Total Solar Irradiance
The ‘it’s the Sun’ argument has become very jaded and I’m surprised that anyone is still using it. We measure the amount of energy from the Sun (total solar irradiance or TSI) as the energy in Watts per square metre per annum on a plane perpendicular to the Earth’s surface at the upper edge of the atmosphere. There are three TSI composites that use the data from the NIMBUS, VIRGO, SORCE, UARS and SOHO satellites, they are…
• Frohlich and Lean - Physikalisch Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos (PMOD)
• Wilson - Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor (ACRIM)
• Dewitte et al - Institute Royal Meteorologique Belgique (IRMB)
Here are some graphs showing the PMOD, ACRIM and IRMB composites ACRIM and PMOD show TSI to be ≈1366W/m²/yr, IRMB has a very slightly higher value closer to 1367W/m²/yr. All composites have a full cycle (wavelength) variability of ≈0.8 W/m²/yr.
In short – the amount of energy received from the Sun varies by less than one thousandth from the peak of a sunspot cycle to the trough of a sunspot cycle.
Yesterday you asked a question about the mathematics of climate sensitivity (CS) and equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS) (the question is now deleted) and I used figures that illustrated that ECS = 3.7W/m²/yr from a 1750 baseline figure of 278ppmv of CO2 against the 2008 value of 384ppmv. The 3.7W/m²/yr is therefore equal to a rise of 106ppmv of CO2. TSI variability at the edge of the atmosphere is ≈0.8 W/m²/yr of which 0.25 of this ends up as reradiated infrared radiation from Earth, or 0.2W/m²/yr. 3.7 ÷ 0.2 = 18.5, 106 ÷ 18.5 = 5.7. The difference between sunspot cycle maxima and minima is ≈0.8 W/m²/yr which is ≈ 5.7ppmv of CO2 (or 4.4ppmv annual CO2e).
With GHG’s increasing by 2.4ppmv per year (as CO2e), the TSI variation across an entire solar cycle is equivalent to just 2 years of GHG emissions.
Can changes in TSI account for the recent warming (or cooling according to some)? Not even close.
Links to further reading…
• Solar Variability and Planetary Climates -
• Solar Change and Climate: An Update in the Light of the Current Exceptional Solar Minimum
• A very recent publication – Solar Influences On Climate
Milankovitch Cycles
Using these cycles as an explanation for recent climatic changes is ever more bizarre than blaming it on sunspots.
There are several cycles, the shortest cycle is one of aspidal precession and has a periodicity of approx 24,000 years, the effect on the climate is minimal. The most significant cycle in terms of climatic variability is that of eccentricity – the circularity of Earth’s orbit around the Sun. Each cycle takes 100,000 years and is so momentous that it causes the coming and going of ice ages.
This 100,000 year cycle is typified by approx 90,000 years of gradual cooling and 10,000 years of rapid warming during which time the AGT varies by 7°C. At the peak of this most dramatic of cycles the AGT increases by 1°C for every 1,400 years. Currently the planet is warming 26 times as fast as any of the Milankovitch cycles could allow for.
Further, the eccentricity phase is currently a cooling one. The last warming event occasioned the demise of the last ice-age approx 10,000 years ago and since then eccentricity has dictated cooling of approx 0.00008°C per year.
Can changes in the Milankovitch Cycles account for the recent warming (or cooling according to some)? Not even close.
Thermosphere / Tropopause etc
The stratosphere is cooling and quite significantly so, the current temperature anomaly is in the order of –0.6°C, this is comparable to the warming anomaly at lower levels of the atmosphere.
Human activities are producing significant amounts of greenhouse gases and these are building up in the atmosphere. As levels of these gases increase so too does the amount of heat they retain. The type of heat being trapped is outgoing thermal radiation – the sort that is radiated outwards from the surface of the Earth and everything on it.
As more heat becomes trapped at lower levels there is a corresponding drop in the amount of heat reaching the stratosphere and thus it cools down.
Even greater cooling has been observed in the upper layers of Earth’s atmosphere. Above the stratosphere is the mesosphere and here the temperature has fallen by about 8°C, by the time you get to the thermosphere (320km to 350km altitude), the temp has fallen by approx 15°C. At these heights there is no ozone and all of the cooling can be attributed to the reduction on thermal radiation reaching this high into the atmosphere.
Regarding the point you made about the troposphere expanding. The boundary between the troposphere and the stratosphere is the tropopause, the location of which is defined as the point where the lapse rate changes from positive to negative (cooling as you go up through the troposphere, equilibrium at the tropopause, warming as you continue up through the stratosphere).
With the troposphere warming it should be expanding. However, with the stratosphere and higher layers cooling they are also contracting and in doing so their density is increasing (the sky is literally falling in). As the lower warming and upper cooling are more or less balanced then it would appear that the increased weight of the upper layers of the atmosphere should be applying as much downward force as the troposphere is applying upward force; in this respect the system would appear balanced.
However, the volume of atmosphere that is contracting is greater than the volume of atmosphere that is expanding and so the additional downward force is weaker than the additional upward force, the overall result of which is that the tropopause is rising and the troposphere is expanding; “by several hundred meters since 1979” according to Science
If you have a subscription to Science Magazine there’s a good description of “Global Change in the Upper Atmosphere” Another good source of info is “Stratospheric Temperature Trends: Observations and Model Simulations” from the NOAA (free)
It should be noted that for purposes of brevity I’ve omitted the role of ozone, stratospheric UV energy imbalance, polar stratospheric clouds, nitric acid trihydrate and chlorine activation. You’ll find that explained in an earlier answer of mine
EDIT: Oops, should have stated that he annual GHG increase of 2.4ppmv pa is measured as CO2e.