Mini Ice Age in 2030?
2015-07-14 02:00:05 UTC
Is seen all over the news that there is apparently going to be a 'mini ice age' in 15 years (2030) and by that time I'll only be 30... Is this for anything for me to worry about?
52 answers:
2015-07-22 23:42:44 UTC
Don't worry about that because Even though the Earth is already in an ice age, a surplus of ice is the least of our worries. Three reasons not to expect a mini ice age in 2030.

i. Technically, Earth is already in an ice age.

The expression ice age gets tossed around a considerable measure, so its careful significance is justifiably jumbled. However, it's important that Earth has been in an ice age for around 3 million years, while present day people have just been around for around 200,000. It's additionally significant that a great many people don't generally mean ice age when they say ice age.

ii. The link between sunspots and global cooling is hazy.

The new sun oriented cycle model is not yet distributed in a companion looked into diary, as the Washington Post calls attention to, importance it's still a touch preparatory. In any case, even the researchers who made it didn't anticipate a smaller than expected ice age in their press discharge; the "conditions" they specified are on the sun, not Earth. Those conditions were "most recently seen amid the 'smaller than expected ice age,'" as the press discharge notes, yet the analysts hold back before expressly accusing the cooler atmosphere for a shortage of sunspots.

iii. The link between CO2 and global warming is clear.

Carbon dioxide outflows from human exercises are broadly perceived as the principle purpose behind the compelling nursery impact we've seen over the previous century. The measure of warming is irregular, yet the principle issue is its pace. Earth's atmospheres have changed actually a lot of times previously, however the pace of advanced warming is remarkable. It's quickly reproducing climatic conditions last found in the pre-human Pliocene Epoch, which implies our species is entering uncharted region.
Ottawa Mike
2015-07-14 06:47:24 UTC
Why is Gringo so misleading? There are plenty of scientists and papers that have been saying this very same thing for many years.

Anastasios Tsonis, Habibullo Abdussamatov, Don Easterbrook, Henrik Svensmark, David Deming, Horst-Joachin Luedecke, Carl-Otto Weiss, Jasper Kirkby, Andrei Daryin, Norman Page, Mototaka Nakamura, Sebastian Lüning, David Archibald, Cliff Ollier, William Gray, Pal Brekke, Harry van Loon, Rol Madden, Dave Melita, etc.

Personally, I hope they are wrong because cooling would definitely be painful for humanity.
2015-07-14 04:57:12 UTC
It's not a real ice age. Just a mini one, so nothing to worry about. Happened in the 1600s.
2015-07-14 08:40:45 UTC
"Climate sensitivity" from human sources is finally being recognized in its proper proportion. The "Climate Clowns" have been trying to convince people that the Earth is extremely CO2 sensitive, and that the Planet has abruptly warmed over the past 35 years or so due to the use of fossil fuels. The Earth's "sensitivity" in relation to increased levels of CO2 is a lot lower than these people thought. "Global Warming Projections" from the UNIPCC keep falling.

If it does cool a bit, I doubt that the "climate clowns" will let go of their "CO2 Hockey Stick". A lower output from a Sun that is 1 million times the size Earth will surely bring some sort of effect. Hard to fathom any scientific projection into the future. They keep being wrong about too many things.
2015-07-14 03:05:43 UTC
Not at all. We came out of a Little Ice Age starting at around 1650.

This shows 0.87 degrees in 353 years. So if we drop 0.87 degrees in 350 years, one, it isn't catastrophic, and two you will be quite old by that time.

That theory is based upon some observations made in the past, historical data and computer modeling. It has some credence to it on the surface. There still is a long way to go before there is enough solid evidence. And you will have a hard time convincing politicians and pseudo-scientists of the fact that it is the Sun, not man's actions, that controls Earth's temperature. For they haven't figured out how to tax the Sun.

We have a media that likes to hype everything.

Get a good grip on your long johns, cold weather haters--the worst may be yet to come. That's the long-long-range weather forecast being given out by "climatologists." the people who study very long-term world weather trends…. Washington Post January 11, 1970

You see, we have been through these scares before. The powers that be want you to be scared for it suits their purpose.

Quotes by H.L. Mencken, famous columnist: "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed — and hence clamorous to be led to safety — by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." And, "The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false face for the urge to rule it."

So I wouldn't worry. History has shown, that in my lifetime of 74 years our scientists have switched from too hot to too cold many times. Just look up H. H. Lamb in Wikipedia. Here is part of what is states about him, " He was known as “the ice man” because of his view that global cooling would lead to a future glacial period within 10,000 years with some abrupt cooling phases occurring "within one to two thousand years".[6]:368 However he also acknowledged that global warming could have serious effects within a century."

TSK! TSK! Does that sound rational? Does that sound like it comes from a reasonable man? Or does it come from one who has a hidden agenda, one of fear.

"Fear is the most debilitating of all human emotions. A fearful person will do anything, say anything, accept anything, reject anything, if it makes him feel more secure for his own, his family's or his country's security and safety, whether it actually accomplishes it or not...."

"It works like a charm. A fearful people are the easiest to govern. Their freedom and liberty can be taken away, and they can be convinced to believe that it was done for their own good - to give them security. They can be convinced to give up their liberty - voluntarily."

—Gene E. Franchini, retired Chief Justice of the New Mexico Supreme Court

So don't be manipulated and when you get to 30, go to the refrigerator, take out a beer and toast to the fact that the 'Sagebrush was right'.
2015-07-14 16:14:30 UTC
This story comes from one one math professor in Britain. All she did is look at the pattern of solar activity over the last couple hundred years and claim to detect a pattern that she says shows the Sun will be as "cool" as it was in the 1600s when the "little ice age" was a period of low solar activity (no sunspots) and very cold winters. This is not so different from watching a roulette wheel for a few weeks, noting how often each number comes up, and then claiming you have a system to win at roulette.
2015-07-21 11:39:19 UTC
Believe it or not we all in a mini ice age right now as we speak! Just take a look outside yer window!
2015-08-04 10:13:42 UTC
"Climate sensitivity" from human sources is finally being recognized in its proper proportion. The "Climate Clowns" have been trying to convince people that the Earth is extremely CO2 sensitive, and that the Planet has abruptly warmed over the past 35 years or so due to the use of fossil fuels. The Earth's "sensitivity" in relation to increased levels of CO2 is a lot lower than these people thought. "Global Warming Projections" from the UNIPCC keep falling. If it does cool a bit, I doubt that the "climate clowns" will let go of their "CO2 Hockey Stick". A lower output from a Sun that is 1 million times the size Earth will surely bring some sort of effect. Hard to fathom any scientific projection into the future. They keep being wrong about too many things.
2015-07-14 09:01:14 UTC
Gringo thinks extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence except when it comes to AGW when any failed climate model will do. Nobody has been able to predict the future climate. We have a lot of failed attempts. I worry about the cooling because that is a much more dangerous threat IMO but I don't worry much about it.
2015-08-03 19:11:03 UTC
I think its impossible , because earth is warming day by day.Actually in 2030 we will face age of water .
2015-07-16 00:11:53 UTC
Nope. A conservative tabloid in the UK misinterpreted something a Welsh scientist said, and ran with it. Even if the sun cools a bit, it won't effect our climate. The last mini-ice age was apparently more of a volcanic winter than solar minimum.
2015-07-14 21:02:43 UTC
This comes from misreporting work by a mathematician called Valentina Zharkova and her team. They found that according to their statistics, the Sun is likely to cool down a bit in coming decades. They don't say what this means for climate. Other research has calculated that:

As a hint: you can tell if something is credible research by whether it's published in a recognised scientific journal like that Nature Communications link. If it comes from some business group or newspaper it's less likely to have been properly fact checked.

Scientific calculations say that even if the Sun gets colder then global temperatures will still go up because the heating from our carbon dioxide pollution is much bigger than what a cooling Sun can do. In their words: "Any reduction in global mean near-surface temperature due to a future decline in solar activity is likely to be a small fraction of projected anthropogenic [human-caused] warming."

But it could affect weather patterns, causing occasional cold winters in parts of the northern hemisphere, for example.

So research says a solar minimum is possible. Last time this happened we got very cold winters in Europe, but it turns out the effect of the Sun is much weaker than the changes we're causing mainly because of greenhouse gases. However, there's a chance of some cold winters in parts of Europe and North America.

If you read newspapers or blogs then it does sound scarier, but that's because journalists who aren't scientists are trying to make their stories interesting. I'd say don't worry about it: global warming is the real risk.

EDIT: also, it's pretty basic physics. We measure the heating caused by different things on Earth. For each square metre of Earth's surface, a cooling Sun would reduce the heating by something like 0.3 Watts. If we keep burning oil, coal and gas like we are now, we're going to cause something like 7 Watts of extra heating from the greenhouse effect. 7 Watts of heating beats down 0.3 Watts of cooling pretty easily.
2015-07-14 03:13:45 UTC
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence".

One single scientist claiming something extraordinary in a conference and not in the peer-reviewed literature is hardly scientific, let alone constitutes extraordinary evidence.

If you want to worry less, don't confuse media hypes with Science. That something has been "all over the news" does not mean it deserves the importance it is getting nor make it true.
2015-07-23 02:29:36 UTC
Do they have a scientific instrument that can predict the future (mini age?!) 15 years from now? This is all but brouhaha.
2015-07-14 09:31:31 UTC
Actually, the mathematician in question said that the effects she predicted would be swamped out by the overall warming trend. The "mini-ice age" bit is media spin.
2015-07-19 21:12:27 UTC
Yes, Move to Florida. You have a better chance of living. My house should be ready for sell in about 5 years. I need the housing market to double.
2015-08-03 06:29:07 UTC
Just a mini one, so nothing to worry about. Happened in the 1600s.
2015-07-14 03:55:41 UTC
Never thought I'd give gringo a thumbs up but we all need to take note at elmers answer, that is the kind of ignorance that we should all be worried about.
2015-07-14 03:46:41 UTC
no. just denier hype. one scientist predicts a solar minimum and says nothing about climate and deniers expect ice age.

an ice age cannot happen with our current co2 levels.
2015-07-14 13:16:13 UTC
My god what a fearless bunch! Afraid of being too hot or too cold. And if it is just right will you scare yourselves into believing Goldie Locks ate all your porridge, sat in your chair, and had a steamy threesome with Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf and got your new sheets all dirty?
2015-07-14 13:27:56 UTC
Not to worry, the LIA was a long period of colder than normal winters in the Northern Hemisphere. Summer still came and it still got hot.
2015-07-14 03:02:29 UTC
It's all pseudoscience. Scare tactics. Nothing's gonna happen.
2015-07-17 02:22:15 UTC
It's always cold in Scotland.
Dr abdus
2015-07-27 09:03:02 UTC
We have a lot of failed attempts. I worry about the cooling because that is a much more dangerous threat IMO but I don't worry much about it.
2015-07-19 22:15:11 UTC
Bro polar bears are going to make a comeback
2015-07-25 22:52:21 UTC
2015-07-27 09:53:39 UTC
And I heard over the news the world is gonna end in 2014 did it happen? No
2015-07-22 10:29:25 UTC
You need not worry. It is the time when Sun goes slow down and make solar energy. It is going to affect you.
2015-07-15 02:26:00 UTC
Who says that there aren't climate changes, will regret his/her words in 15 years time...
The Patriot
2015-07-14 03:39:06 UTC
Someone said it. Climate deniers instantly believe it. Nothing changes.
2015-07-27 08:44:06 UTC
if you read the stories carefully, the 'mini ice age' only applies to certain countries in europe.
2015-07-24 01:17:34 UTC
Not to worry. Something

will push up a daisy or two.
2015-07-18 18:48:44 UTC
Thank goodness .... it will go back under 100 again. This 105 is melting my face off.
2015-07-15 11:54:50 UTC
no ice age coming
2015-07-17 00:03:28 UTC
I want to see it actually.. I'll be 44 years old.
2015-07-18 19:41:11 UTC
Base s on ur observatoon
2015-07-30 13:45:34 UTC


2015-07-27 08:48:07 UTC
It's all a bunch of bull ****
2015-07-14 09:17:30 UTC
Global warming is the biggest hoax
2015-07-30 00:00:42 UTC
That would be awesome. I could snowboard every day
2015-07-17 02:14:08 UTC
2015-07-15 21:24:36 UTC
2015-07-19 13:41:19 UTC
we will live on
2015-07-25 08:17:26 UTC
This has gotten everyone worried..
2015-08-03 13:39:32 UTC
2015-07-21 19:14:34 UTC
2015-07-28 09:30:29 UTC
2015-07-19 11:34:11 UTC
Liar! Killer! Demon!
2015-07-14 12:56:34 UTC
'The News' wants ratings not truth

try science
2015-07-29 02:50:54 UTC
2015-07-30 22:53:32 UTC
2015-07-22 18:35:40 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.