The planets and moons that are warming (or are claimed by some to be warrming) are Earth, Mars, Encaladus, Triton, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto.
Mars: Many times I'm sure you've read about warming on Mars but there are a lot of sources that only relate part of the story. NASA has observed some melting of the southern polar ice cap but what's frequently not mentioned (although it's in the same NASA reports) is that the northern polar ice cap is expanding. These same reports point out that events on Mars are localised as opposed to global, not caused by the sun and not related to warming on Earth. Mars has seasonal fluctuations and it's thought that any warming is the consequence of massive dust storms that sweep across the planet.
Encaladus: Should by all accounts be cooling but it appears to be warming and no-one knows why.
Triton: Might be warming but there's no explanation.
Saturn: The only warming that's been noticed is at the southern extremity of the planet, Saturn has very long seasons and this is the part of the planet currently inclined towards the sun.
Neptune: Sometimes claimed to be warming but thought to be cooling due to a change in it's reflectivity.
Pluto: Probably the only 'planet' which we can safely say is experiencing global warming other than our own. This has ben caused by a dramatic increase in atmospheric pressure (temp goes up with pressure), in the last 14 years pressure has tripled.
Other planets: Claims are sometimes made about warming on other planets but these are attributable to nothing more than their elliptical orbit around the sun - sometimes they're nearer the sun, sometimes further away.
Only two bodies in the solar system are experiencing global warming - Earth and Pluto, some are experiencing localsied warming. The majority of planets and moons (there's 172 of them in total) have no observed temperature changes.
What warming is occuring is unique to each planet, the sun is not a factor - if it were there would be an even warming occurring on all planets and moons.
Re the above answer...
If CO2 (and the other greenhouse gases) weren't responsible for globbal warming the planet would be 33 degrees C colder than it is and life would never have elvolved. It's a simple physical property of the greenhouse gases that causes them to trap heat from the sun.
The biggest output of CO2 is indeed from the oceans, volcanoes are way, way down the list. The second biggest contributor is biomass. Oceans, plants, soil etc form part of the natural carbon cycle - they release CO2 and they absorb CO2 and this is in balance. There is no mechanism for the processing of manmade CO2 and other greenhouse gases and it's thrown the natural cycle out of balance.
Trees and plants do love CO2, they need it to photosynthesize - it's their 'food'. But as with humans, there's a limit to how much they can consume. There's already a surplus of CO2 which they're unable to consume.
The Great Global Warming Swindle (Wag TV, producer Martin Durkin) is most definitely not a good source of information. To see why do a Google search.