What is Global Warming?
2007-05-10 18:03:25 UTC
What is your opinon on global warming
24 answers:
shouting is better
2007-05-10 20:24:21 UTC
Do you want to REALLY know global warming is?

It is the depletion of the upper ozone layer and the warming of our earth causing horrible consenquences. Such as;

extinction of polar bears, melting of glaciers and polar ice caps, hurricanes, tornadoes and even more terrible storms, oh and sea levels rising, quiet possibley destroying homes and killing people. What would all this lead to.....basically, destruction of our earth and eco-systems.

What causes this; hmm lets see, for starters, the monitary society in which most of the world lives in causing money to be THE main priority making the human race become obbsessively in search of more more more in greed. The mind set of doing anything to get it, including;

depletion of our oceans

wiping out whole forests and jungles

killing animals in the process

creating harmfull toxins like carbon dioxides from factorys and nuclear plants

the mass amount of cars and energy wasting from the average person

amd sooooo much more.

What to do about it?;


this is not some liberal bull, those who say that are so wrapped up in themselves that hey are just not willing to change, even though changes in life style just by the average person, stuff so simple as using different lightbulb and riding a bus, can help the issue in a HUGE way!!

so, please everyone reading this, you love America, right?

you love Earth right?

so please make a diiference, and save our planet!!

p.s. WE MUST STOP THIS INSESSINT DRILLING FOR OIL!! And whats with this wanting to drill in arctic wildlife preserves, ruining the environment!!
2007-05-11 00:15:27 UTC
Others have answered the underlying political question in sufficient detail from both sides of the debate. I am in the "Global Warming is Bullsh** camp." My opinion is thus:

Climate prediction beyond the 5-day forecast on your nightly T.V. news is unpredictable. For example, following hurricane Katrina in 2005, U.S. hurricane predictions for 2006 were catastrophic. Well, the U.S. experienced a very uneventful 2006 hurricane season. The Old Farmer's Almanac is as good a long range prediction as any other.

Humankind can not control the earth's climate any more than we can control earthquakes, volcanoes, or the cycle of the moon.

Creating a global bureaucracy to regulate CO2 emissions, sell and trade "carbon offsets" is about the global control of people.
2007-05-10 19:28:39 UTC
Global warming is the observed increase of .6 Cº in the global mean temperature over the past century. It is believed to be caused in large part by the emissions of certain greenhouse gasses (primarily carbon dioxide) from human activities.

I have no opinion on it besides what the science shows. And the science shows very strongly that anthropogenic climate change is both real and potentially dangerous.
Christine H
2007-05-10 19:14:23 UTC
Global warming is a title given to an issue that is still in debate within the scientific community about whether the Earth is warming due to man or within it's natural event. The issue that man is responsible is possible since if we were not here, some of the industrial and man-made damage to the Earth would not occur. Whether this is global warming and making the ice melt faster or the rain forest less rainy is most likely going to be debated until it is too late. Save what you can, use common sense.
2007-05-10 18:20:48 UTC
Global Warming is a theory that we are radically accelerating the warming process of the planet. It has not been conclusively proven to be true. Scientists on one side will provide a set of data that appears to prove it one way or another and then scientists on the other will dispute that data and provide their own set of data. As this is going on, Liberals like Al Gore have decided to make it the next disaster in progress. Of course that leads to politicizing the whole thing, and all that does is expel a whole bunch more CO2 into the already allegedly fragile atmosphere.
2007-05-10 21:28:26 UTC
Liberals invented this term so that they could market themselves and gain control of other people’s lives. They are always looking for trends that they think are bad and then offerings solutions that won’t work but make them more rich and powerful.

Remember CO2 goes up because of temperature increases not the other way around. No one wants to breath polluted air but I don’t want to fund Gore’s carbon credit company that spends 1% to plant a tree and 99% to pay Gore and his friends to talk about how bad people are for polluting all the while they are polluting 90% more than the average person.
2007-05-11 00:07:05 UTC
Global warming is the warming of the Earth. My opinion, reduce pollution, carbon dioxide and increase the number of trees.
2007-05-10 18:53:13 UTC
It a phenomenon where scientists use a combination of cherry picked information and questionable data processing techniques in order to create a model that not only indicates that the world is coming to an end, but that humans are the cause of it.

The interesting thing is this then allows lobbyists and politicians to use the model to extort money from corporations and the general population through a technique known as "fear mongering". Part of this money is funneled back to the scientists in order for them to do more studies using cherry picked information and questionable data processing techniques in order to confirm their original conclusion or corroborate with other scientists that enjoy the windfall of grant money.

It is an unstable cycle that is now spiraling out of control.

That, sadly is the God's honest truth about the phenomenon called Global Warming.
2007-05-11 02:49:35 UTC
Here is what you would find out if you read any introductory college textbook on climatology:

Climate is what we call the long term pattern of prevailing atmospheric conditions. Weather is what happens daily. Climate is the long term average of weather, locally and globally,over periods of decades centuries, millenia, and longer. Weather is about 66% predictable with present knowledge, models, and computers. Because it involves averages over long periods, climate is much more predictable than weather, better than 90%.

Various means can be used to find out what the average CO2 concentration of the atmosphere has been over the past hundreds, thousands, and even millions of years. Various other means can be used to find out what the average earth surface temperature was, what the average rainfall was, what the mean sea level was, and what the frequency and violence of tropical storms was.

About 1900, it was noticed by climatologists that the average earth surface temperatures appeared to have been increasing since about 1750. By then, they knew that there were fluctuations in average temperatures over periods of decades, centuries, millenia, and longer periods. At that time, they did not know which variations were due to which causes, nor did they know all the possible causes for such variations. A Nobel Prize winning chemist, an expert in thermodynamics, by the name of Svante Arrhenius, proposed that substantial increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations had the potential to cause substantial increases in atmospheric temperatures.

As of now, climatologists know exactly what variations have occurred in average earth surface temperatures over long and short periods of time. They know precisely how much variation is due to each of the potential causes of solar output variation, earth orbital variation, earth axial rotation variation, atmospheric gas concentrations, and other effects. Each of the cycles has a name, usually in honor of some climatologist instrumental in figuring it out.

We now have figures and calculations that show, with greater than 90% certainty, the following:

1) average earth surface temperatures have risen about one degree centigrade since 1750 over prior long term averages;

2) the concentration of CO2 in the lower atmosphere has about doubled since 1750 over prior long term averages;

3) the CO2 change accounts for almost all the temperature change, and there is almost no variation left unaccounted for.

Given that the causal mechanism makes sense, and that the math is highly certain, the conclusion is beyond doubt - earth's climate is getting warmer due to increased CO2 in the air. It is also very highly likely that the increased CO2 concentration is almost entirely due to the combustion of fossil fuels.

Now, what are you going to do about it?
2007-05-11 00:58:19 UTC
Global Warming is:

when the ozone layer has been torn and tattered,the sunlight with UV enter the earth and warm the earth.the Malaysia Government said the UV is more at the North Pole and South Pole.all the ice will melted in 2040-2050 if we doesn't take care of the earth.when all the ice melted,it will sink the world clearly!!!!!!!!!
2017-01-09 20:11:59 UTC
in case you want to receive furnish money for climate study, do you think of which you will get a cheque in case you assert," i want the furnish, as i think of that i will practice that the figures that the present paradigm is predicated upon are incorrect" ? the super environmentalist, David Bellamy, has been silenced, and refused airtime. there remains no shown causative link between the quantity of Co2 interior the ambience, and a upward thrust in international temperatures. The WWWF photos of the polar bears swimming have been taken interior the Arctic summer season; while the ice cap in part melts, as they could not upward thrust as much as image interior the iciness. The ice became too thick! The East-Anglian uni study figures. "Oh! The figures do not tournament our expectancies. Oh properly. save quiet. because of the fact all of us understand that we are top." while the theory, and the religion is extra significant than squarely dealing with the valid doubts of a super form of non furnish-supported scientists, technology has been superceded by making use of non secular zealots. As Oliver Cromwell colourfully mentioned." I pray thee, interior the bowels of Christ, evaluate that thou mayest be incorrect."
2007-05-13 01:17:54 UTC
i think global warrming is the gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere due to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants or it called climate change.
2007-05-10 18:14:17 UTC
its just the phenomenon of earth's temperature rising a couple degrees because of sun radiation being trapped in the atmosphere by excessive Carbon Dioxide. Normally, sun radiation gets reflected off earth's surface.
2007-05-14 15:38:09 UTC
The climate is changing, and for now it's definitely heating up, and it's connected to our/human behaviors converging with other things. I call it climate change. Here are some useful websites.
2007-05-12 15:17:40 UTC
I guess it`s when a globe gets warmer. Hey I feel sorry for the polar bears too.
rixhard r
2007-05-10 21:33:13 UTC
Global warming is the warming of the globe...!!!and it's dangerous....!!!!!(Be Careful)......AAAAAAAHHH may i ask why are u asking this , can u do something to prevent it
2007-05-10 18:13:03 UTC
an increase in the world's temperatures, believed to be caused in part by the greenhouse effect
2007-05-10 18:46:02 UTC
2007-05-10 18:07:50 UTC
its the over heating of the earth its a natural event but we are speeding it up by hundreds of years or maybe even more we dont know yet
2007-05-10 18:10:53 UTC
There is a direct correlation between CO2 emissions and a rise in temp. We humans are the problem.
2007-05-10 18:25:54 UTC
A big LIE.

(see below)

2007-05-10 18:21:06 UTC
ice melts
2007-05-10 18:14:50 UTC
I think is horrible and is makes me sad that its killing the polar bears
2007-05-10 19:53:54 UTC
so far, it seems to be something made up in al gores meager mind.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.