There has been a very well funded disinformation campaign designed to lead people to doubt the evidence of Global Warming, Anthropogenic Global Warming and Climate Change.
- On Global Warming, there is a lot of disinformation that states that scientists have cherry picked temperature data and excluded certain monitoring stations and even that scientists haven't accounted for things like the urban heat island effect. Of course all of those things are easily debunked, yet the claims keep on rolling in, generally as if they are cut and pasted directly from a "skeptic" website or quoted verbatim from a Fox News program.
- On Anthropogenic Global Warming, there is a lot of disinformation about man's contribution to the rising CO2 levels, CO2's role as a greenhouse gas, feedbacks, etc. Doubters will often parrot things said by Monkton or other professional "skeptics". These claims are all usually exceedingly easy to debunk as well.
- On Climate Change, there is also a great deal of disinformation. "Skeptics" (often the same ones that claim there is not warming in the first place) will claim that the climate isn't changing or they will dismiss the change as minor. They may also claim that because they are having cold weather that their climate is getting cooler and therefore scientists must be lying or at least stupid and wrong. Once again, it's all easy to debunk.
Check out this YouTube channel or you can take a look at this website:
Both very soundly debunk most of the myths that the "skeptics" repeat from their propaganda...