Could Oil companies be using Global Warming to their advantage?
2007-05-10 15:15:27 UTC
I know it sounds strange but look at it in a hypthetical point of view. We know oil is going to last for another 50 to 100 years or more, so oil corporations are not going away anytime soon but why are we still paying high up our nose for it. Some can argure that because of demand since China and India have entered into the market but I say otherwise. Oil companies are justifying their high prices because of global warming. Everybody knows we are dependent on oil because its the most easiest and relieable way of getting around. Since we cant really do anything to change it (aside from buying a hybrid and playing 10 grand more) about it we give in by paying high prices for oil and oil companies keep making billions in net every year.
Six answers:
2007-05-10 16:10:03 UTC

This is a wrong assumption. Oil is a commodity like natural gas and is almost only differenciated by the price.

The price is fixed by the rational market made by the supply and demand (on which China and India DO count now). There are also subjective elements to the market which are the fears of a supply side failure (wars, attacks on refineries, strikes, embargos, political conflicts, etc...).

The only artificial way companies may have increased the price is to support political decisions leading the the famous "controlled instability" in the middle east + having not built enough refineries to create a shortage there (so that they are the ones mastering the bottleneck and not the middle easter countries) which is SMART !!!!

Oil companies do not have direct interest in mitigating global warming. On the contrary, CO2 reductions would correspond to a decreased use of oil... so less demand than the normal scenario... which means less money for them since the oil price will be lower
2016-11-27 06:17:36 UTC
have not got self belief something you examine and in elementary terms a million/2 of what you notice. of direction, worldwide warming is genuine. The final Ice age has long previous away, has it no longer? So, we ought to have worldwide warming. Do human beings make a contribution to worldwide warming? in all hazard some small volume, in spite of each and every little thing we are heat and we breath in oxygen and breath out CO2, we ought to hitch the undertaking. what's Al Gore going to do approximately it? Kill relatively some human beings? continuously that's what Socialists do whilst they take administration of a rustic. Is that better than destroying their financial gadget and inflicting hundreds of thousands to starve to dying?
2007-05-10 15:24:18 UTC
i believe it. they know that the market has been high for so long that them hiking it up wont seem like such a problem. not everyone is going to go out and buy a hybrid. and not everyone wants to use alternative fuels so they will just pay out the ***. sadly i dont think their strategy is going to work much longer because more and more people are investing in hybrids and more and more makes of them are coming out. hybrid cars dont look all goofy or cost as much as they use to.
2007-05-12 15:15:07 UTC
Maybe the hotter it gets the more energy you use for air conditioning. Actualy as conspiracy theories go I prefer the one where David Icke says the British Royal Family are really a race of alien lizards in disguise.
2007-05-10 17:01:28 UTC
Yeah I know, I actually believe I saw an Exxon-Mobil commercial

for researching alternative fuels. Am I the only one!?
2007-05-10 16:09:10 UTC
The government definately is given the tax here in the UK.

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