In some cases, yes, there was a rise in temperatures before a rise in CO2. This should not be taken to mean, however, that CO2 was not the main driving force behind the change. CO2 acts as both a forcing and a feedback- a rise in temperatures causes a rise in CO2, which causes a further rise in temperature which leads to higher levels of CO2... and so on. So while several past changes were, in fact, 'kicked off', as it were, by variations in Earth's orbit, carbon dioxide was by far the most important factor in the change.
On another note, I see that you've linked to The Great Global Warming Swindle. I know you're probably entirely convinced that anthropogenic climate change simply isn't happening or even possible, but I can assure that the entire film is simply one big piece of propaganda from beginning to end. In fact, one of the scientists involved in the film (Carl Wunsch) is now demanding that he be removed from it entirely, saying that he was deceived into believing that the production was to be a scientific and unbiased look at climate change theory. Further stating that had he been informed as to the true nature and content of the film, he never would have agreed to appear in it at all, calling it a piece of "outright propaganda".
You can read Mr. Wunsch's letter to channel 4 here:
And a short refutation of the film's arguments here:
RealClimate is a Blog run by fifteen highly qualified climate scientists currently doing research in the field, so you can lay to rest any concerns you may have with the site's credibility.
I very much doubt that you'll ever read or even touch the links I provided, but I hope that at the very least one or two people who haven't yet made up their minds on the issue won't be persuaded by the rubbish you just linked.