What's next when it comes to climate change, are we screwed?
2013-06-10 17:49:53 UTC

Seems like global warming will set off a chain reaction, melting and rotting the permafrost releasing five times more carbon in the atmosphere than we have since 1850. Bad enough but the methane released could be even worse.
If the oil billionaires run out of customers because they kill us all of that is the type of poetic justice I'm not looking forward to.

What is the next brick to fall?
Seven answers:
Dave S
2013-06-10 20:21:58 UTC
Easy does it Gnosisquest. Like many questioners on Y/A you seem to have made your mind up and don't tolerate dissent very well. I happen to agree with you but it is better to take the high road rather than to antagonize those who don't agree with your view. You know what I mean.

Fox news and billionaires aside I will attempt to give my input to your query, "What is the next brick to fall?"

I am concerned about a couple of seemingly minor things that may be related. The first is Bees. In the past decade there has been a significant decline in the overall bee population. This could be due to warming of the atmosphere, an unknown virus, or new chemical pesticides meant to kill other insects but not bees. Bees are vital to our economy and to the production of food. There are no other living things that pollinate plant life as well as bees. Birds do some, ants do some, but the bulk is done by bees. Eating will absolutely become a luxury for many people if crop yields are reduced significantly.

The second is the water temperature of many northern streams. Some types of fish require stable and cold temperatures. Without that stability invasive and parasitic species can, and do, enter the ecosystem displacing the native varieties. Many of these species are not suitable for human consumption and can alter a habitat irreversibly.

I can think of a few other seemingly minor occurrences that alone seem inconsequential but when added together equal a very serious potential calamity. Man is not, and never has been, a long term thinker. Short term economics tend to rule his thinking rather than the potential for long term damage to his environment. This thought process tends to push today's problems onto the next generation. I wish it were different.

Edit: Man, in his arrogant ignorance (this includes me), believes that he controls nature rather than being a steward of it. God knows the truth. After reading and rereading all these comments I have come to the conclusion that 'thepansylady' has given us all the correct response. God is in control.
2013-06-11 03:32:54 UTC
If it's any indication of what the polar bear is going through...I'd say we're in for some changes but we're not screwed. I've read in various places where the sea level will continue to rise at any where from 100 meters a year, to 100 meters in a century.
2013-06-11 12:07:45 UTC
GNO: When an article starts off saying that they do not know, don't treat it as gospel. Your first link's article starts off with And you get fearful about a cheesy article like that and yet you lam-blast Kano for not.

But, yes, we are getting screwed. But it is by our governments, not pollution. Australia in collecting cap and trade taxes over a not even close to be proven scare story.

These are the scare tactics of the ones who your side admits to. And I didn't get this off of Fox News.

Quote by Paul Watson, a founder of Greenpeace: "It doesn't matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true."

Quote by Jim Sibbison, environmental journalist, former public relations official for the Environmental Protection Agency: "We routinely wrote scare stories...Our press reports were more or less true...We were out to whip the public into a frenzy about the environment."

So you admit being duped and you expect us to run around like chicken's with their heads cut off, and become fearful of an imaginary entity. Ha! Ha! You are dealing with adults on this site. Go back and scare first graders.

Your apparent misapplied quote: As Plato stated 2400 years ago: Virtue and greed is inversely proportional. When the greedy rule there is no longer virtue in such society. I can totally agree with that quote. Who is ruling right now? It is the greedy. Al Gore has gotten rich from his lies, and he is on your side. Maurice Strong has gotten rich from this flim-flam 'save the earth' concept, but you are too blind to see it.

Then there is the old phony question you pose, "What happened about erring on the side of safety?" With that attitude, you would never drive a car, or fly in an airplane. In fact you would not even eat, since we have poisoned food, according to your type.

How come erring on the side of safety always means less money in my pocket and more in yours? Al Gore has presented that argument over and over. Yet he is worth over a billion dollars net worth with 200 million cash in the bank. Yet he privately laughs at suckers like you all the way to the bank.

Well put this in your stack of information. The earth has been cooling for over a decade now. Yet CO2 has increased. And that fact doesn't even slow you down at calling us true scientists 'mis-informed'. Ha! Ha! Some one has his head 'screwed' on backwards and thinks the rest of the world is wrong.
2013-06-11 01:14:15 UTC
Our planet has been warmer than this before and it did not have any disastrous consequences then, why now,

CO2 is increasing the growth of shrubs and bushes in the tundra which is protecting the ground from sunlight and melting.

Co2 is not a worry it has done all the warming it can, but yes methane is nasty stuff, but doesn't last long in our atmosphere, so as long as it is not released all in one go we will be okay.

Edit. CO2 is going to continue to rise because no one will ever convince the underdeveloped world (China India Asia in general) to stay poor and stop burning fossil fuels, so I suggest all you doom and gloom, we are all going to die people, commit suicide and lets us skeptics carry on living.
2013-06-11 01:07:19 UTC
Well I am not sure who we are but so far climate change is moving at a slow but steady pace. You can search your country + climate change impact or your state + climate change impact to see what is coming your way If your are on a coast you might search your city as well.

If you are looking for updated info add 2013 and this may bring up news articles related as well
Michael D
2013-06-11 01:37:30 UTC
No. "Global Warming" is a lie. Look up why in the 1970's scientists wanted to coat the polar caps with black soot because they knew we were all going to freeze to death. The black soot would absorb sun light and melt the caps to save us all.

The planet is fine. What we really want is MORE carbon dioxide. Plants need it to grow and then turn it into oxygen. More plants = more oxygen. More plants= more food.
2013-06-11 15:27:34 UTC
Here is a great article on the subject

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.