Are we the cause of Globel warming or is it a climate shift we could not avoid?
Nicole S
2007-05-24 11:03:21 UTC
My question, is the idea of global warming due to us? or was it going to happen either way and we just sped up the process?

The earth has already gone through climate shifts before, why couldnt there be another one?

I will not lie i dont know much on this subject but i am willing to learn if someone could help me out.

Thanx nikki
25 answers:
2007-05-24 13:55:00 UTC
Hello Nikki,

It's nice to find someone honest enough to admit they don't know much about the subject. As you may have seen on this forum, many people considers themselves to be an expert on the subject but in truth know very little.

Let me give you an objective, unbiased answer based on 23 years experience...

The world is always warming or cooling of it's own accord, it's done this in the past and now is no different. Our planet experiences a number of complicated cycles that interact with each other and the current position within these cycles means that we're experiencing short term warming within a much longer periof of cooling.

The current warming started 18,000 years ago and caused the most recent retreat of the glaciers (often, incorrectly, referred to as the end of the ice age).

We know how and why the world warms up and cools down and one of the most important and influential factors is the level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. These act like a blanket, the more there are the thicker the blanket and the warmer the world becomes; that's the gist of it but there's much more to it.

Nature produces and absorbs greenhouse gases, this process is called the carbon cycle and left to it's own devices it's more or less balanced. In the last 200 years human activity have disrupted this cycle by producing large quantities of these gases, last year we emited 9 times as much as nature can handle.

All these 'surplus' greenhouse gases end up in the atmosphere instead of being absorbed by soil, plants and the oceans with the result that they trap more heat. Quite simply, the more greenhouse gases there are the more heat is trapped and the warmer the world becomes.

We're in a situation now where the world is warming up much faster than has ever before been known and these rises can't solely be attributed to natural cycles - it's much too fast for that. We're also at a point where levels of all the greenhouse gases (there's many of them) are at the highest since humans populated the planet.

Both sides of the argument are guilty of distorting the truth and in some cases lying outright. The alarmist reaction and over dramatisation of the media doesn't help either. There won't be any sudden ice age or mass extinction of humanity but what we have seen for many decades now, and will continue to see, is a gradual rising in the average global temperature.

These rises are very small and from one year to the next they'll go almost un-noticed but over time they are having, and will continue to have, a serious impact on our planet. The countries worst affected are the African and Asian nations, Europe and the US are better placed to offset the effects of global warming.

Global warming is a serious problem and it will get worse. Some people will tell you otherwise, they'll tell you that Mars is warming, that the Earth goes through natural cycles, that the sun is producing more heat. What they won't tell you is that these things are well documented, have rational explanations and have all be taken into account.

I've nothing to lose or gain by trying to convince you one way or another which is why I've provided an answer based on fact, no opinions, no distortions - just how it is.

If you'd like to know more please feel free to contact me or have a look at this short website -
2007-05-24 20:58:18 UTC
In all honesty after all the research that has been done I think the sun has more to do with our planet then something like co2 emissions. Humans are a small minority which put co2 into our atmosphere compared to the Oceans and volcanoes.

The reason global warming is such a big deal, Politics is this driving force and missinformation.

Back in 1979 when i was young we were always warned of the next coming ice age due to the termperatures every year were dropping. 30 years later they are pulling this again global warming global cooling its a natural effect of our planet
2007-05-24 19:49:41 UTC
There is still a lively debate going on about global warming, and those who say all scientists are in agreement about its cause (one of which is man-made pollution) are wrong. There are many scientists who dispute the existence of man-made global warming.

A number of pundits have pointed out that the planet Mars is warming up and its ice caps are melting. This would implicate the sun.

The earth has and will go through climate change. The cycle is estimated to be every 1,500 years (so we can't wait for verification!).

In my humble opinion, the earth cannot indefinitely absorb all the pollution humans create. There has to be a tipping point, even a point of no return. China's rivers are drying up, and those that still have water are so filthy that people are advised not to go near them. This is also a problem in India and other overpopulated parts of the world. And both China and India are "trying" to surpass the U. S. in the amount of pollutants they spew into the air.

I am not a scientist, but I think we should consider the fact that air pollution, including the kind(s) produced by cars' engines, is harming people. It is apparently a significant contributor to lung cancer and other respiratory-related ailments.

I am not as concerned by the fact that the earth is getting warmer (although the plight of the polar bear and other animals is very distressing) as I am by the fact that we are contributing to the destruction of our environment.

If we take a human being and a plant and expose them both to various types of pollutants (with periodic replacements of those who die), we will see that it takes a lot more of the pollution to kill the plant than it does to kill the human. This is true of radiation: If we expose our "test" subjects to the same amount of radiation, and for the same period of time, plants survive longer than humans do. This does not mean the plant is immune to radiation, only that its effects take longer to create a problem for the plant than for the human. But there is a tipping point, and when that point is reached the plant will die. That, I think ,is what is happening as a result of our pollution-causing activities.

What is of most concern to me is that man is, on the one hand, spewing a huge amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, and, on the other, is destroying trees and other vegetation that absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. This is equivalent to pumping water into your basement and turning off the pump that would expel it.

I think global warming is just one part of a much larger problem that is affecting all of us.
2007-05-24 19:04:06 UTC
It's amazing only 7 people made the effort to respond to this question (at this time). Reading very old history books will tell that the planet has had unseasonal weather shifts during periods of industrail booms. But nothing like what we've been seeing and will keep seeing for awhile. Everything I've been seeing and reading tells me it's a combination of man and nature. Who triggered first--that's still up for grabs. I feel the worlds' leaders are moving way too slow in response to help in slowing it down. Well, some won't respond at all! " Not our problem" is not a response I like to hear. I'll share some advice to any who accept it--Don't blow it off, this is real and it affects evreyone.Check out the price of food or even the availibility of some foods in general. Allergies are rising,,more to dust and pollen then ever before. Sever storms, less snow, way too cold or hot(depends where you live). There is not one thing in our everyday lives that is not affected by the weather. Please, stay alert.
2007-05-24 21:12:54 UTC
Check out the latest research by the Danish National Space Center connecting solar activity, cosmic rays and climate change. The linkage relates to cloud formation. Clouds reflect about 30% of the sun's energy so impact global temperatures significantly.The Danes have demonstrated that cosmic rays are "seeds" for cloud formation. The sun's magnet field reduces the cosmic rays that arrive at planet earth. The sun's magnetic field is higher when it is more active. More solar activity means less cosmic rays so less clouds and a warmer planet. Historical data shows a very close correlation.
Marc G
2007-05-24 20:08:54 UTC
A couple of quotes to start, with references:

1. "The warming of about 0.3 _C in recent years has prompted suggestions about anthropogenic influence on the earth’s climate due to increasing human activity worldwide. However, a close examination of the earth’s temperature change suggests that the recent warming may be primarily due to urbanization and land-use change impact and not due to increased levels of CO2 and other greenhouse gases."

2. "Inspection of the global atmospheric temperature changes during the last 1,000 years (Fig. 11) shows that the global average temperature dropped about 2_C over the last millennium. This means that we live in the cooling geologic epoch (which comprises most of the Holocene), and the global warming observed during the latest 150 years is just a short episode in the geologic history. The current global warming is most likely a combined effect of increased solar and tectonic activities and cannot be attributed to the increased anthropogenic impact on the atmosphere. Humans may be responsible for less than 0.01_C (of approximately 0.56_C (1_F) total average atmospheric heating during the last century."

These are two examples of papers that directly cast doubt upon man-made global warming. More and more of these papers are showing up in the peer reviewed literature.

It is premature to say that man is the cause of current warming. Climate modeling was ridiculously crappy in 1992 when the Rio Meetings occured. It was still that poor in 1997 when the Kyoto round of meetings resulted in the Kyoto Protocol. They remain poor now. They cannot account for cloud cover, AT ALL. They cannot account for the effects of magnetic field fluctuations of the sun, they cannot account for effects of galactic position, they cannot account for the effects cosmic ray flux, etc. The models are too simplistic to be of any real predictive value. Most of them cannot even accurately reproduce the climate changes we have seen in the last 100 years. Poor modeling of complex systems is not the thing that a bold statement of cause and effect should be built upon.

In the end, the complexities of modelling, the continued publication of papers that flat out deny human causes, and the level of anger amongst the true believers leads me to think that humans are NOT the cause of global warming.
2007-05-24 18:33:53 UTC
BOTH, but humans have a larger impact on this topic than climate change.

If everone would recycle, compost, use less energy, buy ONLY what you need, and keep our cars running, rather than up dating on the latest model....We would'nt have such bad results.

My husband & I have made several changes in our lifestyle...We have replaced all incadescent light bulbs with cfl's, started composting our kitchen scraps, quit using store bought cleaning supplies & started making our own out of vinegar, lemon juice, baking soda, borax, peroxide & water. We barrel all of our water, whether its rain water or dish & shower water(we water the plants with this rather than use the water hose.) We stopped using store bags & started taking our own reusable shopping bags, we stopped using a/c & installed several ceiling fans & floor fans, we planted trees to shade our home instead of dependig on the a/c.We even stopped using paper napkins & I made reusable cloth napkins, and we also hung a clothes line so we don't have to use the dryer in spring to fall.

There are so many things we can do to help prevent further global warming. We even started walking to places instead of using the vehicles as much. If everyone pitched in & did their part, we would'nt be damaging our earth as bad. The earth is like our body we only have one & it's gone. We just take for granted the things that science has created & think it could'nt be bad or they wouldn't have made it. That's not true. It's all about the money. Scientists ddon't care if the earth will be here after their gone, they just want to succeed while they;'re here....

Not eveyone can go to the extreme that my husband and I have....I am a house wife & this is what I do to help out with ills, & the earth. If you can make a point to do 3 or more of the things I have listed above & get more & more people to do the same then we all can make a big difference in what is taking place. We can't mend what has already happened, but we can slow it down & not cause anymore UNNECISSARY pollution. I am no environmental guru, but I believe we need to take care of what GOD gave us...
2007-05-24 18:34:52 UTC
Global warming is going to happen anyway after some thousand's of years. But, human activity since from the last decade is intensifying the change. The evidence is the fossil fuels we are burning, the sudden and steady increase of temperature year over year. The spring like winters, the winter like spring season. The warm europe, alps wiothout snow on their caps and global warming is like a chain reaction. It's triggering in one place and is spreading it's repurcussions everywhere.
2007-05-24 18:23:36 UTC
We are partly cause of global warming. Car exhausts to a normal household item such as aerosol cans emit dangerous gases into the air. This depletes the o-zone layer, letting harmful UV rays through. That's only the beginning. If the problem gets worse, we could pssibly experience an ice age, but much earlier than normal. The hot, then cold, then hot again weather pattern is the affects of global warming. It is affecting us now. Just check out The Day After Tomorrow (movie). That'll eventually happen if we don't stop this continuous pollution.
2007-05-24 18:16:10 UTC
I think we are causing the global warming and have so for decades without ever thinking much about it. Yes there are climate shifts and there always have been, but not so severe and not so fast. Over the last 150 years the worlds population has exploded and we all want and need and so we are putting out more CO2 and all the other pollutants and if we don't change our behaviours soon, I fear it will just get worth with the extreme weather conditions.
2007-05-24 18:09:31 UTC
We'll never know for sure, because obviously there's only one way things can happen. We are probably never going to find out if global warming would have been as strong without us, and if we could exclude any human influence, we wouldn't be able to find out if human influence could have strengthened it.

My guess however is that we could pollute all we want, it would probably not make that much a difference when looking at the big picture.
2007-05-24 20:44:48 UTC
There's nothing new under the sun. The climate will cycle, and it has nothing to do with humans using too many fuels or anything else. I personally think global warming is a laughable joke. The earth has survived this many years, it'll be ok.
2007-05-24 18:40:05 UTC
The world has been going through these shifts since it began to exist. However, WE are the cause for the latest shift(s). We don't care and we show it. We put so many millions of tons of isht into the air and water every year. The earlier planetary climate shifts resulted in our pleasant world of today. But OUR[human] existence is ruining that beauty.
2007-05-24 18:18:23 UTC
Global warming is caused primarily by humans and "nearly all climate scientists today" agree with that viewpoint, the new head of the National Academy of Sciences -- a climate scientist himself -- said Wednesday.

Ralph Cicerone's views contrasted with Bush administration officials' emphasis on uncertainty about how much carbon dioxide and other industrial gases warm the atmosphere like a greenhouse.

"Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is now at its highest level in 400,000 years and it continues to rise," said Cicerone, an atmospheric scientist who left as chancellor of University of California-Irvine to become academy president this month. "Nearly all climate scientists today believe that much of Earth's current warming has been caused by increases in the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, mostly from the burning of fuels."




07/22/05 03:26 PM

Re: Scientists: Humans cause global warming

I hope Diogenes doesn't see this, lest he have an apoplectic fit:

GOP lawmakers warming to climate change concept


July 22, 2005

WASHINGTON ? Republican senators who have opposed action to deal with global warming said yesterday they now accept that the Earth's climate is changing and human activity is the cause.

But at a hearing of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, they continued to express skepticism over whether the world can use conservation and renewable energy sources to solve the problem.

"I have grown to believe, as many of my colleagues have, that there is a substantial human effect on the environment," said Sen. Larry Craig, R-Idaho, traditionally part of a core group of Senate Republicans who have fought legislation to deal with climate change.

Craig said the country must turn to nuclear power to produce electricity that does not result in additional emissions of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.

"I don't think the issue is whether we have a major international problem," said Sen. Pete Domenici, R-N.M. "I think the question is how do we solve it, and I think we have too many people talking as if it's simple."

Some advocates of action on global warming saw the hearing as evidence of a political shift, despite President Bush's refusal to join other world leaders in advocating mandatory action on the issue.

Opinion polls show that almost as many registered and self-described Republicans as Democrats believe the climate is changing and human activity is responsible.



07/22/05 08:32 PM

Re: Scientists: Humans cause global warming

Its not whether or not its happening that?s the main point of contention among scientists.

The big questions are how much, at what rate, for how long, and most importantly to what affect. That is what is hotly debated.
2007-05-24 20:30:45 UTC
Global Warming is not that much of our fauly maybe 60% is our fault an 40% is our enviormant's fault humans 60% of the humans fault because factories, cars ect. and 40% is our enviormant's fault because volcanos, wildfires ect. to help global warming try getting those special light bulbs if everybody has them in the world it is like taking 2 million cars of the road.
2007-05-24 18:13:58 UTC
While I do believe that the climate would shift on its own at some point, I for one do believe that we are the cause of this "speedy" global warming. We are the cause of this Greenhouse Effect and it's going to take some serious and not to mention extremely quick actions to slow it down. to even have a chance to slow it, we need to seriously reduce our dependency on oil.... but I doubt that's going to happen when people are steadily purchasing gas-guzzling vehicles.
2007-05-24 19:28:07 UTC
My college biology instructor said that we have little to do with it. The earth is coming out of the ice age and is still in the process of thawing. They have found fossils of tropical plants in South Dakota, suggesting that it once had a tropical climate.
Holiday Magic
2007-05-24 18:09:14 UTC
My honest opinion is BOTH. There have been many climate shifts over billions of years, but there also were never so many people, vehicles, trash, pollutants, etc. on the earth.
2007-05-24 23:42:20 UTC
we are partly the cause for global warming, but also the cause is the volcanic activity, weathering of limestone, breathing, methane clathrate-- if you do not know what methane clathrate is, it is methane ice which may cause feedback mechanism as earth continues to warm up, burning of biomass, wildfires(something we can not always control).
2007-05-24 18:35:20 UTC

put a grape seed in front of your car...

Imagine the seed is a cathedral in size... like 200-400ft high.

Your car by its size represents the quantity of fossil carbon used by the mankind in combustion since the beginning.

Now multiply the volume of the car by around 2400 and you have the volume of CO2 added in the atmosphere.
2007-05-24 20:57:23 UTC
Environmental impact study suggests that the actual damage caused by illegal immigration is far worse than the hypothetical harm fencing could cause.

2007-05-24 18:10:32 UTC
Type in: did humans cause global warming. Pick the top answer and click on it. Apparently yes we have contributed to it with greenhouse gasses, now what that is I'll have to look further.

And if someone knows how I can send a link to these please let me know.
2007-05-24 19:36:07 UTC
First of all, go out an rent An Inconveniant Truth. Unfortunately, copyright law prohibits the free showing of this movie on the internet (somebody wants to make money!).

Also see The Great Global Warming Swindle at google videos:

and then check up on the sources stated in both movies and come up to your own conclusion.


The IPCC report can be found here:


A summery video of the IPCC report can be found here:


Read this article:


Also search out "Michael Crichton Speech" on youtube. Since Michael Crichton only speeks to intellectual audiences and never does popular television, youtube is usually the best place to find his talks on Global Warming.


The Global Warming debate is a great opportunity for you and the rest of the world to learn how to use reasoning skills and the scientific method. You can figure out the BS for instance: statements like these:

"Opinions vary within groups and sub-groups and opponents of global warming are most likely to be... white, born-again Christian, Americans living in the south of the country, males, Republicans / Conservatives, household income of between $50 and $75,000" found at

by asking questions like, Where is the evidence that this is true? Are people who are skeptical of global warming theory really religious conservatives? What if the majority are Liberals who cherish the Scientific method and reason above immediate advantages of presenting an incomplete or wrong science? How did the site do the research to come up with the result given above? Was it a statistical analysis? Was it done by a scientific body or University study? How does one look at statistical research? What about claims to accuracy?

Should a political opinion poll have any bearing on your analysis of global warming?


Make sure you look at a balanced set of evidence from both sides of the controversey. Here's a scientific article in support of the IPCC theory with lots of links to scientific data.


Here's a letter from Chris Landsea as to why he left the IPCC on grounds that the integrity of science was in jeopardy:


Be a skeptic and an investigator. Search out and study. No-one can teach you better than your own reasoning power.


We all hear that scientists are being ridiculed and denied funding for research that does not meet the "prefered" outcome. Even Al Gore mentions it in his movie. What you don't know is WHICH SCIENTISTS are being ridiculed for their research. Do a search on the internet and find out who is ridiculing who with slander, accusations, and intimidation. One group is only arguing with facts. Another is using slanderous tactics. Do your own research and decide for yourself who is slandering who with falsely and unfairly discrediting the scientist and not debating the science.


Let's keep skepticism alive in science. Belief is for religion. science is about questioning assumtions. In science one person can be right when the consenses says the world is flat. That is the power of science.

Never before in the history of mankind has science been in such danger as it is today. When few people hear this:

and the majority only hear one view and is being told it is unanimousley "believed" by scientists and those who disagree are either in the payroll of oil companies, are religious conservatives, or don't know science - name calling is not how science works. It reminds one of the Inquisition and religious fundumentalism.

Be wary when arguements fall into name calling and Inquisition like behavior. We went through the Enlightenment to free ourselves from the Church, we don't need a new Church of Politics to replace it.

I personally consider myself so far in the political left that I find most democrats to be conservative. I've been involved in Green movements since age 12. To me, the most important thing is Integrity. And Science has been all about Integrity, that is why I'm in this field.

So make up your own mind and don't let anyone tell you what you can't find out or verify for yourself.
2007-05-24 18:42:23 UTC
Part cause but definitely responsible!

Why? We have the "brains" to prevent/slow it down by ways!
2007-05-24 20:35:05 UTC
I know most people will not read this post, they will just give me a thumbs down so here’s a summary of questions for the global warming crowd to think about, these have not been answered or even acknowledged by the global warming community.

- Why does CO2 always rise after temperature?

- Why is Mars warming?

- If temperature is raise by CO2 than why did global temperature drop between 1940 and 1970 while CO2 continued to rise?

- Why is the troposphere cooling if the greenhouse effect is the source of the earth’s warming?

- What about the numerous studies showing the sun is the cause of temperature change?

- Who funds global warming scientists?

- Why is a scientific consensus claimed?

- Why can you still see marks on rocks that mark the water level in the 1800’s?

- Why is the center of the artic and Antarctic ice shelves cooling?

- Why are the same glaciers retreating on one edge and expanding on the other?

Finally read this:

The idea of man made global warming is false; it is based on false, misinterpreted, or biased evidence. When “An Inconvenient Truth” came out it was supposed to be the final word in proving global warming exists, but it did not. It was hosted solely by a politician who has no scientific training and presented only 2 graphs. According to these sources almost everything Al Gore claimed was either false or greatly exaggerated.

For a movie that debunks global warming (hosted by actual scientists and presenting more than 2 graphs) look here:

This scientist says it will be a joke in 5 years:

One of the biggest claims by the global warming crowd is that there is a scientific consensus, this is a blatant and shameful lie. This claim is made to coerce you into belief because there is no opposition, right? Wrong, these 17,000+ scientists would disagree with the idea of a scientific consensus.

Come to think of it when is the last time you heard that there is a scientific consensus that actually cited numbers? There never has been, people will claim that 90% of scientists agree, this number is made up. Here are the real numbers:

It seems there is a scientific consensus against global warming.

Some people will ask if I expect all the scientists who agree with global warming will come out one day and say we were joking, fooled you. No I don’t believe that, this will happen:

Here’s 21 pages of disagreement:

Here’s some general information on my position.

The central claim by the global warming crowd is that human generated CO2 is causing the current warming of the earth, this is false. An ice core sample like the one Al Gore showed actually shows the opposite, temperature rises the concentration of CO2.

The global warming crowd hardly ever shows this graph, they will only show graphs of the last 50 years or so, that is because if you take any particular 50 years it appears that CO2 is leading temperature, go ahead try it with the spike 250,000 years ago.

This is because a rise in temperature causes the sea to give up stored CO2:

Here’s another ice core study that clearly shows a cyclical pattern in earth’s temperature, we are currently at a warming phase.

The main greenhouse gas is water vapor, which accounts for 95% of the greenhouse effect, CO2 only accounts for 3.6%. It makes up only .03% of our atmosphere. Of that only a about 6Gt of that comes from humans another 150Gt comes from animals.

This is the official NASA CO2 center, they have been studying atmospheric CO2 long before global warming was an issue, they conclude that CO2 is not the cause of warming.

If the earth was warming due to the greenhouse effect the troposphere would also be warming thus radiating the heat to the surface of the earth, but its not, the troposphere is actually cooling, only the earths surface is heating pointing to a more direct source of warming.

And the claim that our current levels of CO2 are unprecedented are also false:

If CO2 determines temperature why did the temperature drop between the years of 1940 and 1970 while the concentration of CO2 increased?

The sun is causing our warming along with interplay between the sea currents. For proof look at the fact that mars is also warming.

Time to dispel myths of global warming:

1) Last year was the hottest year on record.

False, a number of sources above address this and so does this one

The world has actually cooled since 1998.

2) This warming is unprecedented.

False the medieval warm period was actually warmer. Grapes were grown in England, trees existed in place where there are now glaciers.

3) Glaciers are melting.

False, only portions are melting the cores are actually cooling. Some edges are decreasing while other expand.

4) Sea levels will increase 20 feet flooding costal cities.

False this is a lie by Al gore, even the IPCC does not agree with this. The seas are increasing in some areas and decreasing in others.

5) This current idea is a first climate crisis.

False, in the 1970’s there was a scare of global cooling. A scientific consensus was claimed, evidence poured in, and now, global warming. Hundreds of studies came in supporting the idea but we now know this idea was wrong.

6) Computer models predict further warming.

The computer models are unreliable, they all depend on dozens of assumptions, if any one is wrong the whole model is wrong. Also every model assumes human CO2 causes temperature increase so the outcome is always more warming. Computer models by scientists on the other side predict cooling.

7) The only scientists who disagree are paid by big oil.

This is false, most are paid by non partisan groups. This also begs a counter question, who pays global warming scientists? The answer big environmental companies who make millions off selling global warming materials, alternate fuels, green living products, etc.

Now the IPCC. Some will claim that the IPCC addressed solar impact and natural sources of CO2, they didn’t, see for yourself:

The IPCC is a political organization that knows what it will conclude before it starts its science. It has published a fake graph (the hockey stick graph) and later had to retract the report after THEY admitted it was wrong, yet they still use the graph. Scientists who disagreed with global warming were either excluded or censored.

If you actually read this post you should at least realize that global warming is not an absolute truth, it is the subject of active scientific debate.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.