Jeff M
2010-12-02 01:49:56 UTC
The cooling between the 1940s and 1970s is well documented. Those who agree global warming is a reality state that the cooling was an effect of an increase of atmospheric aerosols mostly though human emissions. Skeptic state otherwise and use it as 'proof' anthropogenic global warming can not occur. Lets look at various evidences then you can tell me why you think they occurred if it wasn't for an increase in atmospheric aerosol concentrations.
As satellites only started taking reliable measurements of solar radiation in 1979 we can't really use that to show the Sun activity. However we can look at sunspots and see how active the Sun was without even needing exact measurements.
You can see from these graphs that temperatures started declining during a period of increasing solar activity. On top of that we have ground based measurements showing a decrease of 8W/m^-2 during this time period. Unfortunately I can't show the correlation between atmospheric aerosols as I can't find any historical data going back this far. However, given this data how do skeptics claim the planets cooled during this period of increased solar activity? Large volcanic eruptions usually only cool the planet for, at most, 3 years due to aerosols in the stratosphere.