WHY do people keep saying there is no such thing as GLOBAL WARMING??!!?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
WHY do people keep saying there is no such thing as GLOBAL WARMING??!!?
38 answers:
2007-05-10 20:11:32 UTC
I think those who say global warming is false can be categorized in to the following:

1) Some are self serving and evil. They know global warming is real but because they somehow are benefiting from selling things that cause global warming and they just want to maximize their profits. They know they are damaging the climate for future generations but they are so selfish they just don't care what they are doing. Others that fall into this category are "scientists" accepting payment from mostly oil companies to go out and lie to the public. Others yet specialize in advertising and have designed an advertising program to deliberately mislead the public into thinking that global warming is not real, is controversial or is not well understood. I think what all these people are doing is extremely immoral and I think they in essence are criminals.

2) Some are just ignorant. They have been told by people from category 1 that global warming is false and bad for the economy. These folks are well meaning in their opposition but are also either too lazy or not well enough educated in technical subjects to be able to study actual facts of the issue and so they cannot tell lies from the truth. Global warming is a very technical subject and people who have not studied science at at least a college level simply do not have the background to be able to understand the issue. It is unfortunate that they are also unaware of their limitation. Mostly I do not fault these folks with one exception. Those who are answering questions on Yahoo Answers or otherwise actively trying to convince the public that global warming is not real are acting in a very irresponsible manner. They do not know what they are talking about and should be keeping their mouths shut.

It is my opinion that there is literally no one who understands the technical issues that actually believes that global warming is false. There are people who understand it and lie by saying it is false and there are people who simply don't understand but apparently think they do and say it is false.
2007-05-10 17:49:52 UTC
A better term for "global warming" is "global climate change". Rising temperatures in one area will alter jet streams and such and lead to cooler areas in others. That's why some whacko conservatives use thermal data in some particular locations to try to downgrade the threat. Sure the warming is a natural process. But as far as we know, it's never been this rapid and all of our activities most certainly have a huge effect by accelerating this process.

There's still doubt because oil giants and their partners (which includes many people within the White House) would lose a lot of money if people start to drift towards alternative energy sources as opposed to oil. Factories and other industries will have to refit everything so that they're environmentally friendly. They don't want to comply since refitting their operations will cost them money. Less money --> more complaining.

People are simply too lazy to change. Any lack of convenience is enough of an incentive NOT to go green.

"In 100 years, the temperature has risen 2 degrees. Yes 2 degrees."

2 degrees Celsius is HUGE. It may not seem like much, but when you think of the average temperature around the whole world rising like that, that is A LOT of additional energy within just 100 years.

"The scientists have found that by scaring everybody, they get more research grants."

Ok... so there's only one right answer? It's either lie and say there's nothing wrong happening... or tell the truth and be accused of making up stuff for more money? I thought is was a scientist's job to tell us something we don't know and if there's something that needs to be changed. Then there's people who say there's not enough evidence for climate change... shouldn't we then fund research to solidify the arguments? Such contradictory arguments!

"I'm also wary of any religious-like devotion to a cause that is unproven and (coincidentally) followed by those who happened to be left-wing anti-capitalists and socialists."

Climate change is scientific consensus. Any dissent is by "scientists" paid off by the Bush Administration and oil giants to oppose everyone else

By the way... not all left-wingers are anti-capitalists and socialists... That would be like all right-wingers are rednecks that think torture is ok when that's supposedly why we needed to stop Saddam Hussein... Congratulations, you just made yourself look like an idiot.

Climate change is real and we have to take just a slightly more conscious approach to it. We don't really need that much more effort. Any short-term costs will definitely make up for itself in the long-term.
2007-05-10 17:00:19 UTC
The big industrialists in USA paid a lot of money for media and scientists to try to prove that there is no such thing as Global Warming.

American Government afraid of loosing the economic growth it was seeing, and due to electoral reasons too accepted the biast vue.

Nevertheless, the last science meeting in Europe included plenty of Americans and they all agreed that we should do something about Global Warming.

By the way, USA has the highest per capita contribution to Global Warming, it is also the highest producer of CO2.
2016-05-20 04:31:39 UTC
I 100% agree with them ! serbian scientist milutin Milankovic explained it perfectly ... In a long period of time of Earth traveling around the Sun there comes a time where it's path gets a little closer to the Sun ... So it's hotter than anyone remembers because such things happen once in a million years !
2007-05-10 16:37:32 UTC
You misunderstand. Global climate change is very real. Just as real as it was millions of years ago before humans existed. The question is whether humans are the cause, and all first hand data says NO.

Global warming alarmists rarely if ever use hard data, but rather meta analyses of other meta analyses, etc. A meta analysis is very simple to slant in whatever way the author wants, because he chooses what data to include and exclude. Only with these types of studies does any evidence arise.

In short, human intervention in the climate is only provable through human intervention in the data.

Remember how 30 years ago these same alarmists were raising hell over an impending doom due to a new ice age? This was using the same data and the same tactics.

Do yourself a favor and go to Youtube or Google Video and watch "The Great Global Warming Swindle" for a little more information.

Just because you shout louder, doesn't mean you're right.
2007-05-10 17:39:00 UTC
I did a report on global warming and there is substantial evidence that people would believe it doesn't exist. I don't really remember what it said at the moment. I don't agree with it but I realize that there IS evidence to support that view point. But, really, whether or not it exists [which IT DOES], we still need to make changes to help the environment.
2007-05-11 04:30:48 UTC
The Earth goes through cycles in its tilt angle as it circles the sun each year. The sun too has cycles of sun spots. Our solar system in its orbit of the galaxy has cycles of radiation. All these things have an effect on us, including the sun's using up its energy and becoming a red star. Compound this with volcanoes, earth quakes and chemical changes brought on by all life forms and we can understand we humans are just a drop in the bucket. We could be in a major warming or entering a new ice age. Our record keeping is over just a short period of time and at best we are poor evaluators - just look at weather reports for today to actual results. Heck I was told over the last two years the north east was in for major hurricanes - WRONG

There are always NAY sayers it gives them a platform to be noticed. Now go burn some rubber and have your AC running on high - we live once - you can be happy or you can dedicate yourself to following conflicting information
2007-05-10 18:39:18 UTC
The two main reasons are:

1. There is no conclusive scientific proof that a problem exists.

2. The high profile proponents of "Global Warming" are the biggest hypocrites on the planet.

There you go, so simple even a liberal can understand it.
2007-05-10 16:31:10 UTC
I do not believe that there is enough information to to conclude that the globe is warming. We only have acurate tempuratres relating back maybe 200 hundred years at best and the earth has been around for millions of years. I do not believe that 200 years of records is enough to make a blanket statement that the globe is warming. True, the average temerature may have increased in the last 200 years but that means nothing in the grand scheme of things. In 50 years the scientists may come out and say that the globe is cooling but again I caution you that this is not enough information to base such a theory on. We need tens of thousands of years of data to even come close to making such a claim.
2007-05-10 16:50:40 UTC
Because people would rather lie to themselves than face reality. If they acknowledge that global warming is 'real', they must also acknowledge that they have contributed to it. If they admit that their vehicle emissions, their disregard for the environment, and their ecologically bad habits are to blame for this potential disaster, they might have to also agree to changing their lifestyles...and they don't want to do that! They don't want to trade in their $70,000 gas-guzzling SUVs for fuel-efficient compacts; they don't want to go through the inconvenience of reUSING their Styrofoam cups over and over again, or reDUCING their own disposable waste, or reCYCLING their plastics, oil, paper, phone books, cardboard, glass, magazines, steel, newsprint, vegetable oil, and aluminum. We live in what everyone calls "a disposable society" and what we're really doing is disposing of the very planet on which we reside. -RKO- 05/10/09
2007-05-10 19:14:44 UTC
o.k. green people are mental, and some dont live by what they preach, like Al Gore. Talks about how we are harming our earth, then he takes off in his jet, that cant be good for our inviornment. Whats happening is just a natural cycle, dont let them trick you into feeling guilty, and dont let them instill fear in you. They are right about one thing, there is a global warming, thats because the bible said this would happen, that in the end times, the sun would scorch mens backs. So they are kinda right, but its not our fault. Empty souls must seek out anything to make a religion out of it, because they have no true peace inside. Like the yoga people, they are some of the wackiest individuals I have ever met. I live next to one. Dont let unstable people lead you.
2007-05-10 16:27:28 UTC
1) GLOBAL WARMING IS REAL!!!!!!!! People just keep insisting that it isn't happening because they are afraid that we are right and that the planet is fine. IT IS NOT ALL RIGHT!!! The planet is going to die soon if we dont take action. If you want proof, then just look at the weather reports for the last few years. you will see that the temp. has steadly gone up each year. Help the environment. Plant a tree.
2007-05-10 16:25:21 UTC
It's an easy way to brush off each individual's global responsibility. Global warming may or may not be true, but that doesn't mean everyone can continue driving hummers and not recycling. The world is a huge apartment, and people like that are the guy on the couch... GET OFF THE COUCH, IT'S YOUR TURN TO DO THE DISHES!!!
2007-05-10 17:02:07 UTC
It seems to have become political ..

And, it also looks like it is the same people that make these statements over and over again.

cmdrbnd007, how come you have chosen to beleive "the other side" and at the same time stating you won't chose to accept "one side" until you've had an open debate? Shouldn't you stay of BOTH sides with such an argument?
2007-05-10 16:53:41 UTC
As I've said before, I find it odd that the more solid the evidence supporting the theory becomes, the fewer people seem to accept it. I think we can now safely place the contrarians in the same group of people as creationists and holocaust deniers. The science behind the theory really is that strong. If you don't believe me feel free to read through the new IPCC report, which can be found here:
2007-05-10 16:25:39 UTC
Some people just can't accept that mankind is responsible, and will always look for things like natural climate cycles.

Problem is we are currently going through a naturally warm part of the earths weather cycle and this is being made worse by global pollution
2007-05-10 17:32:48 UTC
Of COURSE Global warming is real!!! It's a proven fact! Too many people want to ignore what's wrong with our Earth, instead of dealing with it and fixing it. DON'T LISTEN!!
2007-05-10 17:02:23 UTC
Its not that we deny that there is global warming its just we don't think that its man-made. You keep hearing about this consensus among scientist that it is caused by man but that's just a lie there is no consensus its just that the other side never gets heard. there is evidence that says its not the increase in CO2 that's causing a rise in global temp. but that the rise in global temp is causing an increase in CO2. Until we get to have an open debate I refuse to accept this one side.
2007-05-10 16:32:12 UTC
Mainly neocons and religious rightists, because they don't admit science is real. They think only belief is real, and if you don't believe in it, why, it can't be real. Both Democrats and Republicans have refused to do anything about it because businesses, especially the big energy companies, would have to pay for the damage they do to the ecology. Oh, horrors! The bottom line for shareholders and officers of corporations would preclude the officers getting huge bonuses and pay increases for keeping Congress at bay.
2007-05-10 16:28:14 UTC
well im thinkin, we knew about it, people talked about it, but it wasnt a big deal. we were trottin along fine and dandy developeing some new hydrogen cars and stuff at our own easy pace. BUT now that we're at war and crap, gas is 3490860 bucks a gallon, everyone starts freakin out and having seazures about how we're gonna die tomorrow if we dont get some damn hydrocars today. so i think its part of the war effort. lets dominate iraq by becoming less dependant on oil so they aint got no money. how do we become less dependant on oil? drive less. how do we drive less? tell everyone that cars cause global warming which will kill us all within a few days.
2007-05-10 16:25:30 UTC
So there are people saying that there is no such thing as Global Warming, cool i thought i was the only one.

Just look in the past government said an ice age was coming, never did. worry about illegal immigration or something.
El Guapo
2007-05-10 16:25:19 UTC
For some people, the idea of change is difficult. They want to continue their way of life and can't believe that after so long, it's time for change. Also, if you've never heard the idea that all the worlds volcano's put out more CO2 than all the cars in the world combined. It's hard to change minds of people. This debate will go on for a long time.
2007-05-10 16:26:38 UTC
They're stupid. Global warming is happening and it's killing us. Maybe they just say it to get it off their mind. Don't listen to them. If they saw some pictures of ice bergs from back then and the same icebergs now, they'll realize that global warming is real.
2007-05-10 16:33:29 UTC
well, considering that NOT ONE administration official admits to global warming, does it really surprise you that people don't believe it. if people actually sought out some real data on the subject they would have to either believe it or admit to being an IDIOT. oh yea, don't forget about the problem with the bees (assuming that you believe in that data)

Marianne D
2007-05-10 16:33:17 UTC
Because they're republicans, I mean they're ignorant :-) A lady I know from 'the other side' said to me once, "But we're just little human beings living on the surface. We couldn't possibly do anything that would affect the whole world THAT much. That Al Gore is just mad that he didn't win the election." My jaw dropped to the floor... I can't believe how ignorant people can be.
Joseph R
2007-05-10 17:46:33 UTC
Because those people dont believe in air pollution.But they should know that burned Foosil,fuels,gas,and other stuff could pollute the air.Tell them that burning fossil fuels pollutes the air.
2007-05-10 16:26:08 UTC
Because they don't want to admit it and don't want to change their ways. I guess they are just putting their head in the sand like an ostrich, so they don't see what's going on around them.
2007-05-10 16:24:29 UTC
well the earth goes through natural warming and cooling stages. we are in the warming stage right now. yes we are giving off more co2 but that is also plant food and they are thriving. the only issue we are causing is the cutting down of the rainforest which is why there are more co2s in the air. But its a natural cycle. We didn't drive cars on mars and look at it.
2007-05-10 16:25:17 UTC
Because the scientific data is contradictory. Plain and simple. We believe it is happening, because we know how polution eventually effects eco-systems, but the data supports this sometimes and sometimes it doesnt. Enough to leave the question unanswered. Is it likely, probably, but the evidence just isnt there yet.
2007-05-10 17:48:24 UTC
To avoid the blame mostly. and to have a clear conscious.

as they say, "ignorance is bliss".

I personally think that is bull****, and we need to take serious action.
2007-05-10 16:28:03 UTC
It is just more lies. it's the same BS machine that has inflated the Bush Balloon for 6 years. I can't even get mad anymore. It is just so sad. In anywhere but the US, there is no argument.

Bush - Cheney are men. Men can't repeal reality.
2007-05-10 16:46:23 UTC
Because if they say that, they have an excuse to do nothing and drive their big *** SUVs etc...
2007-05-10 16:24:26 UTC
They're listening to propaganda released by the big oil companies and their lobbists
2007-05-10 16:29:18 UTC
they dont believe the facts they people are saying
2007-05-10 16:23:15 UTC
Maybe they're looking for an way to ignore it.
Tequilla $hot
2007-05-10 16:25:26 UTC
it exist and it will eat us ! bc of people who saying its not real ..
2007-05-10 18:16:00 UTC
people don't want to admit that were killing ourselves

(slowly though)
2007-05-10 16:24:24 UTC
i guess people are saying that cause they are idoits, GLOBAL WARMING IS REAL!!!

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