Do you believe global warming is happening...?
2007-05-18 19:18:53 UTC
or do you think there's going to be rapid temperture change and there be another Ice Age? If so, do you think humans are to blame? If so, what are YOU doing to stop it (and what can I do)?
26 answers:
Still Learning
2007-05-18 19:43:23 UTC
Do I believe the earth is warming?

Yes, I think the evidence is clear on that.

But that humans are responsible, there is simply not enough evidence.

Correlation does not equal causation.
2007-05-21 13:39:41 UTC
Yes I believe it's happening but the human race isn't who's doing it. The sun itself is warming up and not only warming earth but mars and the other planets as well. A normal cycle. All the planets are also gradually moving further away from the sun. So........there is nothing we can do to change it. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't help the planet though by being green conservative. Also in the source you will see a letter signed by 60 scientists from around the world debunking the, "the sky is falling" tone that the "goracle" has tried to force on everyone with his movie, "Inconvenient Truth". More like "inconvenient lie" so he could get in your pockets and steal your money.
2007-05-18 23:18:44 UTC
Ok youngsters listen up... Once upon a time about three or so decades ago plus maybe 3 or 4 years there were folks from what was called the Ecology Movement - complete with their evidence - warning everyone that a new Ice Age was dawning!! And it was humanity's fault.

Now they have a whole new young generation who doesn't remember their last falacy - so this time its global warming.

They haven't answered or explained all the periods of global warming that the planet has gone through over the past several million years or so - and the last time the planet went through global warming there were no automobiles or hydrocarbons -

It's a scam folks. Its all about changing your lifestyle -
2007-05-18 20:21:12 UTC
Does anyone remember Acid Rain in the 80s that was killing the planet? This is exactly the same thing. Al Gore and his krewe receives untold millons of dollars from grants, studies, and symposiums over Global Warming. There is no global warming, temperatures go up and down in cycles over the years, it has been happening for centuries. Mankind's activities have very little impact on climate. By the way, cows put out way more carbon dioxide than all the automobiles combined.
2007-05-18 19:36:00 UTC
I think about it all the time, and there are many things that if everyone in America did we could reduce it to almost a stand still.

Drive less and carpool whenever possible, drive your car with the highest fuel efficiency possible. This doesnt mean go get a new car it just means accelerate slower, change your spark plugs, keep your tires properly inflated.

Dont use your Air Conditioner.

At home you can shower less/shorter. You can turn your fridge down, replace all your light bulbs with energysaver bulbs (2 for 1 at walmart) and make sure all of your appliances are off or unplugged when you leave.

And finally, watch An Inconvenient Truth, its slow moving but it is amazing and powerful and afterwards you will want to go out and campaign on the road for all the things that can save this world.
2007-05-18 19:33:53 UTC
yes I believe that Global Warming is happening which means that there isn't going to be another ice age! how can there be an ice age if the globe is gettting WARMER?????? yea I think that humans are definatly to blame! we use soooooo much energy everyday and energy is produced by burning coal and the coal fumes go up into the air and are slowly destroying the atmosphere. So to help out you can try to use less energy by cutting back on the amount of electricity you use. Shut off lights when no one is in the room, unplug appliences when not in use. Even if they aren't on they are still using energy just not as much. Also recycle everything that you can.♥
2007-05-22 12:15:54 UTC
You know I hate to stay on this but the reality is Global Warming is one of those things that sound of grave importance and so people attach themselves to it to add grave significance to their own lives. The reality is we're basing temperatures going up 2 to 3 percent in a 30 year period and forgetting how long the earth has been here even before man stepped foot on her. The planet heats up and cools down its been doing for thousands of years. Most scientists dont even believe in global warming.

I have no doubt that 300 years from now they will talk about this in a science class on the moon and talk about how we were so worried about our planet heating up 3 degrees that we let people die of starvation and disease all around us in Africa and South America while we spent millions in legislation to solve a problem that didnt exist.
2007-05-18 19:35:19 UTC
I do believe that global warming is happening b/c the summers are getting hotter every year. The heat that is trapped in the atmosphere goes intp the Earth and then rises back up and gets trapped in the atmosphere. As far as humans being the ones to blame....yeah I think we are to blame b/c most of the CFC's in the atmosphere are due to things that we use everyday. We have to find alternative ways for many of our daily routines and one day we will be close to that due to the constant technology upgrades.
2007-05-22 08:36:23 UTC
I was certainly a skeptic until very recently. When I watch the news and hear about Tornado's in London in the middle of the winter I get nervous. I want to do anything I can to help reduce the damage we are causing by conserving energy so that the next generations can enjoy this wonderful planet without fear.
2007-05-19 07:12:00 UTC
We're supposed to be going into an Ice Age now, slowly, but an Ice Age means cooler, not hotter temperatures. That's partly how we know something is off, it's not supposed to be getting hotter, it's supposed to be cooling off, ever so slightly.

Yes humans are to blame. I believe this because of the IPCC, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. They did a report on Climate Change, you probably heard about it. I trust them because they're people far smarter than me, and there's hundreds of them, from all around the world. For me to deny them is for me to deny science.

So we are to blame, but don't fret, we'll also overcome, we've done it before and we'll do it again, I have full faith in humanity to overcome doom. Over and over again we've done it.

If you want to do your part, start by switching your lightbulbs to CLFs(compact fluorescents) all around your home. Remember the 3 Rs reduce, reuse, recycle. Compost if you can, use reusable bags when grocery shopping. Wash laundry in cold water and hang to dry when possible. Plant some trees. Drive less where possible. Make your next car a hybrid if you're really into it(I'm saying this because let's face it, gas is expensive as all get out, you'll save money by getting one).

Other than that, you can write your local city counselors, and ask them to get the city's energy use assessed and then lowered by making small adjustments here and there.

Uhm and plant trees. Everyone loves trees, so this is an easy one. If you want a good way to grow trees from scratch, in the springtime look on your lawn, you'll see the little seedlings from trees growing, stake them so they're marked, and don't mow them over(because you can now see that they're marked), and just let them grow. You'll be growing them from scratch, it's easier than planting them. Oh and you can grow them in patterns, like along fencelines. I got this idea from my neighbour.
2007-05-22 12:18:07 UTC
Absolutely! The climate and weather conditions have changed since I was a child thirty years ago. The old predictables of western New York weather are not sure things anymore. Milder winters, reduced precipitations and long stretches of stagnant weather patterns are frequent now.
2007-05-21 11:41:14 UTC
Climate change is's been going on for years.

The only opinion I have is to recycle as much as possible and quit littering.

The Inconvenient Truth is the third-highest-grossing documentary in the United States to date.

The film's distributor, Paramount Classics, is donating 5% of the box office receipts and Gore is donating all of his proceeds from the film to The Alliance for Climate Protection (of which Gore is both founder and chairman).

If it was such a sucessful documentary, why is Paramont donating ONLY 5% ? And Gore is putting 100% to a company he is chairman............sounds odd to me.
Greg L
2007-05-18 19:56:49 UTC
I do think there is some warming going on. Not by the hands of humans, because we cannot even produce as much pollution in 10 years as one volcano blast. But, the sun is on a "heat cycle" where it is actually putting out more heat for whatever reason. This could get so drastic that we will be forced to build our structures and lives completely underground. But, as far as it being our fault, no. This earth is way to grand and complex for a few billion people to be able to screw it up.
2007-05-18 19:49:37 UTC
Yes, I believe global warming is occurring right now due to humans.

I have changed ALL my lightbulbs to energy efficient bulbs.

I have all energy efficient appliances.

I replaced ALL my windows with energy efficient windows and also with my doors.

I own a vehicle that gets very good gas mileage.

My next home I will build myself, and it will have all of the above, solar power and triple insulated.

I recycle.

I put catalytic converters on my fireplaces/wood burning stoves.

You can do all of the above and in the end, not only does it help the environment but it also saves you $$$
2007-05-22 09:52:33 UTC
Global warming, global cooling, all perfectly natural cycles the earth goes through. Do you really think activities of man are significant enough to influence global climate?
2007-05-18 20:33:04 UTC
Perhaps, but probably caused by some cyclical event related to the sun. Natural sources of CO2 like forest fires, volcanos and breathing by mammals may be a small part, too.
2007-05-18 19:53:45 UTC
You might want to study meteorology; global warming is a fact, just look at the polar ice caps. Also if you are confused as to why the weather still fluctuates so much look into el nino and el nina.
Nadine Sellers
2007-05-18 19:57:21 UTC
How commendable to wish to educate yourself.

please go to the Washington D.C. based Climate Institute site.

you will find much information.

unfortunately, people will not assume responsibility for their own consumer actions until life becomes horribly uncomfortable for too many.

Look at what is happening to residents of Alaska, Canada and Antarctica. watch the flora and fauna disappearing; this is what we do when we insist on consuming imported goods and high carbon products.

awareness is all it takes, you are on your way. let conscience be your guide.

re-use, save, buy local, buy little. re-use containers, and tell others. strength in numbers!
2007-05-22 11:49:56 UTC
2007-05-18 19:43:56 UTC
I believe Global Warming is occurring due to the chances that are being done in Greenland. More and more iceburgs are melting. I think humans are to blame due to the excess amounts of fossil fuels. I try not to pollute and throw anything to the ground. One of the ways you can help prevent the growing of global warming is to recycle. If you recycle, it will definatly, without a doubt, improve the enviroment.
2007-05-21 13:55:11 UTC
Yes, it is indeed happening. State size ice selves have been breaking off.
Talking Hat
2007-05-22 11:43:45 UTC
some what but not to the extent some people do i think alot of it is being blown out of proportion
2007-05-18 19:26:28 UTC
i don't know but i think global warming
2007-05-18 23:57:32 UTC
yes,I really do think so.

You and I could plant a tree!!
2007-05-18 20:19:25 UTC
2 Big questions with a big answer ,sorry


Irrsponsible Agriculture ,

and expanding populations and its effects are the planets biggest enemies

this text only covers some aspects of Climate change ,i.e.effects of deforestation and subsequent man made desertification ,because of irresponsible farming using chemicals ,over pumping carbon aquifers,over grazing ,wild fires (because of slash and burn gone out of control)

water and air polution such as caused by

industrial contamination ,the contaminating effects of the cities(the internal combustion engine) ,are other stories,

and all of these are also man made ,such as the high industrial chimneys pumping contamination into the clouds and the burning of tires,some of this polution has been found in the ice in the polar regions

there are natural cycles in the planets life

but a lot is influenced by mans existance ,and this is increasing with overpopulation,putting strains on Natural resources and increasing contaminations as well as destructions of essential componants the ensure living conditions for all life forms

the thinner ozone layer helps to speed this up.and this is caused mainly by air polution ,also as a result of mans actions

in North Africa,India,Mexico ,millions of people are effected by land loss and desertification and some have died as a result,

And now many animals are becoming sick because of changes in temperature ,

vital links in the food chains are disapearing affecting other species further along in the chain

we are witness to a mass exstinction ,for the first time since the dinosaurs, of the earth's estimated 10 million species, 300,000 have vanished in the past 50 years. each years, 3,000 to 30,000 species become extinct.

everything is happening so fast it is not possible to monitor things any more.

,the Sahara is growing by 7 kilometers a year

and most of the desserts we know are a results of mans actions ,and they are increasing ,not getting less ,in the dinosaurs days ,there were few desserts.

collectively this planet is drying up ,

each degree rise in temperature means 10%crop loss

and there is less and less water (because of deforestation),to irrigate this production ,

and there are less and less farmers to do it..

Arable lands and their farms are lost all over the globe. Many farmers sons abandon farming and head for the cities.

Northern China is drying up, what once were millions of food producing people, are now hungry refugees ,running for their lives from the all consuming dust storms.

This will have a great effect on world food prices when they start buying at what ever cost, to feed their people.

The farmers that are left have to feed some 70 million more people than the year before but with less topsoil.

Over the last half century,

Population growth & rising incomes have tripled world grain demand from 640 million tons to 1,855 million

In the near future the global farming community will not be able to feed every body ,food prices will continue to rise. .


The northpole is melting ,and we will know it without ice in our life times.

this does not affect the sea level because it is ice that is already in the water.but the melting ice from Green land and the south pole ,are another matter

are We responsible ?

is it the Sun?

or is it God who wants to punish?

is it Gaia who wants to clean some parasitic infestation?

who cares ? that is not important any more

WHAT IS -is that we are gonna be in trouble


the best we can do as individuals is be more responsible ,in our own neck of the woods

organise well publicized clean up parties ,talk on the radio

have citizan meetings

get the shools involved to plant trees and listen to environmental awareness talks,

if you do any cleaning up leave signs behind saying who cleaned,why and ask people not to start dumping rubbish again ,leave a hole or bins ,in case people come with trash ,

we have done a lot of comunity cleaning and if you dont leave alternatives or try to work on peoples guilt feelings (some people actually have those ,but not many) than your efforts are a waste of time.that is what we do in Mexico


print Tshirts with slogans ,hang posters all over the place (with recycled paper if possible)

classify trash take out all the organic waste and make compost with it ,the worst you can do is throw it with the trash

70% of contamination is due to organic waste that is mixed in with the garbage .

and it is just as bad in the sewer where it helps to breed rats and in the landfill it poisons the ground

and it is the easiest to take care of

o first of all we have to clasify trash at least keep the organic to one side ,like in a plasic bin with a lid

if you got a few meters of ground ,you only need 1 or 2 square meters in a shallow hole ,in the shade ,that you can wet now and again ,where you dump everything that is organic ,from toilet paper,bones vegetable cuttings ,eggshells,,dead bodies ,excrement ,and cover regularly with leaves to keep humid and to hide any smell

the worms will come and decompose the wastes truning it into beautifull black soil for the garden of flower pots .

if you are in a apartment ,if you have a balcony get a big plastic bin drill some holes in the side and lid ,

and add a few buckets of sand now and again to put over the trash ,you should realt stir or move the stuff at times to airate it and ensure that the decomposition is overall ,keep moist

this rubbish does not get big very fast and the thing works for a long time with out getting full

got a compost heap in the garden for 6 years ,have added tons of banana poles ,and palm leaves at times tree trunks ,the mountain goes up and down and never seems to get any bigger ,the stuff rots and becomes a very fine black compost of high density


global warming cannot be stopped but being friendlier to out Environment cannot be bad and maybe we buy some time

these are Al gores sites

If you want to help the planet ,plant a tree every week ,if everyone on the planet did we we would be able to slowdown the destructive processes.

Reduce carbon emisions,and they are already working on that by alternative forms of energy and regulations on carbon producing materials,aerosol cans,burning rubbish,industrial chimneys,powerplants etc.

The capture of carbon and the production of water and assist the aquiferous manta.

The world bank pays large subsidies for reforrestation to capture carbon and the best tree for this is the Pawlonia .

Waterharvesting projects ,such as millions of small redirect over ground waterflows from the rains into the ground to supply subteranian water supplies.

Limit water use

The protection of existing forrests.

Stop building more highways,

Urban planning to include vegetation

Stop building cities encourage people to return to the land to conduct their business from there ,which now has become possible thanks to the internet.

Education to motivate people to auto sufficiency by building more home food gardens.

Education on environmental awareness.

Education on family planning ,to curb overpopulation.

Agricultural education and improvements to follow the principals of sustainability and soil management.

More environmental or land ,design to prevent bush fires,such as--fire breaks .

More dams,regulations and control for public behaviour.

Alternative effeciant public transport to discourage the use of the internal conbustion engine.

Recicling wastes.

Here are a 100 more ways
2007-05-19 03:44:56 UTC
The theory of man-made global warming is false. Anyone who believes otherwise has not investigated the evidence or is purposely remaining ignorant to the legitimate opposition to global warming. I have given up an one and a half hours to watch “An Inconvenient Truth” so I ask you to do the same and watch the movie detailing the opposition.

The video is controversial, I know but I consider An Inconvenient Truth to be jusr as controversial and so do these sources:

And another video for those of you short on time:

Some more general resources:

CO2 is not causing the globe to warm the opposite is true, the warming is increasing the atmospheric CO2. When the world heats it gradually increases the temperature of the oceans which serve as the largest CO2 sink. As the oceans heat up they release CO2 which is stored in them. The information comes from the same data Al Gore uses, the temperature always goes up before the concentration of CO2 goes up.

This is the entire record of temperature verses CO2 record. This is the same data used by Al Gore but anyone with a fifth grade education can see that temperature rises before CO2:

The global warming crowd tends to hind this graph, they will only show graphs of the last 20 or so years in which CO2 appears to cause a temperature increase. However when you look at the full data set you see that the current warming trend is not the result of CO2, CO2 rises after temperature. The global warming crowd uses the zoomed in graph to mislead you also they tend to use thick lines on the graph so you can’t make out what rises first. As you can see the temperature rises first and then CO2 starts to skyrocket, that’s why graphs of only 20 years seem to show CO2 leading temperature.

CO2 makes up only .03% of our atmosphere. Water vapor, another greenhouse gas, makes up 1-4% of our atmosphere, this gas is acknowledged to be the main greenhouse gas. All human activities combined contribute only 6 Gigatons of CO2 to the atmosphere each year. Animals, through respiration, decomposition, etc contribute 150 Gigatons of CO2 to the atmosphere. So humans contribute only a small amount of CO2 to the atmosphere which is already in very small concentrations in the atmosphere. This is where my data came from, it is an interesting site, it displays the same graphics as Al Gore in his movie but it tells how low the human contribution is. So Al Gore is using the same data but coming to a different conclusion, who do you want to believe a politician with no scientific training or the NASA CO2 laboratory, a group of scientists who spend their entire careers studying CO2.

We know the greenhouse effect is real it is a necessary effect to keep our planet at a habitable temperature. However if our current warming is due to greenhouse gasses it would cause warming in the troposphere , but the troposphere is actually getting cooler. That points to other explanations to our current warming.

So what is causing our current warming, it is the sun.

The fact that only the earth’s surface is warming points to direct heating from the sun rather than heating due to greenhouse gasses. Also other planets in our solar system are warming pointing to a common cause of warming, that common cause being the sun.

Another theory is that ocean currents play a role

The global warming crowd says our glaciers are melting and animals will suffer this is another false claim.

The global warming crowd also insists our seas are rising due to global warming, however this is not entirely correct. Seas in certain areas are rising, there is no global sea rise. The seas have been rising ever since the last ice age:

These two sources show that sea level increase now has actually leveled off from a very steep rise for the past 20 thousand years. For proof of this look here:

A mark left by Sir James Clark Ross, an Antarctic explorer, in 1841 is still visible. Not only that but the mark was placed in 1841 to show how high the sea was, not only is the mark visible it is 30cm above current sea levels. Now it is possible that the mark was placed at high tide and the picture taken at low, but even then the mark would still be above current sea levels. The seas have risen dramatically over the past thousand years not due in any part to us. If you want proof of that take a look at one of the dozens of ancient underwater cities that spot the globe. When these cities were built they were on land now they are deep underwater:

This shows a dramatic increase in sea level during human time but long before the world became industrialized.

The global warming crowd also claims a scientific consensus on the issue, this is wrong in two ways. One, there is no consensus, this is a false claim to make you believe in global warming by suppressing the opposition.

Also stating new research many prominent scientists have reversed their opinions on the legitimacy of man-made global warming.

Second, even if there was a consensus it would mean nothing, science is not politics, you don’t vote on theories to determine their legitimacy.

Here’s 21 pages of websites that disagree with global warming.

The thought that the only scientists who disagree with global warming are paid by oil companies is simply a stupid statement with no reality. This is the most illogical argument by people in support of global warming. Aside from being completely false it begs another question: Who pays global warming supporters? The answer is big environmental agencies that make millions off of global warming each year by teaching, publishing books, and selling environmentally clean products.

The IPCC is the main supporter of global warming, their statements are defended blindly by people who don’t want to admit that global warming is not real. People will claim that they took into account natural sources of CO2, they didn’t. Take a look for yourself: That is the latest IPCC report, read the entire report, do a search of the documents, there is absolutely no mention of natural sources of CO2. The natural sources have been completely ignored. Also people will claim that the IPCC took the sun into account in their report, this is not entirely correct, while the sun is mentioned the report it’s effects have not been accurately represented. The IPCC did not take into account the Svensmark factor. This would greatly reduce the effect of solar radiation on the earth. Look back up to the solar resources to see the effect of the sun correctly represented.

Also allegations have been by IPCC scientists who disagreed with the IPCC statements. They say that their research was censored or taken out of the IPCC report. This is not the first time the IPCC has lied, they forged the famous “hockey stick” graph, which later resulted in a reissuing of the IPCC report.

Here’s another source that disagrees with the IPCC:

And another:

And another:

Quotes form politicians, CEO’s, and others are not proof of global warming, they issue these statements to get votes and customers. Scientists are able to get published and get time on the media by supporting global warming. The IPCC continually lies and misrepresents data so they keep their jobs.

In regards to the precautionary principle that says we can only help if we switch over to alternative energy, this idea is not correct. While this may seem legitimate it only helps the first world, third world countries can not afford to switch to the more expensive energy options. Also the US currently spends 4 billion dollars a year on global warming research which could be better spent on research for disease or to fight poverty. For an excellent example of how the precautionary principle is harmful you do not need to look further than DDT. This pesticide was cheap and incredibly effective but it was banned because of it harmful effects on egg shells. Now thousands of people die every year in third world countries because of malaria, a disease that could be easily controlled with DDT.

I hope anyone who believes in global warming they will take a look at the resources I provided. These resources should convince you that global warming is not man-made, it is caused by cycles in the earths climate. If you are not convinced I hope you at least take a new look at global warming as an unproven idea. Remember that global warming is big business for anyone who aligns themselves with it.

I could not go this entire post without mentioning global cooling.

In the 1970’s it was claimed that there was a consensus on the fact that the world was headed into an ice age. We have seen once before how damaging a false claim about our climate change can be to our world. Most of the global warming crowd does not want you to know about this scare because it is so similar to the scare today. Government panels were formed and claimed the world was headed to an ice age, evidence poured in supporting the claim, a consensus was claimed, then the whole issue just faded away. That is what will happen with the false scare of global warming.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.