Yes Mike, this is a point that I made long ago.
The simple truth is; there is no conclusive, empirical evidence supporting the theory that CO2 has a *significant* effect on global temperature.
It’s perfectly reasonable to conclude that if you increase the amount of a greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, you’ll get *some* warming. But the important question is: how much? And we have no empirical evidence to support any of the answers we’re getting for that question.
As you point out, Jeff M’s links are simply evidence that CO2 is behaving as a greenhouse gas. However, CO2 on its own will only have a minor effect on temperature. To get to the predicted catastrophe, we have to include feedbacks, and the results of these feedbacks are simply model predictions.
We can test the effects of CO2 in the laboratory, so we can fairly accurately model the direct effects of CO2 in the atmosphere. But to suggest we can take this one, fairly well-understood, aspect of the climate and then suddenly accurately model the hugely complex *entire* atmosphere is arrogant beyond belief.
Essentially, pegminer hit the nail on the head with his “You mean like saying that an autopsy may show a bullet wound, but that is not a line of evidence that it caused a death?” analogy.
In Global Warming-land, a post-mortem would work like this:
Pathologist examines body, the body is dead, the body has a bullet wound, bullet wounds can kill people, and therefore the cause of death is a bullet wound. No further examination required. No actual evidence to link the bullet wound to the cause of death is required. Anyone who suggests that the bullet wound may not be the cause of death is attacked, called names and associated with gun manufacturers.
Well that’s me convinced then.
For a theory to be accepted it need to be proved with reference to concrete observations of the real world. In other words, the Warmists need to make predictions about how the climate will change that we can then compare to actual *independent* observation of the climate. And so far, of course, they’re not doing too well. The Warmists appear to be finally accepting that Hansen’s 1988 predictions were wrong (what does that say about their constant claims in the past that he was “extremely accurate”?) Bizarrely, though, they seem to be trying to claim that he *was* right after all, if we correct his predictions, with the benefit of hindsight, now that we have the right answer.
Um? OK then. So, if I’m allowed to edit my prediction once I know the correct answer, does that mean I can claim to be able to accurately predict the winning lottery numbers?
This is, of course, nonsense. Hindcasting is *not* the real trick. Editing your incorrect answers, once you know the real answer is *not* the real trick. What the Warmists need to do is make predictions and then compare them to independent observations. If they’re consistently correct, then that adds weight to the accuracy of their theory.
Sadly, how many of them predicted the slowing in the warming rate (or even cooling: HADCRUT, RSS) in the 21st century so far.
None, right?
So the theory, in its present form, is wrong.