Global Warming. Any researchers out there?
2009-11-08 07:02:51 UTC
Here's my confusion. We can't predict the weather accurately for five days in advance, yet we can know that the Earth is going to get 3.5 degrees hotter over the next century. We say that reducing carbon emissions will stop global warming. Does that mean the temperature will never change on Earth? I read a book on global warming and I saw a graph that indicated the planets trend over the past few thousand years. There was a point where the Earth's temperature dropped by 10 degrees in about 25 years. These are all anomalies and contradictions that tell me, hey at the end of the day, we could enact laws requiring the burning of every single carbon based thing on Earth and for all we know, the planet could just decide to plunge into an ice age. What caused the climate changes before the industrial revolution? Also, all these carbon that are being emitted from fossil fuels. Those carbons were once in the atmosphere before the creatures and plants that used them died and turned into oil right? Was the sea level higher back then? What caused the ice age to end? I know these are a lot of questions, but if anyone's got answers for them I would love to know. It just seems to me that the idea of enacting all these global warming protocols can take a huge bite out of the economy and that is a sacrifice worth being sure about. Cause frankly, out here in America, it means driving less, flying less, cut down on beef production. Minor sacrifices that could be overcome. But to more delicate economies in the 3rd world it means more starvation and death. (I'll site the Haiti food crisis from about a year ago). It's easy for a politician to stand up and say "We must save the Earth, all those for saving the earth say I and vote for me, all those hell bent on the destruction of civilization say nay and vote against". There's so much bull out there, seems to me the only way to know what's propaganda and what's legitimate is to fully understand it.
Ten answers:
2009-11-08 07:29:19 UTC
Most of what you say concerning paleo-climate is true. Natural factors obviously were responsible for climate change. One of the factors governing climate is the level of atmospheric CO2 and humans are disrupting the natural balance in that factor that has helped produce the climate we currently enjoy.

One thing though, we can not stop warming by reducing carbon emissions, we can only slow down the climate response over the course of the next several decades. It will continue to warm until the current imbalance has been eliminated which will take some time.


< I read a book on global warming and I saw a graph that indicated the planets trend over the past few thousand years. There was a point where the Earth's temperature dropped by 10 degrees in about 25 years.>>

I believe you are referring to the Younger Dryas event which occurred some 12,000 years ago. The large impact you mention is measured from Greenland ice cores with lesser impact evident elsewhere. The entire globe did not experience a 10C degree drop in temperature in a decade or two. That would be impossible because of the heat content in the oceans and their thermal inertia. However a disruption in the circulation of oceanic water which delivers/redistributes heat from the tropics to high latitudes is thought to be responsible for this event.
2009-11-08 10:38:29 UTC
Your questions about the pre-industrial and paleo-climates are far better understood by scientists than you. "Anomalies and contradictions" aren't actually but it would take a book to answer. And you'd just pick more "contradictions".

About the 3rd world economies: This is standard denier argument that comes from people who show no other concerns about people starving.

The 3rd world economies don't use nearly as much per capita oil. Heavy work is done with donkeys, water buffalo, horses and oxen.

But many 3rd world areas are badly effected already by changing climate. Like the droughts in Africa. Climate change means ecological

changes, many of them inherently adverse. Even "benign" changes require corresponding changes by humans, most of whom do not find change comfortable or inexpensive.

Bottom line: Global warming is hardest on the 3rd world countries.
2009-11-08 09:16:29 UTC
"There was a point where the Earth's temperature dropped by 10 degrees in about 25 years."

I've not heard of what you are talking about, the difference between an interglacial period (which we are in now) and a full blown glacial period is only ~8-10c average global temperature the Little ice age which many deniers try to use as proof is only thought to have been ~2c cooler than we are today, while deniers continue to make claims like "it's only 1 degree of change how can that hurt"

The graph show several things

1) small changes in global average temp can have a marked effect

2) We are certainly not "still recovering from the LIA as we are now above the MWP in global average temp.

The 25 years is nothing compared to the periods it takes the Earth to move in and out of glacials, it takes ~2000 years to come out of a glacial and from the ice core record of the last several such periods it takes much longer to move into a glacial period.
mick t
2009-11-08 10:38:56 UTC
The planet's climate is in a continuous state of change. The critical question is to what degree does the CO2 produced by humans use of fossil fuels contribute to global temperatures.

A meteorologist colleague of mine at the Arctic Research Institute estimated that this contribution lies in the second place of decimals of a degree centigrade. ie. a few hundredths of a degree. So when the climate is warmig naturally, it will make it a fraction of a degree warmer, and when the climate is cooling naturally, it will make it fractionally less cold.

Instead of wasting our time, energy, and money in a futile attempt to stop this process, we should be learning to adapt to it.

So the 'man made, catastrophe soon' part is propaganda. Remember that it is the AGW lobby that is demanding money and political power, so it is their obligation to prove their case, not the other way around
2009-11-08 10:47:03 UTC
The only deniers are the ones who refuse to add up the evidence and concede that this AGW bologna has been a short lived delusion of a couple of famous wannabes who push the agenda so that their name will be in the spotlight a bit longer.

There is plenty of research that is beginning to erode the basis of the "scientific" assumptions of AGW. Just wait, the snowball is gaining momentum, soon enough it will be a full blown avalanche. I just hope the evidence mounts quick enough so that we can stop the charade before it is too late and get on to more important research than trying to "stop" the inevitable.
2009-11-08 12:25:48 UTC
well i a Professional Global warming expert..Globalal warming is fake!!!! is aliens putting a heat ray on the earth!
Phil Walmsley
2009-11-08 07:39:49 UTC
No! I have given it up as a pointless waste of time. I have said it once and to repeat it, for me it would be pointless, since I am sick of answering the same question over and over again.
2009-11-08 07:28:01 UTC
not to be rude.. but have you or anyone else that will read this think about what the world has been doing since the last ice age?? the world has been getting warmer.. the earths temp. will cycle and continue to do so.. maybe humans contribute to the effects of the warming.. but the earth will continue to get warmer with or without us.. you would think that the human race would see this and adjust instead of trying to fight something that cannot be changed..who knows maybe overall man has prolonged the global warming effect that we are seeing now.. or have we increased it??
2009-11-08 07:18:08 UTC
To tell the whole truth those who preach these ideas are the decedents of the european slave masters that kept their portion of the world in constant warfare for almost 2,000 years. If you enlist the most intelligent in the army and kill them off young in battle then the general intelligence of the population goes down. This is ever the liberal way to eliminate those who are smarter. This leads to a few liberal witch doctors ruling a primitive society of warriors and slaves. This has been the focus of liberal development for thousands of years and why they so want the destruction of the USA where anyone can earn a good education and job if he/she studies and works hard. To the liberal mind this is heresy that anybody can become smarter than a crooked liberal can ever be.

Some scientific information revealing the truth about global warming, when it happened and what probably caused it.

Where the heat came from and why it was abnormally cold previously
2009-11-08 07:30:47 UTC
I agree there is a lot of propaganda and mis-information. I do not think the evidence is clear. In 1953 Time Magazine said it was a threat to the earth, but then in 1974 they changed their mind and said the threat to the earth was a coming Ice Age. So now I guess its GW again. Its almost like the "experts" didn't know what they were talking about.

The 3rd world nations are hurting b/c they are dirt poor, and the aid we send is captured by their leaders & sold so they can ride around in a Rolls Royce. GW does not affect them.

But the GW issue is based on junk science.

Time Magazine predicts Global Warming, 1953…

Time Magazine predicts Ice Age, 1974…

Then we also have the case of Al Gore's movie. Did you know the UK High Court ruled “Inconvenient Truth” contained “Nine Key Scientific” errors? (Does that sound like science to you?)…

So if Al Gore is such an expert, why won't he debate anyone or even ANSWER A QUESTION about it?

Al Gore cuts off microphone of Phelim McAleer a filmmaker, who asked Gore to address nine errors in his film identified by a British court in 2007.…

Gore refuses to debate Czech President - Oct 2009…


This shows it is a political issue. Science encourages debate and questions. So what system of government do you have when you are not allowed to question your leaders?


Our global temps have been decreasing for the last couple of years (b/c of low sunspot activity.)

The 4 Agencies that track World Temps say earth is cooling…

NASA Satellite data shows no increase in global temperature since 1998…

BBC, No increase in global temperatures.for the last 11 years, Oct 2009…



31,000 US Scientists reject GW Theory

Everybody want to be famous, and politicians and professors are no different. The more outrageous the claim, the more fame. (Ex., Al Gore's Academy Award and Nobel Prize, for a movie riddled with errors!)

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.