Adapting non-fossil fuel power unless it is hydro or nuclear is just plain suicide. It will literally kill thousands if not millions as it is already doing in the UK.
The US electric grid is already at its limit.
, April 23, 2014 -- America’s power grid at the limit: the road to electrical blackouts
This past winter, bitterly cold weather placed massive stress on the US electrical system―and the system almost broke. On January 7 in the midst of the polar vortex, PJM Interconnection, the Regional Transmission Organization serving the heart of America from New Jersey to Illinois, experienced a new all-time peak winter load of almost 142,000 megawatts.
Eight of the top ten of PJM’s all-time winter peaks occurred in January 2014. Heroic efforts by grid operators saved large parts of the nation’s heartland from blackouts during record-cold temperature days. Nicholas Akins, CEO of American Electric Power, stated in Congressional testimony, “This country did not just dodge a bullet―we dodged a cannon ball.”
Environmental policies established by Congress and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are moving us toward electrical grid failure. The capacity reserve margin for hot or cold weather events is shrinking in many regions. According to Philip Moeller, Commissioner of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, “…the experience of this past winter indicates that the power grid is now already at the limit.”
10/20/2011 Almost 3,000 people die each year as a result of fuel poverty, inquiry finds
March 24, 2013 Freezing Britain's unusually harsh winter could have cost thousands of pensioners their lives.
...About 2,000 extra deaths were registered in just the first two weeks of March compared with the average for the same period over the past five years.
'An increase in fuel costs and the extended winter means that more people are going to suffer, and more will be unable to afford to eat and heat their homes. It's a scary prospect.'...
Solar and Wind is intermittent it can never replace base load. More over that means you lose power in the middle of snow storms when the solar panels and wind turbines are iced up. and when the electric demand is highest.
Second and more important, solar and wind are diffuse. They are weak. Renewable-- incident solar power or wind power will never meet our required energy needs. They can NEVER be met that way. It is physically impossible without a return to 1700s technology and even that required coal for producing iron. It is a pipe dream. Solar, wind, biofuel, geothermal, can never do it. They WILL never do it. The watts just don’t exist in the required density, and never will.
There are now 1.5 million rooftop installations in Australia. The average for all of them is 2.2KW, and that is virtually the same on a Worldwide basis. Because of the nature of solar PV, they only generate power while the Sun is shining on them, and even that is variable., The absolute best case for a Mid Summer day which is cloud free, sort of looking like a half sine wave during daylight hours, so the only time it is even close to maximum generation is for a couple of hours at Peak Sun. Keep in mind that this is for a large array totalling 1300KW at that time, so even then, it never reaches the total Nameplate.
This is expressed as the Capacity Factor, (CF) and for Australia, the average year round CF for rooftop solar power is around 12.5%. They have an absolute best case life span of 25 years, and after ten years, generation steadily decreases, so that CF falls away, and in most cases, it starts to fall away after five years.
Using BEST Case.
the total power generated by the average rooftop system of 2.2KW over the full 25 years at best case CF is as follows.
0.0022 X 24 X 365.25 X 0.125 X 25 = 60.266MWH (MegaWattHours)
(where 0.0022 is Nameplate, here 2.2KW or 0.0022MW, 24 hours in a day, 365.25 days in a year, leap year as the extra .25. 0.125 is 12.5% CF, and 25 years, with the answer expressed in MWH)
Have you got that. That’s over the full 25 year life span of the average 2.2KW rooftop system.
SIXTY MegaWattHours – six zero.
Sunk in yet?
Bayswater has a Nameplate of 2640MW, so if that plant ran all four units, (typical) for one hour then it generates 2640MWH.
Bayswater will generate 60.266MWH in ….. one minute and 22 seconds.
So, the average rooftop system will generate for 25 years the same power as Bayswater delivers in 82 SECONDS.
So, effectively, that average rooftop system on ONE home has save 82 seconds worth of CO2 emitted from Bayswater.
Don’t you just love it when the reality of Mathematics reduces the seemingly sublime to the absolutely ridiculous.
82 bl00dy seconds of coal power = 25 years worth of solar power generation.
Next look at wind power.
Let's look at the new Obama plan, that would only cost around $8.4 Billion.
let’s pretend they can construct these wind plants for around half of what they are currently costing.
So then, $8.4 Billion would see, under this cheaper costing, eight new huge scale wind plants.
That’s 8 plants of 200 towers, each topped by a 3MW generator nacelle, so, a 600MW wind plant, and eight of them in all.
So, that gives us a Nameplate of 8 X 600MW, so 4800MW Nameplate.
Total yearly power generated is:
4800 X 24 X 365.25 X 0.3 giving us a yearly power delivery of 12,623GWH
Now keep in mind that this will be the ultimate cost to replace 32% of the coal fired power fleet.
So, the current delivery from that coal fired power fleet is 1,585,697GWH.
Then, 32% of that is 476,000GWH, and that’s the power he’s cutting, with this 32% reduction in the coal fired fleet.
So, we are replacing 476,000GWH of existing power delivery with 12,623GWH of new power delivery.
What the!
That’s getting rid of a whole lot of electrical power (over 12% of current, 476,000GWH) and replacing it with only 2.65% of what they just gotten rid of.
Why are we pursueing this idiocy? Because it is a big money transfer from the poor and middle class to the elite. The oil companies LOVE renewables. Renewables are a great way to get government money. Virtually all large oil companies own wind plants and some solar. They make a guaranteed amount of money from these whether or not they produce what was promised. They get generous tax breaks and generous handouts. The Greens are in effect giving the oil companies many millions of dollar through their green subsidies because there is no requirement that the builder not hold oil, gas or coal plants. Nor will there ever be. Warren Buffet, Anschutz in Colorado, Duke Energy will all make absolutely certain the gravy train keeps rolling. I keep pointing out that those “green projects” make tons of money for oil and gas, directly.
Enron And BP Invented The US Global Warming Industry