I have a PhD in statistics. I have told these people time and time again that you simply can not predict out 100 years off of 150 years of the most accurate data (and this data is anything but the most accurately maintained data). If you do, your confidence intervals would be so inherently large as to be entirely useless. They make some stupid claim that they are dealing with known physical processes so they will follow a specific pattern. It seems to make no difference to them that much of the modeling is a guess and there are many unknowns in the modeling process, including whether clouds serve as a negative or positive feedback. Aside from the fact that statistics was not developed with the caveat that you get to shorten your confidence intervals for physical processes, the amount of uncertainty in the climate is large.
You can see from the stupidity of their answers that they have no idea what they are talking about when it comes to modeling. Their pretext of knowing how a jet engine works is absolutely foolish. A better analogy is saying how long a jet engine will work before failing when you have only tested 1 jet engine to failure. Your confidence intervals will be huge.
This is to be expected though. Paul's Alias has a PhD in physics, yet does not know how to do a simple linear regression. This is something that is currently being taught in high school and I have personally taught to undergraduate psychology majors. If these processes were so well known, then they would be able to predict the weather out more than 1 week, but they can't. The averaging of temps reduces the variability, but it does not change the climate modeling process into something that is not subject to rules of statistics. Their pretense that it does shows their inability to think beyond the garbage that they have eagerly fed on.
IF we knew all of the variables with a high degree of accuracy, you may be able to claim determinism, but that is simply not the case and you know it. Statistics is designed to model uncertainty. There are many factors that are uncertain in climate modeling. You can not arbitrarily point to deterministic processes and pretend like this makes a difference, when the uncertainty is so large. One can make the claim of determinism on everything, in fact many have said that if you have all of the information on the initial state of the universe, you could predict everything to the color of shirt I am going to wear tomorrow, and yet we still use statistics. Why? Because of uncertainty.
Let me use your own example. That ball that you have thrown up in the air and you know all of the forces that are currently working on that ball. Can you tell me exactly where it is going to land. From your logic, you would sya so, but the truth is that there are other forces that will come into play as the ball falls back to Earth. The force of the wind acting on that ball at the time that you measured will not be the same force as a second later. Now when you tell me exactly where it will land, you will be wrong with 100% certainty. That may be the average location, but that will not be exactly where it lands. If you understand that every can be considered deterministic, but nothing is perfectly measurable, than you will know that statistics should be used, you can place a confidence interval and an area where the ball will land and you will be right 95% of the time not 0%.
I'm going to call you out on your BS. You gave a poorly worded problems and insufficient detail. You want some idiot general answer that in no way answers the question then go to someone who has no idea about statistics. You want an answer that you can use, then provide me with the details that I have asked for. Any fool can give an opinion on an ill-formed question. A professional statistician asks questions and pulls out details so that the answer that they are giving is well-informed. If you ever run across a statistician and ask them a question and they do not ask for more details, you run, because I can tell you in no uncertain terms that that person does not know what they are doing.
Further, it is not an insult to say that someone who does not know how to perform a simple linear regression indeed does not know how to perform a simple linear regression. It is, however, an insult to imply a lack of statistical knowledge, as you have, about someone that has forgotten more statistics than you have ever known.
I do not care about your pedigree. I am sure you are a fine physicist, but if you want to talk intelligently about computer modeling you need to have a greater knowledge in stats then you have. If you want to pretend as if you undertand computer modeling better than I, you better know how to do basic simple linear regression, or I will call you out on it.
I love it when people try to speak for others. You have no idea how the conversation would go between me and a statistician in the field. Your pretense of this knowledge is laughable, just as your stupid assumption that you had defined the problem very well when you hadn't even stated what you intend to do with the data. I have seen people like you come in all of the time to the stats department for help. We have to fix your problems when if you would have come to us in the first place the problems would not have been there and you could have used a simple t-test. Your arrogance is pathetically unwarranted.
And thank you for confirming two of my points.
1.) That you are talking about a book in which the conditions, initial assumptions and what you are actually trying to do with the data are discussed. I can guarantee that this discussion is far longer than the short question you posted. Once again, your arrogance in presuming that your question was well defined is unfounded.
2.) You were simply trying to test knowledge and thus lying. I knew you were a liar from the start, thanks for once again demonstrating this so that others will know.
Lying some more? Cool I have come to expect it with you. Thank god none of the garbage you do actually matters. Oh no the temps will increase by <1 degree. Affect on the world is nothing. I am glad they are keeping self-righteous pompous POSes that have no business in science busy with a non-issue.
Further, you have still not addressed the issue with the fact that your pretense to determinism is false. Why? Because you can't, then only thing you have the ability to do is some vain attempt to refence some people through third hand information and then try to denigrate a person for asking clarification on a question. Your worthless shines through once again.
I have explained this many times but I will again. It is the same reason that all of the climate models are running hot. They use the logic that correlation equals causation from the past. The truth is that they do not use the 150 years worth of data they have, but surrogates of surrogates over millions of years to create the climate models. These surrogates of surrogate only cover a very small number of the variables that would be used for climate modeling. One of these variables is the CO2 content. So they try to find the"climate sensitivity" to CO2. They pretend as if this is the same as the correlation between CO2 and temps, but it is not. The correlation is caused by two factors. 1.) CO2 is a GHG and causes warming 2.) Warming causes the ocean to not be able to hold as much CO2. Only the first factor can be used in the climate sensitivity when modeling from the past, because in the past there was no artificial CO2 being added to the environment. Consequently, the models will alwayus overestimate. Given the exponential shape of the model created, a small overestimation now will lead to large ones 100 years from now. Now one of the things that Pegminer doesn't mention because he only pulls third hand info from statisticians, is that 150 years is nowhere near enough time to model 150 years in the future. No statistician would say that it is. They would, however, use the millions of years of data from the surrogate information. Further as the scientists are traditionally the ones who do the logic and give the numbers to the stats people to analyze, very few statisticians would take the time ensure that the mistake of correlation equals causation was not made, nor would they consider it part of their job.
The funniest part of this whoel thing is that no real climatologist would say that you are using just 150 years of data. None. The morons who proclaim their great stature, do not even seem to realize this. THEY ARE USING PALEOCLIMATE DATA!!!! HELLLLOOOOO!!!
Once again, thank god they are pulling these psuedo-scientists that talk a big game but know nothing onto a fake problem. God forbid they be placed into the pharma industry. They would say a drug works for everyone because we tested it on 1 person but it is a deterministic model. The death count would be horrific.
Oh read Dana's comment kudos for actually catching this.
I truly can not comprehend your worthlessness. I ask clarification questions, do not receive the answers and now you are acting like I could not answer your question. At least when you asked the question, you had enough sense not to act like a knowitall ****. Evidently the greener crowd you hang with is sucking your brains out and replacing them with arrogance.
Pegminer, Once again since you seem to be exceeedingly slow or purposefully stupid. Paul's Alias can not do linear regression. I have a PhD in stats. You cannot predict 100 years out in the future with 150 years of data, and you will not find a statistician even amongst atmospheric climate researcher who will suggest that you can. They use the paleoclimate data and only people who have little understanding of statis