Survey on global warming. wont take 5mins! :D just copu and paste or smth. :D?
2010-04-10 03:43:15 UTC
Name: ___________________ Age: _________ Date: _____________

IPW SURVEY – Affects and Effects of Global Warming

Please choose your response to the statement by putting a tick in either the strongly agree (SA), agree (A), disagree (D) or strongly disagree (SD) boxes as given below.

Questions Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
1. I think that global warming has affected us negatively.

2. I feel that the problems caused by global warming are serious.

3. Are you concerned that global warming is affecting our climate which in turn is affecting our lifestyle?
5. I will definitely take part in activities/drives to save the Earth. (ex. Reuse papers, recycle bottles and reduce electricity usage)

6. I am ready to voice out my thoughts on global warming.

7. Humans are the main ones at fault on the major damages on earth.

Choose your response to the following questions by putting an X in the appropriate box.

Yes No
1. Will you take part in “Earth Saving” projects, groups and programmes such as the Earth Hour (27 March)?

2. Do you think that the extinction of the human race is going to be deemed by global warming?

Thank you!! :D
Thirteen answers:
Vladimer K
2010-04-10 15:50:52 UTC
Name: John M. Age: 21

IPW SURVEY – Affects and Effects of Global Warming

Please choose your response to the statement by putting a tick in either the strongly agree (SA), agree (A), disagree (D) or strongly disagree (SD) boxes as given below.

Questions Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

1. I think that global warming has affected us negatively.

-D. Assuming that you're talking about man-made warming, then no.

2. I feel that the problems caused by global warming are serious.

-SD. A rise of less then 0.5 degrees C can't cause major problems.

3. Are you concerned that global warming is affecting our climate which in turn is affecting our lifestyle?


5. I will definitely take part in activities/drives to save the Earth. (ex. Reuse papers, recycle bottles and reduce electricity usage)

-D. It's a nice thought, but I can't afford it economically.

6. I am ready to voice out my thoughts on global warming.

-SA. I'm always willing to debate an alarmist.

7. Humans are the main ones at fault on the major damages on earth.


Choose your response to the following questions by putting an X in the appropriate box.

Yes No

1. Will you take part in “Earth Saving” projects, groups and programmes such as the Earth Hour (27 March)?

Yes. Every year, I volunteer for "Clean Your Streams." I may not be an environmentalist nut, but seriously, I've found freaking fridges.

2. Do you think that the extinction of the human race is going to be deemed by global warming?

Hell, no. Me and several alarmist and skeptics agreed that the zombie apocalypse is more likely to occur than the end of the world due to man-made warming.
2010-04-10 13:01:16 UTC
Name: Ricardo Age: 29 Date: April 10, 2010

IPW SURVEY – Affects and Effects of Global Warming

Please choose your response to the statement by putting a tick in either the strongly agree (SA), agree (A), disagree (D) or strongly disagree (SD) boxes as given below.

Questions Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

1. I think that global warming has affected us negatively.

SD - I don't believe it has or will

2. I feel that the problems caused by global warming are serious.

SD - There are no problems that have been recorded (real ones that is)

3. Are you concerned that global warming is affecting our climate which in turn is affecting our lifestyle?

SD - No chance of that happening.

5. I will definitely take part in activities/drives to save the Earth. (ex. Reuse papers, recycle bottles and reduce electricity usage)

SD - I already recycle, ride a bike, but not due to global warming but for environmental reasons.

6. I am ready to voice out my thoughts on global warming.

SA - I will continue to question the science until honest, unbiased, and unfudged numbers are recorded.

7. Humans are the main ones at fault on the major damages on earth.

SD - Humans pollute but cannot influence climate.

Choose your response to the following questions by putting an X in the appropriate box.

Yes No

1. Will you take part in “Earth Saving” projects, groups and programmes such as the Earth Hour (27 March)?

No, it's a joke

2. Do you think that the extinction of the human race is going to be deemed by global warming?

Jeff M
2010-04-10 09:01:21 UTC
Name: Jeff Age:35

Please choose your response to the statement by putting a tick in either the strongly agree (SA), agree (A), disagree (D) or strongly disagree (SD) boxes as given below.

1. I think that global warming has affected us negatively. - A

2. I feel that the problems caused by global warming are serious. - SA

3. Are you concerned that global warming is affecting our climate which in turn is affecting our lifestyle? - A

5. I will definitely take part in activities/drives to save the Earth. (ex. Reuse papers, recycle bottles and reduce electricity usage) - SA

6. I am ready to voice out my thoughts on global warming. - SA

7. Humans are the main ones at fault on the major damages on earth. - I don't really like this question. What types of damages? If you are talking specifically about damages due to the warming of the planet I'd agree.

Choose your response to the following questions by putting an X in the appropriate box.

1. Will you take part in “Earth Saving” projects, groups and programmes such as the Earth Hour (27 March)? Yes

2. Do you think that the extinction of the human race is going to be deemed by global warming? No
2010-04-10 08:06:02 UTC
Name: Isabelle Age: 16 Date: 4/10/10

IPW SURVEY – Affects and Effects of Global Warming

Please choose your response to the statement by putting a tick in either the strongly agree (SA), agree (A), disagree (D) or strongly disagree (SD) boxes as given below.

Questions Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

1. I think that global warming has affected us negatively. agree AND disagree (because it comes to show us how important the environment is, and may bring the country together by helping stop it.)

2. I feel that the problems caused by global warming are serious. SA

3. Are you concerned that global warming is affecting our climate which in turn is affecting our lifestyle? i don't mind being ec-friendly for the sake of being eco-friendly, but yeah of course A

5. I will definitely take part in activities/drives to save the Earth. (ex. Reuse papers, recycle bottles and reduce electricity usage) SA

6. I am ready to voice out my thoughts on global warming. SA

7. Humans are the main ones at fault on the major damages on earth. D

Choose your response to the following questions by putting an X in the appropriate box.

Yes No

1. Will you take part in “Earth Saving” projects, groups and programmes such as the Earth Hour (27 March)? YES!! :D

2. Do you think that the extinction of the human race is going to be deemed by global warming? no. i think we will have to face drastic results and consequences for not taking action while we could, but i don't think its enough to kill us.
2010-04-10 04:02:50 UTC
Name: Chris Age: 22 Date: 10/4/2010

IPW SURVEY – Affects and Effects of Global Warming

Please choose your response to the statement by putting a tick in either the strongly agree (SA), agree (A), disagree (D) or strongly disagree (SD) boxes as given below.

Questions Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

1. I think that global warming has affected us negatively.


2. I feel that the problems caused by global warming are serious.

-D (it depends on what time scale your talking about)

3. Are you concerned that global warming is affecting our climate which in turn is affecting our lifestyle?


5. I will definitely take part in activities/drives to save the Earth. (ex. Reuse papers, recycle bottles and reduce electricity usage)

-A (not for the reason 'to save the Earth)

6. I am ready to voice out my thoughts on global warming.

-A (I will happily debate anyone who Truly believes that global warming is a result of human activity!)

7. Humans are the main ones at fault on the major damages on earth.

-SD (Volcanoes, Earthquakes and perhaps meteors are the only things that can cause major damage to the Earth)

Choose your response to the following questions by putting an X in the appropriate box.

Yes No

1. Will you take part in “Earth Saving” projects, groups and programmes such as the Earth Hour (27 March)?

No - I already feel good enough about myself not to need to do any of these things

2. Do you think that the extinction of the human race is going to be deemed by global warming?

NO - well.. it might.. but it will be unlikely for at least 225 000 years, that's when the world is about due for another bout un 'unlivable' conditions.

A little more info there then you asked for, but i don't like it when people think something like global warming is destroying the Earth, and is going to kill them. Seriously.. its not that bad!
2010-04-10 08:47:40 UTC
You don't have a question 4

Name: _Ricahrd_______________ Age: ___48_____ Date: _____4-10-10_____

IPW SURVEY – Affects and Effects of Global Warming

Please choose your response to the statement by putting a tick in either the strongly agree (SA), agree (A), disagree (D) or strongly disagree (SD) boxes as given below.

Questions Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

1. I think that global warming has affected us negatively. SD

2. I feel that the problems caused by global warming are serious.SD

3. Are you concerned that global warming is affecting our climate which in turn is affecting our lifestyle? SD

5. I will definitely take part in activities/drives to save the Earth. (ex. Reuse papers, recycle bottles and reduce electricity usage) SD

6. I am ready to voice out my thoughts on global warming. SA

7. Humans are the main ones at fault on the major damages on earth. SD

Choose your response to the following questions by putting an X in the appropriate box.

Yes No

1. Will you take part in “Earth Saving” projects, groups and programmes such as the Earth Hour (27 March)? no

2. Do you think that the extinction of the human race is going to be deemed by global warming? no
2010-04-10 05:35:32 UTC
Name: ___________________ Age: ____60_____ Date: __10/04/2010_________

IPW SURVEY – Affects and Effects of Global Warming

Please choose your response to the statement by putting a tick in either the strongly agree (SA), agree (A), disagree (D) or strongly disagree (SD) boxes as given below.

Questions Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

1. I think that global warming has affected us

2. I feel that the problems caused by global warming are

3. Are you concerned that global warming is affecting our climate which in turn is affecting our lifestyle?sd

5. I will definitely take part in activities/drives to save the Earth. (ex. Reuse papers, recycle bottles and reduce electricity usage)sd

6. I am ready to voice out my thoughts on global

7. Humans are the main ones at fault on the major damages on

Choose your response to the following questions by putting an X in the appropriate box.

Yes No

1. Will you take part in “Earth Saving” projects, groups and programmes such as the Earth Hour (27 March)? no

2. Do you think that the extinction of the human race is going to be deemed by global warming? no
s s
2010-04-10 05:06:24 UTC
Name: Sarah Slattery Age:18 Date:10/4/10

IPW SURVEY – Affects and Effects of Global Warming

Please choose your response to the statement by putting a tick in either the strongly agree (SA), agree (A), disagree (D) or strongly disagree (SD) boxes as given below.

Questions Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

1. I think that global warming has affected us negatively. SA (if in some parts of the world and it sould be climate chance because it isnt just wwarming)

2. I feel that the problems caused by global warming are serious. SA (they are very very serious for climent change)

3. Are you concerned that global warming is affecting our climate which in turn is affecting our lifestyle?SA(climate change will at this point in time go up by 2 C that of the last ice age was from a 1C change)

5. I will definitely take part in activities/drives to save the Earth. (ex. Reuse papers, recycle bottles and reduce electricity usage)SA

6. I am ready to voice out my thoughts on global warming.SA(climate change not global worming as that will only happen in some parts of the world and in others alote more rain.)

7. Humans are the main ones at fault on the major damages on earth. SA(untill we heat the oceans to much and the storage down there comes up.)

Choose your response to the following questions by putting an X in the appropriate box.

Yes X

1. Will you take part in “Earth Saving” projects, groups and programmes such as the Earth Hour (27 March)?


2. Do you think that the extinction of the human race is going to be deemed by global warming?

plz change to climate change as the words glabal warming have been gotten ride of because the whole world want heat. and in some parts there will be high rain fall and lower temputers
Facts Matter
2010-04-10 04:34:36 UTC
Edit: I had not realised that this is a school exercise or that English is not your first language. I apologise for earlier rudeness.

Age 71, date Apr 10, 2010

1.I think that global warming has affected us negatively.

SA. Droughts and floods

2.I feel that the problems caused by global warming are serious.

SA. Drought and floods (how does this differ from 1?)

3. Are you concerned that global warming is affecting our climate which in turn is affecting our lifestyle?

If you mean my own right now, D. Where I live is not adversely affected.

5.I will definitely take part in activities/drives to save the Earth. (ex. Reuse papers, recycle bottles and reduce electricity usage)

SA; recycling, avoiding waste, using public transport. I do and I will.

6.I am ready to voice out my thoughts on global warming.

SA, I am and I do

7.Humans are the main ones at fault on the major damages on earth.

SA, human activity is what is driving current rapid change

Choose your response to the following questions by putting an X in the appropriate box.

Yes No

1.Will you take part in “Earth Saving” projects, groups and programmes such as the Earth Hour (27 March)?

No. Just a gesture.

2.Do you think that the extinction of the human race is going to be deemed by global warming?

No. We won't go extinct over this, but our numbers and quality of life might be very severely damaged if we don't act.

Thank you!! :D
2010-04-10 13:37:53 UTC
Questions Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

1. A

2. SA

3. A

5. SA

6. SA

7. SA

1. Y

2. N

Leading questions though. I think climate change has affected humans negatively (eg deaths from heatstroke), but also positively (eg fewer deaths from cold weather): your questions only get one side!

Similar for the rest of the questions...
2010-04-10 14:51:55 UTC
gerda 49 10.04.2010

1 - SA

2 - SA

3 - SA

5 - SA

6 - SA

7 - SA

1 - no

2 - no, just civilisation.

'global warming' = climate change

'save the earth' = save the current ecology (that humans depend on) i seriously doubt we could kill alll bacteria, viruses, algae and other simple life-forms! or even all the rats and cockroaches....
2016-10-25 03:04:02 UTC
worldwide warming is a organic effect of the earth not human/man made. do not seem at learn presented over the merely the previous 30 years of climate replace. seem on the enormous photograph. information has been shown in center samples of the earths crust and from icebergs that it fairly is a organic occurrence that repeats in the earth historic previous… not mans… you need to do your homework in the previous posting something like this. in case you had, your content fabric could be diverse.
2010-04-10 03:46:45 UTC
1-5, 7 SD, 6 SA

1-2 N

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.