of years. AND as I said, I'm a Christian & I don't believe in Evolution in especially human & maybe animal life for one, because mutations and adaptions are not the same thing as evolution & besides evolution just being a theory because of evolution evidence being manufactured bulls**t from errors & falsifications of evidence, but taught in classrooms anyway to be "politically correct" - Enoch in the old testament came up with the 364 year a day calendar long before Archimedes came up with the π formula (the Pi formula). Which the π formula is probably the closest, humankind has come to describing how it's possible that God has no beginning or end. Anyway, while Global Warming naturally happens, when it gets to it's peak, it's a lot, lot worse of a thing that happens than people normally think of things that naturally happen and in this case humankind isn't ready for it, especially since so many idiots believe it won't happen or refuse to care about what will happen to them when it gets to it's worst AND this time around it will be far far worse than in previous times because besides people not being ready for the worst, the pollution of this planet has most definitely gotten this planet at it's worst for effects when the worst of Global Warming hits. Why? When magnetic fields have shifted the poles before, there wasn't pollution when the magnetic fields shifted before, such as pollution that we have now and IT IS a proven fact that man made FLUOROCARBONS ARE A DANGER TO THE PLANET AND PEOPLE'S HEALTH. As for people who dispute that, spray a bunch of cans of old style/old fashioned hair spray like Aqua Net down your throats or put your mouths over the tail pipe of a car & inhale for a long while without breathing air - of course hypocrites who say there's no global warming won't do that, which helps prove what hypocrites they are. This planet like everything else has a normal set balance of carbons that flow from eruptions & gases from the earth which rotate back into the earth including in the oceans - by a normal set balance I mean a normal set amount that's natural and going above that level of carbons is not the natural balance God made this planet to have for it to function right. Here's a proper arguement - IF IT'S NOT NATURAL TO CLONE PEOPLE THEN HOW IS IT NATURAL TO POLLUTE THE PLANET? - ANSWER THAT CONSERVATIVES! Oh and by the way, even though I think republicans & libertarians are idiots with their ideas of "Laissez Faire" economics, I think Obama & the Clintons can't be trusted either because I found out over this last year, they've also been the willing puppets of the World Bank Group just like the Bushes & a lot of republicans have been. Those who don't know what the World Bank Group is -
Oh and while I like certain people in the Green Party's economic ideas, the Green Party is too pacifist and also ANARCHISTS ARE EPIC FAIL for the most part also, although Leo Tolstoy the Christian Anarchist I like, ALSO COMMUNISTS, MARXISTS, AND FACISTS ARE ALSO NARCISSISTIC SELF CENTERED LOSERS WHO ARE EPIC FAIL AS WELL.
What political idealogy do I have? I'm Christian who's a progressive moderate who knows extremism in either direction is insane and I just happen to be a Punk Rocker too by the way and no I'm not an anarchist or communist and I'm not too liberal or especially I'm NOT conservative or facist either - I absolutely hate nazis or other facists & I hate communism too. I did however used to be a very active activist who's organization even got on the national news years ago. I am a progressive moderate & I know that extremism in either direction is totally insane because nothing gets done, when everything is torn down just for the sake of political idealogy! Save the planet from being destroyed by the wealthy scum who are so dumb they will destroy themselves and the planet just to have more power & money!