What does it matter?
Hasn't all Science now been proved a tax raising, one world govt. fraud?
You do realize that all Science is so intertwined, and interdependent, that if one area of Science is "fake" , or a "fraud" , it would be like having an engine with wooden pistons.
What area of Science is being faked?
Is it just the Atmospheric Scientists?
Are the Climatologists in on the world wide US tax scam?
How many Marine Biologists do you think are faking data to suck up grant money?
How long has this fraud been going on?
What did they do with the real data before the scam was started?
Do they have a secret convention every year to indoctrinate the recently graduated Scientists?
Do they have a secret handshake to identify fellow tax conspirators?
Is the current money shortage being caused by the phony Scientists hoarding all their ill gotten gains under their mattresses?
With all Science being denied because of those stolen e-mails, will common sense finally prevail? I mean, any fool can easily see that it's the Sun warming the Earth.
Nobody actually needs an elitist Scientist to know that the Sun moves across the sky, as the Earth stands still.