Jeff M
2011-07-11 18:53:52 UTC
(Friedlingstein, 2010) - - Shows anthropogenic CO2 emissions at over 30 billion tons per year.
(Scripps Oceanographic Institute data) - - Shows CO2 atmospheric increase at over 2ppm per year
Given recent satellite measurements of changes in outgoing and downward longwave radiation showing more longwave energy remaining in the troposphere
(Harries, 2001) - - Shows measurements of outgoiong radiation decreasing at specific greenhouse gas absorption wavelengths
(Griggs, 2006) - - An update to the study above that includes AIRS
(Wang, 2009) - - Measurements of downward longwave radiation showing an increase in wavelengths attributable to certain greenhouse gasses
And the resultant energy imbalance of all known factors
(Murphy, 2009) -
Given this data, how can anyone claim that the current warming is not due mainly to human contribution? How can they continue stating falsehoods about such things as the Urban Heat Island Effect when satellite measurements show otherwise? I am aware that the ocean is the major carbon sink as well as plants and so on. What other carbon sinks are there on the biological time scale? What other carbon sinks are there on the geologic time scale? How do you propose that atmospheric carbon is increasing if it is not due to anthropogenic emissions? Perhaps someone can also go into depth about how oceanic exhaling and inhaling of CO2 relates to temperatures and why, given the increase in unnatural atmospheric carbon, why the oceans are not exhaling CO2 during this warming period.