Is global warming a cycle or man doing?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Is global warming a cycle or man doing?
53 answers:
2007-05-21 11:16:03 UTC
Conner may be a major in something but to suggest nothing like this has ever happened in history is silly. We have been warming since the last glaciation for at least 6000 years. There have been some ups and downs since then. There was a time in the middle ages that were warmer than now. There was a time from 1940 to 1970s that was cooler. CO2 is a lagging indicator with temperature meaning that the CO2 probably didn't cause the temperature increases, rather the temperature increases caused most of the CO2 increased concentrations. At the most, humans may have contributed about 50 parts per million in the CO2 concentrations. There are currently almost 400 parts per million. It is possible that man contribution to CO2 has increased the temperatures slightly. It becomes difficult to quantify the actual benefits and costs. Clearly, the alarmist focus only on the bad and ignore any benefits and exaggerate man's contribution. There is an other much more important greenhouse, water vapor. Since water vapor cannot be blamed on man (at least in a credible way), it is virtually ignored. The models predicting global warming clearly are manipulated by the modelers to get the result they want. If they don't predict problems, then there is no need for further research and thus you have a system that is prejudiced for predicting gloom and doom and that is hardly a way to make educated solutions.
2007-05-21 12:26:01 UTC
The biggest contributing factor in global warming is the sun. CO2 has no effect at all. This is all media hype and global hysteria. It's a smoke screen to real problems that should be addressed.

If we want to be "green" then forget the CO2 and concentrate on reducing pollution that kills us and makes us all ill. Preserve your environment, stop killing the forests and oceans, focus on deadly and poisonous substances that industries are dumping into your water and air you breath.

CO2 is not a problem. If you think it is then stop breathing. That way you will stop the global warming. :o)

So the answer would be: It's a cycle. The cycles are long and short and some global weather changes can not be even called a cycle as they are short trends lasting 2 to 5 years.

The one we are in now is more of the cycle is a government and media cycle called "let's create hype and get some more money" Trust me.
2007-05-21 11:31:06 UTC
Global Warming is a cycle and a read through a History book will prove that. The Earth, like everything else in the universe, evolves and this causes weather changes. Humans have very little impact on the output of carbon (it is not even a pollutant) as volcanoes, the sun and other natural phenomenon have much more effect on the changing weather patterns. A good example of this is that while we are warming up, so are the rest of the planets in the solar system and last I checked humans weren't living on Venus, Mars and Pluto...
2007-05-21 11:43:22 UTC
Mankind is responsible for about 5.7% of the total emissions. Most of the causes are forrest fires, volcanoes, and natural evaporation of water which is humidity or clouds - so man is not the cause of global warming. Over millions of years, global warming and global cooling cycles have been documented as a result of variation in the Sun's radiation (look up Maunder Minimum), variation in the Earth's orbit around the Sun (it is sometimes circular and sometimes elliptical), and variation in the tilt of the Earth's axis between 21-23 degrees (the Earth wobbles a bit!).

If the Earth is warming a bit (.7degrees C), there is also evidence that global warming is taking place on Mars at the same time!!!!! I am not aware of any "humans and SUVs on Mars yet).
Zero Hunter
2007-05-21 11:17:04 UTC
It is not man-made pollution. Its the cycle of how global warming rise and fall naturally. Billions of years ago, global warming was there, and the Earth was totally too hot to survive (that's when the birth of Solar System came). Earth had a very high carbon dioxide and a very little oxygen. Somehow, Earth evolves into oxygen planet, and sprang lifeforms that favors the humanity. Global warming was born. Global warming have heated this planet for years and years and years, thus there is no way to reduce it. What caused the global warming is because the sun radiation has reached the Earth, thus warming the planet up naturally. When the global warming at its peak, Ice Age begins (that's when all dinosaurs dies because of the drop of global warming). The Great Ice Age have been there for tens of thousands of years. After the Great Ice Age ends, global warming begins to rise again. The next Ice Age won't begin for a long time, thus we have polluted this planet, BUT not all pollution creates or helped global warming to get hotter. One day, Global Warming will fall and returns to the Ice Age.
Carl M
2007-05-21 14:25:16 UTC
Global warming is the natural worlds response to variance in atmosphereic composition, orbital dynamics, and solar output. Many factors contribute to the long-term climate of the Earth.

Among those factors is the human contribution of gasses to the atmosphere that block the transmission of infrared radiation from the surface into space. This contributes to the overall energy balance.

"Balance" is an important word here. Without any greenhouse gasses, the Earth would be very cold. With too much, the Earth is too hot.

Life on Earth is optimized for current conditions -- no matter if evolution of God made life that way. Change the conditions, and life suffers.
2007-05-21 11:31:24 UTC
Consider that about 1,000 years ago or so, grapes were a primary cash crop in England and Greenland was actually green and could support crops. Since then these same environments have cooled considerably and now appear to be warming again. That alone should make people skeptical about man's use of fossil fuels being the cause of global warming. After all, there wasn't enough use of those same fuels 1,000 plus years ago to have warmed to planet to that level back then.
2007-05-21 11:39:09 UTC
The first man induced effect was the early Norse in Greenland who cut down the forest and over cultivated the soil in Greenland. There that said where is the man made effect in the "little" Ice Age or Global warming before the advent of major hydrocarbon based industry?
2007-05-21 11:37:25 UTC
Oh this is absolutely mand made. Mankind is responsible for everything that ever happened on this earth. Every change in climate is our fault. Warm weather... our fault! Cold weather... our fault! We created the ice age beacuse we couldn't get global warming up to speed yet!

Come on people. Use some common sense, and quit listening to Al Gore. This is the same used car salesman that tried to convince you that he invented the internet.

Should we take better care of our environment? Yes. Should we reduce pollution? Yes. Should we be better at conserving? Yes. Are we creating a life threatening global warming? NO!!!
2007-05-21 11:14:19 UTC
You are a sucker if you believe that we are causing global warming. Hell, the Polar Ice Caps on MARS are melting!! Are we causing that too!!!!! Wake up people. This is an international issue designed to force the US to spend and waste money in order to weaken the US economy. No other country will suffer as much as the US if it goes along with this crap. China has tons more people, will eventually out produce the US, and China doesn't have to participate?!? HELLO??? The Smart Scientist (which out number the green-idiots) know that this is a normal cycle. 30 years ago, the same green-idiots were claiming "GLOBAL COOLING". Only a fool would jump whenever these guys say jump. There are too many variables too "predict" the global weather, yet some think they are smart enough when they only use 2 out of 100. And don't you dare say that I am being ignorant. I have done a thorough research on both sides for several months. Did you know CO2 is proven to actually cause an increase in plant growth! Where ever there is plant growth, there is more OXYGEN! Did you know that the Sun goes through cycles! Right now the Sun is in a warming cycle. Maybe that has something to do with MARS?!? Hmmm, and it was in a cooling cycle around the time people where running around and saying the earth was cooling! Sorry to disapoint you, but the more people learn the truth, the better off we all are. You all need to focus on something that floats, not something that sinks!!!!
Brett M
2007-05-22 10:12:11 UTC
“Global Warming”, as a crisis, is a farce. The minuscule impact humanity has on the warming and cooling cycles of the earth is negligible.

Could it be argued that mankind’s “emissions” and/or “pollutants” are speeding up this warming cycle? …perhaps. Is there ANYTHING that mankind can do to slow or stop this cycle? …absolutely not.

Should governments regulate and restrict businesses or people under the guise of “protection against global warming”? …that is preposterous.
2007-05-21 11:29:25 UTC
Global Warming is a myth...its not man made. In fact, many scientists have found clear evidence that the earths temperature is actually decreasing. Al Gore says that global warming is so bad yet he flies on his private jet, emitting hazardous toxins into the air, every day!
2007-05-21 11:20:43 UTC
Global warming began as a natural cycle but when the industrial revolution began we start to contribute more to the cycle of global warming. Global warming is defined as the temperature of the atmosphere near the earth's surface is warmed through a natural process called the greenhouse effect. Visible, shortwave light comes from the sun to the earth, passing unimpeded through a blanket of thermal, or greenhouse, gases composed largely of water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone
2007-05-21 11:20:13 UTC
It has to be a man-made effect of our existence over the past 7,000 years on Earth...we have directly caused the problems with which we now must tackle. Yes, cyclical is the easy way out...seasons change, etc....etc...but today in California, we have 2 seasons. 15 years ago as a child, I distinctinly remember 3 seasons with a short cold winter. Now, it is either 100 degrees and sweltering OR it is 60 degrees and pouring rain.....Not sure how we didn't help cause this, with emission levels, not using fossil-friendly fuels much sooner, etc. Bottom Line: I don't believe that my children (not yet!) will live life on Earth the way it was when my parents did. It will be much more extreme in weather patterns/temperatures, and there eventually will turn to a survival of the fittest or "best-positioned," rather those who control the resources/means for survival.
2007-05-21 11:16:17 UTC
It is both....The huge swings in climate that we have recorded via various geologic techniques show us that the earth has been in and out of periods of climatic optimum (warmth) and periods of climatic minimums (ice ages). This cycle is driven by sunspots and solar flares (Miklanovich Curve) then transferred to heat through the atmosphere and complex variables very difficult to model. However, the last 50 years has seen the periodicity of the warming and cooling suffering some odd perturbations, those are most likely caused by greenhouse gases from man's activities. But the major swings are due to the natural cycles. We tend to think in human terms when we think about time, try looking at it in geologic time frames...we havent even been around very long. The last climatic optimum had grapes growing in England. Thats a fact. long before we started used fossil fuels.
Kevin C
2007-05-21 11:33:48 UTC
Scientist the world over are scrambling to discount man made global warming. It's a myth!
james b
2007-05-21 11:32:30 UTC
Global warming may be defined as a Cycle. The Planet is to be completely emerged within the "PHONTON BELT" bt the year 2010.
Jim B
2007-05-21 11:24:24 UTC
Global warming is a natural cycle except for the fact that a lot of hot air is coming from the liberals all across the country and Washington, D.C. Whenever the ACLU or a politician tries to promote something I get very suspicious.
dave h
2007-05-21 11:21:19 UTC
It is without a dought a cycle, this global warming B. S. is just another scam by our goverment to make more money off of us! Remember this land was supposed to be cover by ice at one time, was there pollution from manufacturing plants and cars thousands of years ago? I dont think so, the envirorment changes, always has always will, but Iam sure that they'll come up with another tax for it though, goverment and oil companies just get richer and richer. Global warming and the war in IRAQ go hand in hand, no truth to it at all!
2007-05-21 11:19:06 UTC
I believe it is highly likely that it is a natural cycle the Earth goes thru.

I also believe that the Earth will eventually warm up significantly before it goes back into its cyclical ice ages...And even tho I believe this is a natural occurrence, I also believe that we are making it alot worse than it has to be adding up to the days when it finally happens.

So in otherwords, although this will happen anyway, the days leading up to it we are making a living hell for everything, well almost everything that lives on this world.
2007-05-21 11:18:49 UTC
There is a book entitled 'State of Fear' that addresses that question directly. It's a fictional story but the author sites many very real studies as the source of his information.

Lot's of indisputable information, debunking the theory of man-made global warming ,that I found very surprising and very interesting.
2007-05-21 11:17:48 UTC
They have found out the climate was cooling until the beginning of the Industrial Age (the end of the 19th century). Pretty big coincidence, don't you think? Also, greenhouse gas concentrations in our atmosphere are many times higher than during any global warming period in the last 100,000 years, and this is the only global warming period where humans are putting significant amounts of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. Another coincidence?
2007-05-21 11:14:00 UTC
It's the constant dumping of greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide and methane, by humans that is casusing the spike in global temperatures, no doubt. I'm an Environmental Studies Major at Sonoma State University and everything I have studied on Global Warming points to humans as the cause. THere are variations and cycles related to global temperatures, but nothing this drastic has happened before in history.
2007-05-21 11:11:07 UTC
a cycle, and a little man made.

wow the first answer is wayyyyyy wrong!

God destroys it, hah!

I have faith and all but that is like saying god let you get raped.

anyways, look at the ancient world, the sahara used to be a thriving rainforest, Venice used to not get so flooded, Egypt used to be fertile, and the amazon was a desert. Now I am not saying CO2 is your friend, but i really am not buying into the whole we are destroying the world with cattle.

I think it definately has some truth to it, but not to the significant degree they are talking about.

True we need to clean up our act, but for our own health. Allergies are up, skin cancer is up, shark attacks are up, i cut my finger...these are all things we must learn to adapt to to prevent stuff from getting out of control. It is simple education, educate people on how to keep their cars clean so that there are less cases of respritory illness's, educate people on how apply sunblock and not cook themselves for vanity, educate people that swimming in a giant fish bowl with large predators can be dangerous, and educate people that you shouldnt open a slim jim with a butchers knife.
2007-05-21 11:36:25 UTC
any person who has paid attention to what component scientists have been saying fully would understand that we are simply in a cycle that has repeated itself many times during the life cycle of our planet. The Al Gores and his crazies are simply grasping for a straw that can be used to gain more power and control over the population of the USA.
2016-10-05 16:01:55 UTC
i'm nonetheless a splash sceptical, besides the actuality that i myself care approximately our wild places. I do besides the undeniable fact that think of that we could consistently take the danger heavily. The info proves that organic cycles of climate happen on a grand scale. there have been as quickly as lions, hippos and elephants wandering the united kingdom geographical region, approximately a hundred and twenty,000 years in the past. That replaced into an interglacial heat spell. the factor that isn't disputed, is that those issues happen of course, in spite of everything the Scottish geographical region is crammed with glacial constructive factors. besides the undeniable fact that, the info skill that our further contribution to international warming is making it happen at a quicker fee than existence can look after. we are conversing approximately climate replace happening in many years, particularly than spanning centuries or thousands of years. flowers and fauna has coped with climate replace extremely nicely in the previous. woodlands and grasslands can flow at their snails %., to maintain song of the situations that healthful them. at the instant there are further matters. we've our flowers and fauna trapped in wallet that are surrounded via farmland. The organic "corridors" are long previous. flowers and fauna charities are doing their suited to make our wild places extra joined up. If climate replace maintains because it extremely is and there is no area for issues to go, then we are able to lose lots. besides, i think of my substantial situation is that i don't desire it to be authentic.
2007-05-21 12:07:04 UTC
I'll answer with a question:

What caused the last ice age to go away, killing the wooly mammoths and the saber toothed tigers? It was the airplanes and coal plants and the refineries and the SUVs, right? And why are fossils of palm trees found up in northern Canada? I thought it was too cold there to grow palm trees...

Hmm...oh wait, that was 10,000 years ago.
2007-05-21 11:44:34 UTC
God may have created the earth, but He wants us to take care of it. Global warming is man-made, and all those people who say it's not real are behaving like ostriches. Remember, Schopenhauer said that all truth goes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident.
Mike R
2007-05-21 11:37:58 UTC
"Happen often?"..... a cycle that takes 30 or 100 or even 1,000 years to complete isn't even the blink of an eye as far as solar system is concerned....

It's a cycle. You have to look at history to understand that, the history of the Earth, over a period of a few million years.
2007-05-21 11:23:46 UTC
I still cannot believe that people in the Us are debating this question. Just look at the total number of people in the world and how we (especially in the US) consume everything in our path...why is it so hard to believe that limited natural resources might run out and C02 emissions at the rate of 7 million tonnes A DAY might actually impact our environment. If we do not stop debating and start being accountable our children and grandchildren will be asking us why we were so blind.
Timothy G
2007-05-21 11:16:19 UTC
Both. Global warming is occurring naturally but, if there were no human-related impacts, it would be occurring quite a bit slower than it is currently. In other words, global warming is natural, but the "Accelerated Global Warming" we are experiencing is completely human-caused. Go us!
2007-05-21 11:23:13 UTC
Probably more of a natural cycle, with a tad of man-made thrown into the mix now.
jason b
2007-05-21 11:24:05 UTC
At current predictions by the time our atmosphere rises one half of a degree at a modest 2% rate of growth the population of the planet will stand at nearly 20 billion people. This means nearly 4 times as much do the math....if we cut emissions even by 50% we would be producing twice as much pollution as now....The problem is in population and consumption not pollution....but it is not nearly as politically popular to legislate procreation now is it
2007-05-21 11:16:39 UTC
I don't have all the answers as far as this stuff goes, but I do know that not being able to eat certain kinds or amounts of fish from certain waters is a bad thing.

Whether it's man made or not, what could trying to help the environment hurt?
florent l
2007-05-21 11:30:02 UTC
2007-05-21 11:16:21 UTC
I think it's a natural thing. We're not helping, but we should continue to become "greener" and less fossil-fuel dependent. Read Michael Crichton's "State of Fear". It's really good and offers some graphs that I like.
Dave M
2007-05-21 11:37:09 UTC
Natural cycle used as a political football to make people feel better.

90 percent of the people who died last year, ate beans within one week of their death. Therefor, beans will kill you.

I think I'll write a book.

2007-05-21 11:15:31 UTC
Never assume that it's an either/or question. Even if part of a natural cycle, it is greatly accelerated compared to other past environmental cycles and the most likely (and most scientists will certify) culprit is human produced green house gases and other types of contamination of the biosphere.
Eric R
2007-05-21 11:15:13 UTC
It is a natural cycle. Mankind contributes a meager 3%.

Do the research unlike Al Gore did and all the answers are there.

Don't become a "Global Warming" lemming
2007-05-21 11:42:28 UTC
It is just a natural cycle. The polar ice shows such cycles.
2007-05-21 11:19:07 UTC
Its a HUGE scam designed to allow congress to tax us in new ways! Read Michael Chriton's "State of Fear". He writes science fiction around actual science (Jurrassic Park, Next, etc). Al Gore uses 10 times the electricity of others in his Memphis mansion. To justify this, he buys "Carbon Offsets" from a company that gets great tax benefits by doing things like planting trees, etc. Oh, guess who owns the carbon offset company Gore purchases from..... Gore does himself... Oooooh, what at scam this is !!
2007-05-25 09:25:45 UTC
It is a natural phenomenon. It has been happening since the ice age
Hush P
2007-05-21 11:21:24 UTC
Global warming, as well as global cooling, is a phenomena as old as the earth itself. This is nothing new....but the hysteria is.
2007-05-21 11:20:24 UTC
According to united Nations recent release-- about 90% chance that it is man made, 10% that is is just by chance.
2007-05-21 12:18:19 UTC
I know most people will not read this post, they will just give me a thumbs down so here’s a summary of questions for the global warming crowd to think about, these have not been answered or even acknowledged by the global warming community.

- Why does CO2 always rise after temperature?

- Why is Mars warming?

- If temperature is raise by CO2 than why did global temperature drop between 1940 and 1970 while CO2 continued to rise?

- Why is the troposphere cooling if the greenhouse effect is the source of the earth’s warming?

- What about the numerous studies showing the sun is the cause of temperature change?

- Who funds global warming scientists?

- Why is a scientific consensus claimed?

- Why can you still see marks on rocks that mark the water level in the 1800’s?

- Why is the center of the artic and Antarctic ice shelves cooling?

- Why are the same glaciers retreating on one edge and expanding on the other?

The idea of man made global warming is false; it is based on false, misinterpreted, or biased evidence. When “An Inconvenient Truth” came out it was supposed to be the final word in proving global warming exists, but it did not. It was hosted solely by a politician who has no scientific training and presented only 2 graphs. According to these sources almost everything Al Gore claimed was either false or greatly exaggerated.

For a movie that debunks global warming (hosted by actual scientists and presenting more than 2 graphs) look here:

This scientist says it will be a joke in 5 years:

One of the biggest claims by the global warming crowd is that there is a scientific consensus, this is a blatant and shameful lie. This claim is made to coerce you into belief because there is no opposition, right? Wrong, these 17,000+ scientists would disagree with the idea of a scientific consensus.

Come to think of it when is the last time you heard that there is a scientific consensus that actually cited numbers? There never has been, people will claim that 90% of scientists agree, this number is made up. Here are the real numbers:

It seems there is a scientific consensus against global warming.

Some people will ask if I expect all the scientists who agree with global warming will come out one day and say we were joking, fooled you. No I don’t believe that, this will happen:

Here’s 21 pages of disagreement:

Here’s some general information on my position.

The central claim by the global warming crowd is that human generated CO2 is causing the current warming of the earth, this is false. An ice core sample like the one Al Gore showed actually shows the opposite, temperature rises the concentration of CO2.

The global warming crowd hardly ever shows this graph, they will only show graphs of the last 50 years or so, that is because if you take any particular 50 years it appears that CO2 is leading temperature, go ahead try it with the spike 250,000 years ago.

This is because a rise in temperature causes the sea to give up stored CO2:

Here’s another ice core study that clearly shows a cyclical pattern in earth’s temperature, we are currently at a warming phase.

The main greenhouse gas is water vapor, which accounts for 95% of the greenhouse effect, CO2 only accounts for 3.6%. It makes up only .03% of our atmosphere. Of that only a about 6Gt of that comes from humans another 150Gt comes from animals.

This is the official NASA CO2 center, they have been studying atmospheric CO2 long before global warming was an issue, they conclude that CO2 is not the cause of warming.

If the earth was warming due to the greenhouse effect the troposphere would also be warming thus radiating the heat to the surface of the earth, but its not, the troposphere is actually cooling, only the earths surface is heating pointing to a more direct source of warming.

And the claim that our current levels of CO2 are unprecedented are also false:

If CO2 determines temperature why did the temperature drop between the years of 1940 and 1970 while the concentration of CO2 increased?

The sun is causing our warming along with interplay between the sea currents. For proof look at the fact that mars is also warming.

Time to dispel myths of global warming:

1) Last year was the hottest year on record.

False, a number of sources above address this and so does this one

The world has actually cooled since 1998.

2) This warming is unprecedented.

False the medieval warm period was actually warmer. Grapes were grown in England, trees existed in place where there are now glaciers.

3) Glaciers are melting.

False, only portions are melting the cores are actually cooling. Some edges are decreasing while other expand.

4) Sea levels will increase 20 feet flooding costal cities.

False this is a lie by Al gore, even the IPCC does not agree with this. The seas are increasing in some areas and decreasing in others.

5) This current idea is a first climate crisis.

False, in the 1970’s there was a scare of global cooling. A scientific consensus was claimed, evidence poured in, and now, global warming. Hundreds of studies came in supporting the idea but we now know this idea was wrong.

6) Computer models predict further warming.

The computer models are unreliable, they all depend on dozens of assumptions, if any one is wrong the whole model is wrong. Also every model assumes human CO2 causes temperature increase so the outcome is always more warming. Computer models by scientists on the other side predict cooling.

7) The only scientists who disagree are paid by big oil.

This is false, most are paid by non partisan groups. This also begs a counter question, who pays global warming scientists? The answer big environmental companies who make millions off selling global warming materials, alternate fuels, green living products, etc.

Now the IPCC. Some will claim that the IPCC addressed solar impact and natural sources of CO2, they didn’t, see for yourself:

The IPCC is a political organization that knows what it will conclude before it starts its science. It has published a fake graph (the hockey stick graph) and later had to retract the report after THEY admitted it was wrong, yet they still use the graph. Scientists who disagreed with global warming were either excluded or censored.

If you actually read this post you should at least realize that global warming is not an absolute truth, it is the subject of active scientific debate.
2007-05-21 11:46:50 UTC
definitely a natural cycle
2007-05-21 11:28:05 UTC
it is man doing. i honestly don't think it is a cycle, cuz if it were, then it wuld happen often. i have to do a report too, for global crisis. hope your argument goes well. wish ya lots of luck.
purple cow77
2007-05-25 05:44:52 UTC
man doing
2007-05-21 11:10:13 UTC
It is man made because of the pollution.
2007-05-25 04:26:01 UTC
It really does not matter!Quit fouling your own nest.Birds don't do it .Why should humans?
2007-05-21 11:10:05 UTC
Well I am a Christian and I believe that God created the Earth and when our time is up HE will destroy it. We may have an effect but we by no means can destroy Gods earth.

Totally a Natural cycle.
2007-05-21 11:11:53 UTC
Neither! If you look at the facts , Man contributes less then 1% of all green house gases!
Joe #26
2007-05-21 11:30:44 UTC
totally natural, watch this video.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.