Global warming is just the latest in a string of alarmist ideas.
The Y2K bug, bird flu, the nuclear holocaust we were supposed to have, the ice age in the 70's, the exaggeration of 3 Mile Island, the severity of CFC's, the supposed oil shortages, the Large Hadron Collider, the economic depression, Mad Cow Disease, the severity of second hand smoke, the severity of DDT, the idea that eating too much will make you fat. All are excellent examples of alarmism and the way humans are persuaded to accept ideas without thinking. This society of ours where we are irrationally ruled by fear is terrible. The western world did not rise to prominence because we thought the sky was falling. No. We rose to power because of our rational, scientific thinking. We did not let the 'Chicken Littles' of society take control and stymie our success. So the same should be of today. It is time to put a stop to the scaremongering tactics of Greenpeace etc, who in my mind pose a greater threat than any terrorist organization. But I divert.
You're right in that we have had many warming/cooling periods in the past but you're wrong where you say that we haven't had them in the last 750,000 years. That is just rediculous. Climate changes all the time. The last proper ice age was 10,000 years ago for instance. But it's not just major shifts in temperature. The world's climate has gone up and down for thousands of years since the last ice age. Starting with the Holocene optimum from 9,000 years ago to 5,000 years ago. Then it went down. Then up. Then down. Then up during the Mediaeval Warm Period you hear so much about. Then down during the Little Ice Age. Now it's going back up again. Can anybody tell me how this is different from the past. Why is this particular warming both caused by us and a bad thing. Warming has never been bad in the past. With warmer climates come more food from agriculture and less disease, poverty and starvation. Also, reptiles, amphibeans and other cold-blooded creatures can thrive better in warmer climes. So now we've established that:
1. we are not the cause of climate change
2. warming would be good for the world while cooling would be detrimental.
Therefore CO2 is not to blame. It has been framed if you will. But surely, you say, CO2 is still bad for the environment and us thus we should not emit it, after all if you breathe CO2 you will die. Not so. CO2 is actually beneficial for the environment because plants use it to respirate. If tree-huggers really care about what they were hugging they would emit as much CO2 as possible to help their leafy friends. Since more CO2 means more plantlife, this in turn will lead to more animal life creating more biodiversity. Not only this but if plants can grow better then our crops will do well too. Goodbye world hunger. In fact emitting CO2 is like giving farmers free fertilizer. Now I believe that in Africa there is a lot starvation. Could you be so mean as to deny these poor, impoverished, 3rd world countries a chemical which would improve crop yields? It's an abomination that these environmentalists would put nature before their own species. This sort of treachery should be illegal. They would accord nature with more rights than humans if they could. Just look at the Narmada Dam incident. The Indian government were going to build a series of dams to provide hundreds of thousands of impoverished Indians with fresh, clean water and electricity. Greenpeace and other such criminal groups petitioned the World Bank (who was funding the project) to withdraw. Under tremendous pressure they did. One of the points raised by these econazis was that many tribal villages would be displaced. Never mind that:
1. the dispaced people were to be given land to farm elsewhere for free
2. most of these tribal people wanted the dam to go ahead
And never mind that Greenpeace itself displaced 25,000 tribal people to make way for a tiger reserve to name one incident.
I'm getting a little sidetracked here I just realized.
The point is that CO2 is not detrimental to the planet. This chemical is non-toxic so as long as the concentration isn't too high we'll be fine. Yes I know if you breathe just CO2 you will die but that's because if you're breathing CO2 you're not breathing oxygen. The coal and oil reserves were mostly layed down during the Carboniferous Period. You may notice the word carbon in Carboniferous and that is for a good reason. During the early part of this period, the world was covered - and I mean covered - in trees. The soil beneath the foliage was boggy thus providing perfect conditions for coal to form. As this period dragged on, the trees sucked carbon out of the air in the form of CO2 and retained it. After the tree died, it was buried in the marsh and the carbon was trapped for 100's of millions of years forming coal. Therefore we can safely say that the level of carbon dioxide dropped significantly during the Carboniferous Period. Did this drop in CO2 cause some cooling? No, the world grew even hotter as it entered the Permian Period. At this time the world was just a vast, arid desert. Therefore, again, CO2 cannot be responsible for warming. Today when we burn coal, we are just putting the carbon back into the carbon cycle where it belongs. In fact we are at one of the lowest levels in CO2 in history. Don't you think we ought to let the plants (especially our crops) have their carbon back?
I do.