First off there is no global warming to fight against. AGW is a total scam based on fraudulent data.
All you need to do is follow the money to find the truth behind the AGW scam.
What little GW that is happening is caused by the sun
As for the electric car it's still now ready for the mass market. Driving range on a charge has always been the downfall of the electric car. Which is why it has never sold well even though have been around for more than 100 years.
But lets assume that problem is magically solves. Where is the power going to come from. The electric grid is already running at maximum capacity. Adding millions of electric cars to the load is not going to help.
New reliable power plants need to be built but environmentalist keep opposing the idea.
Wind will never work
Solar is a long way off from being useful on a large scale.
So basically electric cars are a solution to a non problem and will create new problems.
Although I do like the Tesla. I would buy one of those in I had extra money and wanted an expensive toy.