in both your cases, there really is debate among the experts, but the nature of that debate is misrepresented, by people with a nonscientific axe to grind, as a non-existent disagreement about fundamentals.
Within evolution, there is healthy and vigorous expert debate about mechanisms, the nature of the first evolving systems, the importance of horizontal gene transfer, the role of "junk DNA", and more. Creationists misrepresent this as disagreement about the fundamentals of common ancestry and natural selection.
Within climate science, there is genuine disagreement about the magnitude of feedback effects, and hence the all-important question of the *extent* of warming that would occur under, say, business as usual, but there is no disagreement (despite what you sometimes see in this section) about the fact that increased CO2 is due to human activity, and that there is warming in the past 50 years for which that increased CO2 is the only plausible explanation.
Within quantum mechanics, there are profound disagreements about the interpretation of "uncertainty", but you won't find Faux News or Sarah the Self-styled Grizzly pretending that there are scientists who *reject* quantum mechanics, because politically speaking nothing is at stake.