All statements are equally true but equally invalid. Therein lies the problem with what you consider science and what I consider science. While it is true that we have to make models and guesses at things within science, and further that we have to make assumptions for which can not test the validity, when doing so, we should recognize the assumptions made, the quality of the data used, and the amount of our knowledge that is simply a guess. Understanding all of these factors, we should be able to place some confidence on our answers. Now clearly if you have a tightly controlled test in which randomization has occurred and all factors have been controlled but the one you wish to test, you have a stronger reason to believe the answers then the simple use of historical data. Further, you would have more confidence in the historical data, then you would in the historical surrogate of the variable in question.
The type of data you are using, combined with the unblinded data manipulation needed to use that data, the many uncontrolled and indeed unknown factors that affect the climate, etc. etc. etc, leads me to not having faith in your future modeling. Now I wouldn't have much faith if you were simply placing a linear trend to the models. You are not doing this, you are placing an exponential trend. In an exponential trend, small changes now create much larger changes 100 years down the road.
Lets say for instance that in accounting for the current heat on Earth, we were missing 30% of the heat. Lets say this was missing because of some factor that was not accounted for and would continue to affect the heat content in the same manner. That 30% of heat loss now is not going to have a 30% decrease in the future model, but a much more dramatic one. Further the idea of anything being modeled exponentially and placing any certainty on the models far out in the future, is barely jsutifiable for fully understood systems, the climate is far from this.
I am dismissive of many points made, because they fail to address the real issue or they claim a level of certainty that I know you have no ability to back. I have even started only using your own numbers against you so as not to cause a debate of which numbers to use.
Lets take the example given of polar bears. Now you should know very well that the polar bears have been around for a very long time and have survived warmer conditions that what we are currently in. We can talk about how some polar bear my die, but certainly unless the exponential increase comes into play, there will be polar bears remaining. Arguing about the death of a few or even many, is truly meaningless. Even the cause of some recent deaths is unknown. With the polar bear tripling due to stopping of hunting, they were bound to reach a point in which they would naturally eat out their food supply, and have a drop again in population. So this point is truly not understood well enough to make any claim for or against just the general idea of AGW, It does nothing for the case of exponential rise. The only thing the polar bears are, is some cuddly looking animal to point to and make a picture for. The entirety of the argument for or against based upon polar bears is only for those who lack scientific understanding. And for those that think the polar bears are cuddly, go try and pet one, You will find yourself helping the polar bears population then, by feeding them, only problem, you'll be the food.
Further, Why do you warmers always use that word driver. IT IS MEANINGLESS!!!!!! There are many factors that afffect the climate, none drive it If anything is driving the temps, it is the power supply (the sun). You want to talk about feedbacks, thats fine, prove the feddback are as strong as you think they are, but this driver of the climate is just a bunch of nonsense stupid baby garbage talk that scientists should not be indulging in. THE CLIMATE IS NOT AN AUTOMOBILE!!!!!
Oh and Dana is so "not guilty" of putting his own personal agenda in front of truth that he calls those who disagree with him insane with little to no backing, but insults me when I say someone was a communist, who actually was a communist. He is just too biased to even see his own bias. I at least acknowledge that I am a little biased. I think his whole speech is absolutely absurd given the levels has gone to to insult others.