1. CO2 is increasing in the air at an exponential rate, with no sign of slowing down.
2. The amount of CO2 in the air has increased 37% since the industrial revolution.
3. This rise is caused entirely by human beings. Isotopic analysis of the CO2 in the air shows that it increasingly contains "old" carbon combined with "young" oxygen.
4. CO2 is a greenhouse gas which causes the planet to warm. This has been known (and unchallenged) since the 19th century, so I won't post a link.
5. The planet is actually getting warmer.
6. Natural climatic forcings can be ruled out as causes of the current warmth:
(6a). Ice ages and inter-glacial periods are triggered by small changes in Earth's orbit, called "orbital forcing." Since Earth's orbit can be computed for thousands of years into the past and future, we know that orbital forcing peaked 6000 years ago, and should be slowly cooling the planet right now.
(6b). Solar activity peaked in 1988, and has declined since that time, even as temperatures have been rising. Cosmic ray flux, which some scientists have speculated causes cooling, has increased since 1988 as temperatures have been rising.
7. If the warmth is due to the greenhouse effect, we should see the stratosphere getting cooler as more heat is trapped at the surface. This is in fact exactly what we have seen. This also refutes non-GHG causes for the current warmth.
In addition to the peer-reviewed science cited above, a good overview of the attribution evidence (including much more subtle statistical tests) can be found here:
I invite you to compare the quality of sources cited in this answer with anything cited by GW skeptics. Then draw your own conclusions.