Easy does it Gnosisquest. Like many questioners on Y/A you seem to have made your mind up and don't tolerate dissent very well. I happen to agree with you but it is better to take the high road rather than to antagonize those who don't agree with your view. You know what I mean.
Fox news and billionaires aside I will attempt to give my input to your query, "What is the next brick to fall?"
I am concerned about a couple of seemingly minor things that may be related. The first is Bees. In the past decade there has been a significant decline in the overall bee population. This could be due to warming of the atmosphere, an unknown virus, or new chemical pesticides meant to kill other insects but not bees. Bees are vital to our economy and to the production of food. There are no other living things that pollinate plant life as well as bees. Birds do some, ants do some, but the bulk is done by bees. Eating will absolutely become a luxury for many people if crop yields are reduced significantly.
The second is the water temperature of many northern streams. Some types of fish require stable and cold temperatures. Without that stability invasive and parasitic species can, and do, enter the ecosystem displacing the native varieties. Many of these species are not suitable for human consumption and can alter a habitat irreversibly.
I can think of a few other seemingly minor occurrences that alone seem inconsequential but when added together equal a very serious potential calamity. Man is not, and never has been, a long term thinker. Short term economics tend to rule his thinking rather than the potential for long term damage to his environment. This thought process tends to push today's problems onto the next generation. I wish it were different.
Edit: Man, in his arrogant ignorance (this includes me), believes that he controls nature rather than being a steward of it. God knows the truth. After reading and rereading all these comments I have come to the conclusion that 'thepansylady' has given us all the correct response. God is in control.