>>>Why would I cycle through multiple accounts, just to issue thumbs down?
Not sure, when it comes to such a petty (to use your word) action, the reason behind it is somewhat obscure. You bring up something about a prize at the end of the year, but perhaps someone would do it just to win short term battles and hide all of the answers they simply don't like? It's PR, falsely advertising your own team's answers by making them all positively approved and your opponents disapproved by making it appear as though some sort of general public is voting on them.
>>>Maybe people just do not care for your rotten little attitudes?
>>>Prove to me that you are not a foil hat nutter.
>>>Prove to me you are not some whiny little girl.
>>>Say this accusation aloud, and see how petty you sound.
Quite obviously most of the "evidence" we can provide is anecdotal. I can at least personally say that it has been mildly humorous at times to watch a question and simply refresh the page constantly to see just enough thumbs down appear in 4-5 minutes to hide all of the realists' answers, and then for some reason stop.
As to you personally doing it, I don't remember accusing you before, have others? I think either Richie or George Orwell have been the prime suspects. However, I don't think statements like this:
"I've got friends in other sections."
really help your cause, or are supposed to somehow acquit you. I have several friends in other sections too, but contrary to what you strongly imply from your statement about your own friends, they're not trigger happy.