What is a common human understanding as far as Climate change,global warming &poverty diseases are concerned.
Zuantamipah is a zulu princesses
2007-05-10 01:23:29 UTC
In our world of global sustainable timely information knowledge, it is good for everyone to make concerted effort to understand the general outlook of education of what is happening to him/herself as long as general wealth health and well being state of mind is concerned.If there was a heavy rain, floods,fire,earthquake and other natural disasters coming to day you dont expect anybody to warn you before you act or move.All Your motor internal external sensory organs must be alert for you to know what to do in situations of that nature.A frog which is a mammal has ability to go into a hiding in a hole before the rain starts.All the animals in the tsunami disaster in sri-lanka moved away four days before the disaster.Are animals clever than human beings?Climate change is to learn how to climb a tree so that you can be high up above the ground on the earth space and get closer to God and only listen to him, because your lover or saviour is not going to be there at the time of the disaster
Nine answers:
2007-05-10 01:58:41 UTC
It's true that the knowledge that we get about climate change and predicting natural disasters are not sufficient to give early and convincing warnings about what to happen next.

Most of them are predictions, people don't believe 100% in predictions. Until we see the catastrophes with our own eyes. At that time it's too late to run away.

Our earth is only ONE...we don't have another planet nearby just like earth. It's our rights to use earth's resources to the benefits of our lives. Rights always comes with duties those are responsibilities to take care of our earth. If we don't care about our own earth then who cares?

If animals knows better than human about the coming natural disaster, we have to learn their behaviors to predict the future natural disasters.
2016-04-01 08:54:10 UTC
Cloud parameterization has improved dramatically in a decade. Climate sensitivity still carries some large error bars, though mostly on the "more sensitive" side than the "low sensitivity" side, which is tightly bounded (in terms of its localized slope of dT ⁄ dCO₂ over the current levels, anyway.) But without human influence, the need to know it more precisely diminishes, too. So human behavior in the future is probably the most significant uncertainty, now, I think. This isn't just about atmospheric CO₂, but also about deforestation and habitat modification and a variety of other behaviors that also impact climate. Eliminate human uncertainty and I suspect, despite some non-linearities that we remain ignorant about, more accurate prediction for longer times.
2007-05-10 02:09:58 UTC
Um I don't quite understand the question. You are saying that we need to form "disaster plans" and make sure everybody knows what to do in disasters, and monitor the climate etc - you are saying that it is essential that everybody is informed of what to do when there is a natural disaster?

I agree.

I think people mostly have a vague idea of what to do in some types of disasters (like stand in a doorframe, or go under a table in an earthquake.) Other disasters they wouldn't know what to do. People should probably have a bag of canned food and first-aid items etc in their house just in case of a disaster.
2007-05-10 01:40:42 UTC
This planet is overpopulated resorces or dwindling fast due to greed for these resources.

We have changed the balance of this ball by our own actions.

Time for understanding the balance is now and sharing understanding knowledge and doing things `better`is now.

Nature has a strange way of returning the balance
2007-05-10 14:33:14 UTC
we can try to be more clever than animals

if we succeed is another matter,but they are components of out phylosiphy

we already started building a hide away high up in the south african mountains with food gardens and 5 great lakes with potable water and fish,

20 years ago

and we have been studying and teaching about selfsuficient and sustainable food production and living(permaculture)

its called Rustlers Valley

just for fun i asked a question in polls and surveys and again in religion

who thought Global warming was a lie ,and who was religious ,

granted many people believed in God and also believed in climate change ,


the fact emerged that ALL of the people who denied Global warming ,who said it was a hoax ,were without any exceptions ,religious


many North Americans are used to fiction and they feel more comfortable with fairytales instead of the truth,

Many blindly believe that our fate is in Gods hands ,and their focus is on the beautifull heaven that awaits ,they are not to concerned with the world their children will inherrit

there may come a time that for the sake of our survival the two views will be seperated in to Enemies and friends of the planet

World leaders are not concerned with the well being of the masses ,on the contrary .it was stated at a conference in Copenhagen,in 1998,by An American statesman , that the Agenda demanded a decrease in the world population of 60%,and you cannot achieve this if you start saving everybody.

scientists who work for politicians ,get paid by these politicians and they have downplayed the facts because solutions are expensive and means change

and change effects many peoples incomes,and upsets profit margins,so most of the world is kept in the dark of the real things that are going on.for political and economic reasons


Global warming is a very complex collection of many effects

this text only covers some aspects of global warming mainly man made desertification

industrial contamination ,the contaminating effects of the cities ,is another story

there are natural cycles in the planets life

but mans existance has its effects,and this is increasing with overpopulation,putting strains on Natural resources and increasing contaminations as well as destructions of essential componants the ensure living conditions for all life forms

in North Africa,India,Mexico ,millions of people are effected by land loss and desertification and some have died as a result

in china, thousands of what used to be farmers are running for their lives from the dust storms that have burried their towns and turned their lands into dessert,

,the Sahara is growing by 7 kilometers a year

and many of the desserts we know are a results of mans actions ,and they are increasing ,not getting less ,in the dinosaurs days ,there were very few desserts.

collectively this planet is drying up because of bad farming practices like,over grazing and fertilizers,

each degree rise in temperature means 10%crop loss

and there is less and less water (because of deforestation),to irrigate this production ,

and there are less and less farmers to do it..

and there are 70 million more peole every year that have to eat and drink and wash

who are overpumping deep carbon aquifiers

who are plowing more and more unstable lands because they have lost so many million hectares to desertification ,

because of bad farming practises ,such as using fertilizers and heavy machinary or over grazing


The northpole is melting ,and we will know it without ice in our life times.

this does not affect the sea level because it is ice that is already in the water.but the melting ice from Green land and the south pole ,are another matter.

if forrest are being exchanged for ashalt,concrete and desserts

what is gonna keep this planet habitable for us

We as humanity can behave in a less stressful manner as far as the Environment is concerned ,but it will mean global co operation between all countries ,and taking into account human nature and the world politics ,it is unlikely that this will happen, Source(s) Lester E Brown is the director and founder of the global institute of Environment in the United states .he has compiled a report based on all the satalite information available from NASA,and all the information that has

come from Universities and American embassies WORLD WIDE ,

his little book--a planet under stress , Plan B has been trans lated into many languages and won the best book award in 2003
2007-05-13 11:21:01 UTC
2007-05-11 18:18:45 UTC
ah yeah, if you STILL believe that global warming is true, then wow, haha,

our climate is changing , but its not because of us


even ask NASA
2007-05-12 07:17:50 UTC
all this can be fixed if everbody grows hemp
2007-05-13 09:20:37 UTC
In political history there was a revolution with the right of adult franchise being given to common people. Rousseau and other philosophers were no doubt primarily responsible for this; but the traders and industrialists also had a great role in this. Factories were being set up; food grains production had shot up. The avenues of unlimited profiteers were opened for traders by selling their products in the neighboring countries. But entry in the other countries was banned for the traders. The soldiers of kings were guarding the boundaries of the countries. This vigil was an obstacle in the profiteer by traders.

In such atmosphere, the book “social contract” came and it generated a new viewpoint; a new philosophy expounded “a King is born, but not necessarily in the home of a king”. This gave the dream to the courtiers that even their children could become kings. This also gave the dream to the traders that anyone ready to give them transit to other nations could also be appointed as a king. He can be voted victorious in the election and it can be propagated that the person victorious in the elections is the most popular one, a real spokesman of the people’s interests and he is a born king... This strange mixture of revolution and conspiracy put an end to monarchy. Then mixing up of the traders of two countries became easier. And electoral democracy was in the air and firmly grounded on soil.

And a way was carved out through which a son of soil could become sun of soil that is

king of soil. Political power was now free from the curse of dynasty. Those people traders became free who could contest the elections themselves or alternatively could control the reins of power by sponsoring others to contest the election. This happened in the second half of eighteen century.

After two hundred years, almost similar thing happened once again. The so-called World

Trade Organization is in fact a repeat of whatever had happened earlier. In this system not only the trader but the rich consumers were also in unison. This trade treaty not only demanded that there should be free flow of trade but also said that if a foreign company wants to sale its car in Rs. 4 lacks in India and Indian consumer is ready to buy that, then the govt. of India has no right to make the car still more costly and the govt. caved in before this (un) holy alliance of traders and consumers thus a large chunk of sovereignty of nation states was transferred to the world wide organizations like- WTO and others (IMF and World Bank etc.),

World Trade Organization is a transnational body of traders before which the national

governments are helpless. With this started a new process of world market, global economy, global consumption and global income. With this a new power packed group came called multinational companies, which have appropriated the custody of economic policies of country governments. But this sight of hand was duly taken care of. It was kept mind by rich people that there should be no misgivings among people about Governance. And they must feel that their elected representatives are governing them as earlier and they only are the lawmakers and policy makers and not the MNCs. This gave the MNCs and TNCs a great safety routes. When the credit for employment generation is the issue they can take all the credit, but when the issue is about consequent unemployment; they can easily shift the blame on the political leaders. People would keep fighting against their own leaders in the backdrop of economic crisis and will keep the political powers shifting among the parties as a way of ventilating their anger. And the real beneficiaries, the MNCs and TNCs along with the global trader and global consumer would be a distant and silent spectator. While fully enjoying the poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, sickness and malnutrition of the majority of the people, these high and up people are fully careful that just as there is now a universal unity among the traders and consumers there should be no such parallel unity among the poor people of world cutting across the national boundaries, but if there be such a global party or union among the oppressed and downtrodden – it would become impossible for the leaders of these poor masses to dance to the tune of these global traders and consumer i.e., MNCs and TNCs. They are afraid that if before the world Trade Organization there be a party of the poor all over world, it would not be possible to turn the local leaders into puppets by virtue of money and the reckless profiteering would be impossible. The universal traders will have to compensate to the losses of the poor that so they will have to pay something like global tax. And most of all the global traders will also be under the rule of law.

The equal distribution of currency created against mechanical labor

The national companies are on the same turn of as the multinational companies, so it is

now imperative for the national companies to maintain high quality and low cost of goods and services. This can be done only with the help of automation, maximum automation. May be the required machinery will have to be imported. As a result of automation and very large production made by machines, the total GDP has been rising but the currency notes being printed by the same mechanical labor and automation is being deposited in the banks instead of being distributed among the citizens. Now the bank under the pressure of this mounting piles of notes are lowering the interest rates, rather they have put it under free fall and they are regularly urging upon the people to take loans and set up industries, but the people are hesitant to do so as everything right from the needle to an airplane is being made by MNCs. Thus a man with small capital is always in the danger of going bankrupt. They feel that their factory may or may not sell but they are sure to sink in the loans. As the result since there are no seekers for loans, the interest rates are crashing down.

In the light of above analysis, it is clear that mankind has reached in an age where 80% of

GDP comes from machines and manual share in GDP has came down to 20%. It means that even if most of the people are rendered unemployed or do not prefer to work; the current level of production can be maintained.

Since most of the GDP is linked to mechanical production the nations are getting richer and richer but the national citizenry is getting poorer; and poorer. On one hand, the go owns are bursting with food grains; on the other hand, many people are committing suicides due to poverty and hunger.

Proposal of Votership

In such a critical condition a proposal called Votership has been moved by some sensitive MPs in the Lok Sabha as a petition of the Bharat Gandhi & others. Through this proposal a demand is being aired that instead of waiting for the creation of jobs for all the people in traditional sense, the money should be provided directly to the people. In these changed days the definition of work should also change, it has been clarified in this proposal that now since most of the jobs are preserved for machines, the workers are hard pressed against each other. Due to stiff competition they are being forced to work at any wage. They are getting blackmailed; when in dire need people tend to lose their foresight. Whatever a worker gets after backbreaking labor is like the husk being thrown before an ox. While the wheat being produced by this mechanized economy remain the preserve of the rich. Now, some way must be devised so as to make the workers, a sharer of the wheat also.

In this petition after an all encompassing and detailed discussion, it is being proposed that the currency notes produced by the mechanical production, should be distributed equitably among the voters, while the wealth being produced by the workers may be distributed as per the capitalist economy’s demand. If the currency notes being produced by the mechanical labor, are distributed equitably the people will get their share in the collective property of the country and they will no more be ‘domestic labourers’ but would be ‘domestic member’ of one national family. This condition will be something like this that may be they do not get the husk but they will certainly get their share in the wheat. Amount of Gross Domestic Mechanical Production, Gross Domestic Interest Capital, Gross Domestic Inherited Capital, Gross Domestic Rent Capital have been construed as collective property (not private or public property) of voters in this petition. This has also been forecasted that since the national government have no say in the present global economy, the total employment in traditional sense would remain a dream for all the national governments. So this petition’s peculiar characteristics is this, that since traditional employment is impossible; this petition suggests a way to provide money as Votership to each and everyone as a birth right to live with dignity and social security.

Instead of identity cards, an ATM cards for the voters

It has not been provided in this petition that this work of giving share in the Gross Domestic Mechanical production and Gross Domestic Inherited wealth to all and sundry be handed over to the politicians or to the officials for distribution. This petition suggests that the Reserve Bank Of India should open account of all the voters of the Union and Bank should deposit half of the share in collective property of each voter (i.e., Rs 1750/-) each month in that account. It has been suggested that instead of identity cards; the voter should be given an ATM cash card. Through ATM cash card this account would not become a victim of corruption hence.

The petition also demands that every post-office be provided an ATM machine. A common voter may go there each month and may have his/her monthly share in the national income created through the collective property.

The Votership economy will also need a transnational organization, transnational government and also a transnational parliament and court. The expenses for this has also been provided for in this petition by asserting that the portion of GDP cash be carved out for this also, so one part of per capita production will go to the voter, other will go to the transnational organization and the third will go to the people representatives as a contribution from the each and every people.

A scientific system for political financing

Once this proposal is implemented, the people representater will not only get votes, but also notes in proportion of their vote share in total polling. As a result of this political financing, the people’s representatives will become responsible to the voting public.

The more responsible they become, the more money they will get. If a voter is given Rs 1750/- per month then as the political contribution a people’s representative would be getting Rs 1750 lacks if he gets 1000 votes and in case he gets 1 lack votes he will get Rs 17.5 cores. With this amount the people representatives can also give employment to 50 to 100 persons and can have their own secretariat. Once this scientific system of political financing is implemented the politicians will be free from the clutches of money donating wasted interests. Thus the democracy will also be free from the bondage of capitalists and politics will once again be wedded to honesty. The socially oriented persons will also be having enough money to sustain their lives and be free to serve the society free of any Hassles.

Once this birth right and economic freedom is granted to every Indian citizens, Indian’s voices could resonate among the people of all the under developed and developing countries. India would become their natural leader. There is a reason for this also, if this happens, the demand for similar economic birthright will be raised in other countries also. They will also get up and struggle for their economic freedom. Entire world will be grateful to the Indian parliament. Secondly, the money which was to be provided to the poor nations by rich nations under Millennium Development Goal (MDG), will also be coming, as they would no longer be able to take refuse behind the ruse that the politicians and bureaucrats of third world are corrupt and the money could not reach the grass root people, hence MDG is worthless. Since all the voters will be having their personal accounts, the developed nations would be capable of checking the truth by them. Once this scheme is implemented, the money that now comes as loans or borrowing will be coming as a tax. The government of India will also be free from debt trap.

Wealth without work

One of greatest argument against Votership is that, this proposes wealth without work and this would render the entire population lazy. In this proposal this argument has been refuted clearly. This says that the law of inheritance still gives a lot of wealth to lot of persons without any work. The parliament approves of this law. If through still another similar law Votership is implemented, it will be nothing new. Only there would be now one more source that will enable people to become wealthy without work. Only difference will be in the number. Earlier the number was lesser now it will be larger. The parliament which by approving the law of inheritance, gives some people millions and billions of rupees can not deny a paltry sum to a voter who is veritably a child of father of nation.

As far as increase in laziness is concerned, a clear view has been expressed in the proposal that if one has to choose between unemployment and laziness the laziness would be in the national interest. In the state of unemployment the mind as well as body of the person become inactive, while in laziness only hand remain inactive, not the mind (see the essay, “In praise of idleness by Bertrand Resell)

Some people deem it impossible and argue that where from the government would get that gigantic amount of money? Explaining this proposal says clearly that if this amount be too much for the government it can very well facilitate the opening of the personal accounts of all the voters will a lesser amount than Rs 1750, then the government can go to international agencies, developed countries, MNCs and show them this fact and can pressurize them to part with the money. Since this kind of world policies will be supported from a large part of world populace, the developed nations will have no way out but to honor their monetary commitment responsibilities. One should not think that now since the Votership proposal is being taken up by the parliament there is no need for any one else to try for this? In fact, if the various suggestion made in this proposal be acted upon and popular awakening, meetings, seminars and the sittings and processions as well as signature campaigns are taken up and also the economic empowerment of voters at the time of election is attempted, this task will be completed. It will be realized sooner than the later.

The book called ‘Votership’ is in fact a copy of the petition made to the Lok Sabha. Since the supporting members are lesser in numbers the proposal cannot take the shape of law at once. If the number of supporting members remains the same for a time, the proposal of the petition will wait for mass movements and mandates.

The principle petitioner and the writer of this proposal urges upon the readers that they should work for this wholeheartedly and free the billions of unemployed youths living under economic deprivation and save those who are every now and then being forced to commit suicide.

Bharat Gandhi, New Delhi Mobile:09818433422

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.