We have the technology, in some cases it needs improving to become more economic, but that will happen as more and more of it is used. But even with 100% political will, it will still take time. There is simply too much of it to change. Building all those replacement power plants, replacing all those cars...it takes time.
Replacing fossil fuels as an energy source would NOT stop us using fossil fuels as raw materials to make plastics etc. That is a different story and mixing it in here if deliberate confusion.
Human society has become very energy dependent. We can easily reduce tha amount of energy we use without compromising our chosen life style. Eg Europeans use considerably less energy than Americans [on average] and Japanese even less than Europeans, yet all have very affluent life styles.
We have become very used to ridiculously cheap energy. And in using fossil fuels we have not been paying their full cost. Our children and their children will bear the costs that we have refused and are still refusing to pay. So if we are decent right minded world citizens then we need to get real and make the change to renewables. The technology already exists. Don't let people fool you into believing it is not possible. Between solar, wind, bio fuels, geothermal, tidal, hydro, wave, ocean thermal, and others there is far more energy than we currently use, orders of magnitude more. None of them require technology we don't already possess to exploit.
Certainly we can do better than we do, certainly some of those technologies can improve, but they won't unless we start using them.
I'm somewhat glad that Americans in their arrogance are not embracing the renewables concept. They and their economy will be left behind as a relic of a bygone era. Other more dynamic economies are moving forward in leaps and bounds, renewing their economies, creating new jobs, new industries and new wealth. Leave the deniers to their fate. They can enjoy the derelict industries of the fossil fuel era.
Why even waste breath on responding to their religious babble? [Oil of good, CO2 is God's gift to man, science is evil, a warming planet is a good planet, it is god's will......blah blah blah]