(Before my English makes you doubt, I'm a Russian)
Global warming fighters love to speak about terrible problems which probably will arise due to global warming. None of that problems we already deal with. Droughts were a common disaster in all times.
Even dividing in two opposing groups we may consider from another point of view. People love to divide into opposing groups. If not global warming, it would be e.g. religion, favorite music genre, etc... I hope that, dividing by attitude to global warming is not such irreversible, like dividing by e.g. religion.
Regardless of global warming reasons, I'd like to point your attention to some problems global warming may help us with.
1) Crops increasing. Plants use atmospheric CO2 to produce their biomass. The more CO2 in the atmosphere the more effective photosynthesis is, the faster everything green grows. Modern researches show, that 2 times CO2 concentration increase would improve agricultural plants efficiency by 30%. By the way, such experiments are quite easy and reliable, unlike mean global temperature measuring.
May be you just thought about what happens if CO2 concentration decreases too much. There is certain limit, which most plants cannot survive. The Earth have already suffered such disaster. Huge areas undergo desertification in this case.
2) Heating expenses in northern territories would decrease. Making us consuming less coal, oil and gas.
3) In the Earth history, warmer climate usually was also more humid (Oligocene, Miocene Epochs), which obviously also good for agriculture.