It is not a disdain for physics, it is a disdain for the turn that physics has taken. IT use to be that everything within physics could be shown experimentally . This has lead to a lot of discoveries and a pretty good understanding of the forces at play on our planet. Relatively recently, physicists have been looking at rather larger problems that are not easy to pin down. One such is the Big bang theory. This has lead to postulations like black matter, multiple universes, etc. While these are fine ideas, they have, as of yet, defied experimentation. Because so much of what physicists do now, does not fall into the catagory of something that can be shown experimentally, they have watered down what they believe they need to call things "proven". Now it becomes a matter of having enough circumstantial evidence as opposed to having concrete evidence.
The modeling of the climate is a perfect example. This is clearly a chaotic system with many more factors than we could possibly account for. We have neither the technology nor the measurement equipment in place to account for all the necessary data to make accurate predictions. While I can respect the mdoels as guesses, and can respect the physicist for making guesses that they can confirm later with observational data, this is not fact. They are currently stating their guesses as if they were proven facts. Further, when the data does not show the large increases in temps, but rather shows that the past 15 years have shown no statistically significant warming, they have not come back and said our models might be a little off. Instead they press ahead as if their guestimodels are indeed the same as experimentally proven theories and laws. The physicists of the past, like Newton, would not be so careless with their claims of certainty.
As for physics, I love both physics and math, and have always excelled at both subjects.
That could be one of your dumbest retorts. Are you truly trying to tell me that we understand all of the factors that influence the climate, when the scientists say we do not. Are you trying to tell me we have a good handle on climate modeling when we do not even know if clouds cause a negative or positive feedback.
Thats the point. You can show AGW is happening, but when asked to justify your crazy 4-7 degree predictions, YOU GOT NOTHING. Just some dumb ad-hominim attacks.
Pixie dust? I thought that was what you sprinkled to pretend like you can use less than 100 years worth of data to predict out 100 years for a chaotic system. If you truly understand that the climate is chaotic, then you would know that prediction out 100 years are completely worthless. You AGWers sure have more faith in your scientists than I do. I tend to think they are human, while you seem to think they are demigods capable of knowing everything. IF however you want to change my beliefs in your comp models, perhaps your comp models could actually predict something right for a change. Pretty sure that 15 years of no statistically significant change is not the same as exponential growth. Perhaps I am asking too much to actually follow the scientific method.
Are you really questioning my ability in statistics again? Do you really not remember me schooling you, Dana, and Paul in statistics? After all this time you are trying that crap again? Seriously pathetic!!! And it matters not how much you trust your models, all of them are prone to error. All models are wrong, some are useful. The usefulness of the model is determined by its ability to predict future events, not how big the program or the computer is, nor how many "smart scientists" you have making the models. The predictions of the models have not proved useful yet. They may indeed be correct, but you have nothing to demonstrate that they are. I have worked with some of the smartest scientists who have formulated drugs to combat cancer. Not one of those smart people thought that their drug did not work. NOT ONE! Guess what though, some of those drugs did not work. The proof is in the pudding. Your theories might all make sense, they might all be logically sound, but nothing works like the scientific method. If your modeling has yet to show accuracy and precision, than it is still no more useful than a guess until it does. Your representation of these models as proven facts is just absolutely absurd and has no place in science. For someone who claims an advanced degree in science, you sure don't reason like a scientist.
Further Jim, Yes chaos models are used, but that is why they are only accurate for the period of a week, no longer. You let me know when you see a forecast for a year out, I'd love to see that weatherman, and I guarantee, if he was correct, he would become famous.
For Dana comment, the peewee Herman retort of "I know you are but what am I", is appropriate, since it is as childish and noninciteful as his comment.
As for Bob's comments,
Chaotic systems are dynamical systems that are highly sensitive to initial conditions. Whether you think that the climate is chaotic or not, the butterfly effect talks of the efect of a chaotic system and uses the climate as an example. The idea that the climate is not a chaotic system is not the generally accepted viewpoint of the scientists. For a group of people who constantly talk about "consensus" this is really not a good argument.