2009-05-23 11:18:08 UTC
When they say that man made global warming can't be true because the sun is the major force behind climate, are they implying that they believe there are no other variables that influence climate?
When they each support their statements with the same links to op-eds and youtube videos or websites like drroyspencer and almost never any actual science, are they admitting they can't find any hard science to support their crusade?
When they attack al gore and use other ad hominems as their rhetoric instead of scientific data, are they sidestepping the issue because (again) they have no actual scientific data to begin with?
Lastly, why do cons say it's arrogant for man to assume that humans can play any major role in climate (despite well-documented phenomenon like acid rain and eutrophication), yet don't find it arrogant to assume that an uneducated (in climatology) laymen like themselves could be correct and EVERY major scientific organization be wrong?