Nuclear power has its problems in the US that have nothing to do with subsidies. Its major problem are NIMBYs (Not in my back yard).
The "environmentalists" have done a GREAT job LYING to the public for so long that they have every scare to death about nuclear power and nuclear waste. People like S there talking about clean-up after disasters AS IF there has been a disaster since 1979. The number of deaths in the US from nuclear power radiation poisoning sits at a whopping 0. That is right ZERO.
What occurs is simple. A nuclear power plant investor invests in the property and start building. Then the environmentalists spring into action scaring the people around the plant with doomsday tales that have NEVER COME TRUE. These LIARS hold protests to shut down construction and get the local governments to rezone the land. The end result is that the nuclear power plants do not get built and the investors lose a crap ton of money.
That is what enivronMENTALists actually do. It is not that they do not care, it is that they are ignorant. Like S, they spout the crap being told to them without ever taking the time to RESEARCH.
These people have single-handedly stopped new nuclear power construction int eh US and MADE the US into one of the largest emitters of CO2.
NOW they want to LIE some more. Breath on the wind talks stupidity about the cost of nuclear power being more expensive than solar. That is a fallacy.
These enviroNUTs unfortunately are willing to swallow crap without even asking why it tastes so bad. If they STOPPED and THOUGHT, the "problems" that they invent in their mind would actually have readily available solutions.
Somw reality deniers have stated that nuclear power is unclean and the fuel soruices will be exhausted soon:
Note the fuel sources will last an EXTREMELY long time in the 10s of thousands of years.
The idea of nuclear power being unclean is laughable with the exception of nuclear waste. Nuclear waste can be massively reduced if we allow ourselves to reuse spent fuel cells as they do in France. That's right ladies and gentlemen, the enviros strike again by making laws to NOT reuse spent fuel rods in the US and increasing the nuclear waste.
I love how they pretend to care about the environment.
Note James "logic". He is saying that since he can show ONE in the 100 nuclear pwoer plants currently in use in teh US is costing more than expected, ALL of them are bad. THAT IS HIS LOGIC.
Lets apply his logic to solar. Solyndra went bankrupt and cost the tax payer millions, thus solar power is bad and we should never use it???
OF COURSE this is not true. James KNOWS his logic fails. He KNOWS you can't look at 1% of the solar power companies and determine the effectiveness of all solar power companies, ESPECIALLY when you choose the 1% so as to pick either the worst or best case scenario.
Once again, I have no idea why I have to explain SIMPLE logic to someone who knows he is wrong. And I REALLY do not get why I have to defend nuclear power, when these alarmunists should be praising it.
This is why they are not really environmentalists, but alarmunists. The ONLY option they give is govt regressive taxation plans. AS IF communism has been a god-send to the environment. Guess they are not awar of USSR, North Korea and Chinese history of environmentalism.