2010-04-10 03:43:15 UTC
IPW SURVEY – Affects and Effects of Global Warming
Please choose your response to the statement by putting a tick in either the strongly agree (SA), agree (A), disagree (D) or strongly disagree (SD) boxes as given below.
Questions Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
1. I think that global warming has affected us negatively.
2. I feel that the problems caused by global warming are serious.
3. Are you concerned that global warming is affecting our climate which in turn is affecting our lifestyle?
5. I will definitely take part in activities/drives to save the Earth. (ex. Reuse papers, recycle bottles and reduce electricity usage)
6. I am ready to voice out my thoughts on global warming.
7. Humans are the main ones at fault on the major damages on earth.
Choose your response to the following questions by putting an X in the appropriate box.
Yes No
1. Will you take part in “Earth Saving” projects, groups and programmes such as the Earth Hour (27 March)?
2. Do you think that the extinction of the human race is going to be deemed by global warming?
Thank you!! :D