Why do some people think that global warming will kill us?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Why do some people think that global warming will kill us?
33 answers:
2007-09-08 17:28:30 UTC
Considering most of the people who think this are in high school, I would blame it on the public education system. That's what they teach here in the US.
Mr. Cheese
2007-09-08 16:58:28 UTC
They just think GW means the end of the world thats all.
2007-09-13 08:39:19 UTC
Fires, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, floods and tornadoes will take a greater toll as we can already see. Probably the greatest factor, extinction of the human species would be in changes to the air we breath, the amounts of CO2, oxygen and nitrogen and the changes in their proportions. Too much CO2 is going to decrease the amount of oxygen available to breath. (I am personally open to mutation if that will solve the problem) Even a very small percentage can effect us adversely. I'm anxious to spend a weekend at some new tropical beach on the Arctic Ocean as soon as it's developed. I understand the northern lights will be fantastic.
2007-09-09 09:20:11 UTC
Scientists usually publish their research papers In scientific journals but not tabloids and this is the reason why you never heard about this "worst case" scenario.
2007-09-09 08:51:58 UTC
Trevor wrote: "It's certainly not what the scientists are saying and as far as I'm aware it's not what the media are saying."

Stephen W Hawking thinks global warming will kill us. You may not know who is Stephen W Hawking anyway

In an ABC News interview in August 2006, Stephen W Hawking explained, "The danger is that global warming may become self-sustaining, if it has not done so already. The melting of the Arctic and Antarctic ice caps reduces the fraction of solar energy reflected back into space, and so increases the temperature further. Climate change may kill off the Amazon and other rain forests, and so eliminate one of the main ways in which carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere. The rise in sea temperature may trigger the release of large quantities of methane, trapped as hydrates on the ocean floor. Both these phenomena would increase the greenhouse effect, and so further global warming. We have to reverse global warming urgently, if we still can."
2007-09-08 19:52:51 UTC
I've seen several tv shows with scientists from all over the globe talking about global warming on the public tv stations locallysaying that the sun is heating up, saying what at the moment is keeping the sun's heat from getting to us at the moment is smog. That we need to reduce the smog so we can breathe, but the smog is what's presently keeping us from going into desert mode, but if we do remove the smog (which the US and Europe have been cleaning up their smog but China and India aren't so much so but both are producing a lot) then the heat will get us. They say it's a double edged sword and by mid century we'd feel the sun's effects, and high waters...unless we put less oil, coal, and gas burning into the atmosphere, but still that the sun will take its effect on the world raising by 18 degrees F causing fires, same as it happened 50M years ago. .They say it's moving faster than ever these days toward that situation.
2007-09-08 19:15:52 UTC
Both sides of the debate are responsible.

GW believers often use hyperbole to get their point across (I'm guilty of this), in the hopes it will persuade the undecided. This strategy often backfires.

GW detractors like to portray GW theory proponents as raving lunatics calling for the end of the world, in order to dismiss their ideas and discredit them in the eyes of GW agnostics and the undecided.

All political footballs by nature go back and forth, and never float in place. GW is no exception.
2007-09-08 17:01:05 UTC
because of global warming the earth will soon become too hot for us to live here and then another ice age will happen
2016-10-20 03:23:23 UTC
in case you reside in a wealthy united states of america it won't kill you. even though it is going to fee huge sums of money to relocate human beings and stuff removed from the coasts, and alter how we strengthen vegetation. so which you would be critically poorer. once you're in a nasty united states of america you run a threat of starving to dying by way of fact of harm to agriculture. there's no ought to magnify the end results of global warming. fact is undesirable sufficient.
2007-09-08 23:59:44 UTC
Well, Trevor, taking a look at Zach's answer just above mine is revealing:

"I'll tell you, THEY ARE ALL GOING TO EVAPORATE BECAUSE OF THE HEAT, HOW WILL ANY LIFE ON THIS PLANET SURVIVE WITH OUT WATER. It's impossible, we are all going to die with out water.

Do you understand, NOW?


It's a FACT "

The pedantic tone, as if he could actually teach you something on the matter, is disturbing and humorous in a nervous laughter kind of way. It makes me think of the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution, when one could be in favor of the revolt against the aristocracy but still end up at the business end of a guillotine for not subscribing to the particular mob rule du jour. Then, as now, there was a great stirring of emotions and engaging of the populace as a means towards an end. In doing so, there is always the danger that a popular movement can establish a "mind of its own" and actually obstruct the path towards that end...or venture off on a new one altogether.

We have not seen eye to eye on many things, but I do stand with you on the notion that ALL of us could and SHOULD benefit from conserving our environment: weaning ourselves from non-renewable fuels, re-evaluating our priorities when it leads to needless overconsumption, reducing our negative impact on the environment, and ameliorating the damage we have already created. That attitude, if adopted by all, would reduce anthropogenic GHGs to the point where the planet's natural cycles/buffers could easily compensate, making our contribution to GCC moot.

All of this would be independent of what one believes the science of global warming to be. It would be totally academic. Much as one does not need to know of the particular theories of gravity in order to have a rudimentary knowledge of how it applies to our every day lives, one does not need to know exactly the science of climatology to understand how to be a better steward of the environment.

Religious zealots still employ the threat of eternal damnation to all those who don't follow "the path" to salvation, to everlasting life with the Creator. Somehow, it is more effective than imploring us to be "good, for goodness' sake" and leaving redemption in the hands of the Divine. Something very much like that is at play here...and it appears to be more the former than the latter.
2007-09-08 17:15:36 UTC
That ISN'T exactly what the media, and you yourself, have said in the past? That's funny (funny hmmm, not funny haha). Then where does the current figure of 150,000 deaths per year attributed to Global Warming come from?

Are you Trevor or the ghost of Trevor acting up again?

I also think the "Will it kill us?" questions are fake for the most part .. they all follow exactly the same format: "I am 10, I don't wanna die!" ... guess what, 10 is too young to be on this site, bye bye. LMAO ... now it's "I am 15, I don't wanna die!" so now they make the cut off age. Very peculiar.

EDIT: Jay K, I understand what you are saying but you cannot attribute any single weather event solely due to Global Warming. Katrina may or may not have happened in spite of Global Warming. You cannot say there is a direct relationship, that is incorrect, sorry. What you CAN say is there is a higher likelihood of higher severity storms more often (ie the 100 year storm is becoming the 10 year storm).
2007-09-09 22:35:32 UTC
Read this....

A follow-up report by the IPCC released in April 2007 said the following

Sea level may rise

Some small islands are in danger

Glaciers around the world could melt, causing sea levels to rise while creating water shortages in regions dependent on runoff for fresh water.

Strong hurricanes, droughts, heat waves, wildfires, and other natural disasters may become commonplace in many parts of the world. The growth of deserts may also cause food shortages in many places.

More than a million species face extinction from disappearing habitat, changing ecosystems, and acidifying oceans.

Global warming could lead to large-scale food and water shortages and have catastrophic effects on wildlife.
2007-09-13 19:02:04 UTC
Global warming is changing the weather patterns, causing droughts as well as floods, not to mention gigantic hurricanes that come before the hurricane season, all of which are devastating millions around the world. Many people are dying of dehydration everyday. Also, there has been studies of polar bears and other animals that the pollutants are causing the male reproductive organ to shrink, which leads to a decline in sex drive. Slowly, the population will decline as well, since the death rate will greatly surpass the birth rate.
eric c
2007-09-09 03:58:46 UTC
Al Gore’s film An Inconvenient Truth does indeed have some correct facts, but as he even says himself, sometimes you have to over-exaggerate to send the message to people:

Q. There's a lot of debate right now over the best way to communicate about global warming and get people motivated. Do you scare people or give them hope? What's the right mix?

A. I think the answer to that depends on where your audience's head is. In the United States of America, unfortunately we still live in a bubble of unreality. And the Category 5 denial is an enormous obstacle to any discussion of solutions. Nobody is interested in solutions if they don't think there's a problem. Given that starting point, I believe it is appropriate to have an over-representation of factual presentations on how dangerous it is, as a predicate for opening up the audience to listen to what the solutions are, and how hopeful it is that we are going to solve this crisis. (Interview with Grist Magazine’s David Roberts and Al Gore about An Inconvenient Truth)
2007-09-09 18:00:24 UTC
My guess is that it comes from watching 'An Inconvenient Truth', which basically presents the worst case scenario and as I recall doesn't present much of a timeline. That combination has the potential to cause confusion such as this.

It's true that global warming will kill some of 'us' (approximately 150,000 per year currently, but mostly in third world countries), but the fear that it will kill everyone is simply a misunderstanding, probably stemming from Gore's film.
2007-09-08 20:29:57 UTC
this is what you people wanted

scare people into action.

your doing it by saying there will be floods, droughts, no food.

hell, you claim 150,000 deaths so far from global warming.

how can you honestly be confused how people don't think that it's going to kill people?

now, you sit back and wonder how this came about?

come on.

mass hysteria has been used since the 60's.

it's right out of your playbook.

save the children.

future generations.

must act now before it's too late.


never mind not one prediction environmentalists have made has come true.

shame on you! ALL OF YOU!

kids are committing suicide at an alarming rate. now you exacerbate the problem by taking away their future!


but hey, according to you people, this is a GOOD thing.

we're depopulating the earth, ONE CHILD AT A TIME. congratulations.

you people are sick and disgusting cult and it boggles the mind how you have ANY credibility.
Qweemawva Anzorla Qwartoon (Male)
2007-09-09 18:47:23 UTC
I think that we still have a decent amount of time, but that we should start acting soon, because after all, time does fly by.

I have lots of info that I think you will find quite helpful and enlightening: for excellent inspirational info within my blog to help not only our world and its creatures, but to also open peoples hearts and minds to many amazing wonders that life has to offer. I also have lots of info in my blog to help fuel peoples imaginations to many possibilities that can be found only in the minds eye.

Along with lots of environmental info, amazing environmental pictures and videos (These videos show the beauty of this world and what life can be like if people take the time to appreciate life’s true beauty).

Let us all strive for a greener/brighter future by helping to create a solid foundation for future generations to build upon, so we can hand them a beautiful world, filled with never ending awe and wonders!!

Where peoples differences and uniqueness are accepted, where we all live as one, helping one another so that we can all play our own mysteriously beautiful melodies in the never ending, awe inspiring, song of life :-)

I truly have faith in humanity and believe that someday our lives and the world in which we live will truly be transformed for the better.
2007-09-15 05:25:24 UTC
Some people think that global warming will kill us because it will raise the tempreture of the earth to such a extend that we can not live.
Big Red
2007-09-08 17:02:27 UTC
The Media gives the impression that the world is ending. That sells papers and commercial time on the TV. Movie Stars and other celebrities hop on the band wagon so they can show how concerned they are for the rest of us *dullards*.

If global warming is that much of a threat we should start thinking of Greenland as the next California. Where some see threat...others see opportunity.
Brendan M
2016-08-15 11:33:53 UTC
Because some people treat politics and special interests as a sort of a religion and climate change as sort of Armageddon.
2007-09-08 22:21:17 UTC
OK, Why is this even a question? Isn't it obvious that we're all going to die?

OK, think about it, the Earth is warming rapidly due to Global Warming. Well, what do you think is going to happen to all of our lakes, rivers, and oceans. I'll tell you, THEY ARE ALL GOING TO EVAPORATE BECAUSE OF THE HEAT, HOW WILL ANY LIFE ON THIS PLANET SURVIVE WITH OUT WATER. It's impossible, we are all going to die with out water.

Do you understand, NOW?
2007-09-08 18:55:21 UTC
they think it will kill them because they watch mega-disaster shows that are on tv constantly. the mealy-mouthed tv journalists only heat up the pot more--they do not know anything, even, sometimes, i think, how to read. they are tv stars because the population allows them to be that. the newspaper journalists write stories about GW that are made to frighten people based on little blurbs out of scientific papers that are one foot high, but they say it all in such strange gibe that you have to take a ruler to the paper to understand them (i don't even understand where the journalist professors ever studied, they put out such bad grads).

the world has gone through warm spells. it has gone through cold spells. it has had mini ice ages. it has had ice ages. the world turns, just like the soap opera title.

read this article, that tells you that the scientists have absolutely no concensus about global warming, its causes, or its affects:

then go on and live your life. however, there IS an awful lot of pollution that creates asthma in numerous children when i never saw that 40+ years ago, oil will peak out in about 18 years, and people (given politics and greed) should use birth control!

EDIT: a couple of points from what i read, below:

1. there is not one ozone hole; there are 3. they are all close to antarctica, which is why australians wear sun screen all the livelong day.

2. nobody knows how these ozone holes developed, or when they broke through the atmosphere.

3. no one knows if the holes in the ozone layer have a thing to do with "global warming."

4. it is so widely known in science that the ice covering the entire continent of antarctica (the south pole) is so thick that it would take an entire axis change of our planet, bringing it to the equator, where it would take thousands of years to melt. (there was a lot of life on antarctica ages ago--it will be interesting if and when they can core drill inside of the continent instead of at the shores to learn what life forms existed there, but i will die before that can possibly happen).

5. the pictures you see on TV of melting polar (north pole) ice and ice shelves breaking off of greenland are ALWAYS taken at the exact same geographical area. but the truth is that the rest of the north polar ice is not melting, and the ice covering greenland is getting thicker and deeper and harder, meaning there is no threat of it melting any time soon.

6. there is much new evidence existent that periods of global warming are caused by flares of the sun and always were.

7. rice paddies and rotting deciduous leaves that fall from the trees both produce CO2 and always have. a given amount of CO2 is necessary to the natural evolution of the earth.

8. THERE IS NO EVIDENCE THAT WATER WILL DRY UP ON THE EARTH!!! wonder where that one came from???

9. take a glass of water. put 3 ice cubes in it. draw a line where the highest part of the water is in the glass. let it sit on a table all day long. when the ice melts, the level of water will be precisely what it was when you left it there filled with ice cubes. this is a fact of physics. so even if all the ice of the north pole were to melt, it would not spell disaster. only a nominal rise in ocean level would result. but nobody says that the north pole is melting, and it is not.

10. polar bears are at risk because males literally hunt down females with cubs and kill and eat them.

11. but, POLLUTION is in fact a problem, as well as that:

12. we really need to find alternate energy sources since peak production of oil is going to top off soon, and the world population is large and demanding of fuel.

13. scientists are now culturing bacteria that has a waste product of pure hydrogen. that should be great. as it stands now, the energy cost to make hydrogen from water is far greater than it's worth.

14. have you ever thought about why certain populations of living things become extinct? it happens every day because the population has overgrown, sometimes because its predators died out. it may be that it is our time to die off, leaving the world to evolve without us. which it would.

here, everyone, you can read a funny question with one of my silly answers:

don't have a heart attack now as you worry over the GW that al bore has dug into your heads.
2007-09-08 18:30:47 UTC
When the media, scientists, actors and politicians start making absurd statements about tipping points. Regardless of how scientifically oriented your persona happens to be, tipping point is a point of no return statement, and nothing more than a theoretical notion designed to scare people.
2007-09-09 01:32:12 UTC
"... it's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine..."

Yes, scientific predictions are all there for the reading.

Yes, the situation facing us real, worrying and alarming.

BUT we're all going to die?

That's debateable...

No-one should die. We just need to implement the ideal solution!
2007-09-13 15:44:02 UTC
We,ll all die some day, of something so enjoy your life and stop being foolish
2007-09-09 17:36:00 UTC
Because they are stupid and gullible and believe anything that certain failed politicians and Hollywood celebrities tell them.
2007-09-08 18:04:37 UTC
Massive storm surges, record breaking drought, flooding, temperatures, disease, and world wide famine. Yeah, it sure sounds like Global Warming won't kill anyone to me.
2007-09-15 00:58:28 UTC
Because they are ignorant, and the people who tell them these "facts" are ignorant and stupid, what ever the source.
2007-09-08 17:07:44 UTC
It's got to kill somebody. What's the big "to do" about on the news and all the Algorebasms if it dont kill nobody.
2007-09-08 19:39:56 UTC
Well you deserve many gold stars for the question, Trevor. My views on that come from more than one influence. I certainly believe that Global Warming has the potential to kill me, and everyone, and do it in my lifetime. That's not a view I hold because somebody told it to me. I was a teenager there were several environmental predictions, any one of which would have resulted in me being dead before I was 40. Global Warming was not on that list. I didn't become depressed, but my decision making was certainly affected. However, as I watched events unfold I saw that concerned citizens could make a difference if they got together and acted. The government fought those efforts as they now fight actions that would help with this problem. Still we eventually did get a Clean Air Act, a Clean Water Act, laws regulating the disposal of toxic wastes, and regulating the use and handling of nuclear materials. Diluted and ameliorated as these pieces of legislation were, they had enormous effect. To my surprise, I was doing fine when I turned 40. A lot of other people died during the long battles to get those laws. From their perspective, the predictions were right. Ask the families of the former residents of Love Canal, for example.

These events changed how I view predictions. The people making those predictions had no computers or satellites originally. As those things were acquired it not only showed the predictions were right, but the situation was worse than they thought. They also showed when our efforts began to bring about improvement. These technolgies also brought to light problems that would probably not have been discovered otherwise, like the ozone hole. The lesson of that was that predictions are not set in stone, and can be greatly affected by people, and that politics control that part of things. It also confirmed my belief that I would have been dead 20 years ago if we had continued doing things as we had, including the rate at which things were increasing.

I first encountered Global warming in my astronomy books. They recounted how the earth and Venus would have the same surface temperatures, if their atmospheres were the same. The composition of the planets was not different, but most of the carbon on Venus existed as gas in the atmosphere, and on earth it was mostly in solid and liquid forms. Venus had a surface temperature hot enough to melt lead, while earth had one moderate enough for life. As time went by, discoveries showed that the development of plant life in the oceans was the thing that changed earth's atmosphere, which was originally the same. The reason why that happened here, but not on Venus was thought to be various influences of the gravity of the Moon. Nobody specifically said that you me, or even jello would die if the earth's atmosphere became like that of Venus, I came to that conclusion myself.

Everywhere I have read or heard of this being discussed in the 50 years since, it's always been noted that converting the liquid and solid forms of Carbon back to gas could be expected to heat things up (beyond natural cycles), and that the measured levels of gaseous carbon have risen since the beginning of industrialization. They also stated that there was a point at which the rise in temperature could not be reversed, regardless of human actions, and that probably something would need to be done to prevent reaching that point.

Their best estimate was that Global Warming would become an issue in about 500 years. This was also their prediction as to the time frame when supplies of coal, oil and gas would become a concern. At that time, those things were available, conveniently near the surface right within our own borders.

The scientist based their predictions on prevailing conditions at the time. They did not speculate about changes that might occur. An appreciation of the intrinsic nature of that with any prediction is part of a scientific viewpoint. They did not predict or expect that we would rapidly move to 2 and 3 car families. They did not predict that the public transportation systems of most big cities would be torn out so that more cars, oil and gas could be sold. They did not include in their calculations that when the only fossil fuels remaining to convert to carbon gas were in inconvenient remote locations the amount of fossil fuel we would have to convert to carbon gas to get them and bring them here would be greater. They did not predict or expect that we would develop methods to drill and mine deposits deeper than anything imagined in their day, so they too could be converted into carbon gas. They did not imagine or predict the computer industry, and the many billions of tons of additional carbon that would be converted to gas to make and run it. Neither did they imagine Playstations, iPods, cell phones, homes with numerous television sets or any of the other things that kept adding to the gasification of the earth's carbon. Most importantly, they did not take into account that at the time there were around a dozen industrialized nations, by now all nations are in some state of industrialization. I think there were tacit assumptions like that we would have done more on alternate power sources and emission reduction. Now, no scientist told me, it was my own conclusion that each of these events moved that 500 year day of reckoning a little closer to the present time. I didn't read it somewhere, or see it on TV.

The originally expected scenerio was that we would run out of fossil fuels before the melting of the polar and glacial ice began, as that would signal the beginning of the end. No one considered the improved methods for mining and drilling, or the new goods and services and the additional carbon that would be converted to gas to make and maintain them. I watched the price of gasoline in America rise from 12-17 cents, then saw it suddenly shoot up to 50 cents, and the panic and long lines at the gas pumps that resulted. Experts predicted we would one day be paying as much as a dollar. Most Americans were outraged, but the rest of the world was already paying 4 dollars. We passed $1.50 in less than a year. I was pretty sure then that we would reach equilibrium with the rest of the planet, and we almost have.

The polar and glacial ice was noted to be melting about 5 years ago. This amounts to changes in it's seasonal adnce and retreat, so that less remains every year. The south polar cap has been stable in more or less it's current form sice the continents formed. It's been unaffected by the dozen or so ice ages and subsequent melts. At it's current rate, it'll be gone in 50 years or less. All that ice works like ice cubes in a drink. On a hot day, the drink doesn't heat until all the ice cubes are melted. then it goes right up.

If you look around you'll see estimates of the time to complete the melting process ranging from 150 years to about 40. You'll also notice that there is a difference in figures of this type based on whether they are from last year, last month, or yesterday. It's not hard to find a 20 year old paper that confidently states it won't even start for a thousand years.

Most of the huge discrepancy between the predictions and the actual events can be explained by the factors not included in the older predictions. It is not hard to look around and find numerous factors not being included right now. Things like the rate of new industrialization, and the decrease in the moderating effect of the polar ice as the polar ice disappears.are important factors. The most obvious thing is that although the events predicted are accurate, in every case they happen sooner than predicted, and predicted events move closer to the present time every day.

If these things continue as they are now, there should be no doubt that the final stages of the climate change will be upon us within our lifetimes, or shortly after. Nobody told me that either. Whether this can be changed depends on whether the death grip the current policy makers in the USA and Saudi Arabia have on the decision making process.

I'm not ready to concede that it's hopeless, and give up to these kinds of people without a fight. If we are not to survive the perhaps we can have a better quality of life in the remaining time than we would have if we take no action. I believe strongly in the old saying, "fortune favors the prepared".

I apologize for the length of this. It was unavoidable in this case.
2007-09-08 18:26:47 UTC
hahahahahahahhahhahaha! not to worry,here is help for all of you out there that are worried.visit
2007-09-08 17:45:56 UTC
Hurricane Katrina was a DIRECT RESULT of global warming.

Does that answer your question?
2007-09-09 04:35:15 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.