This is why science and scientists should have NEVER gone up that slippery slope. When you can't report THE TRUTH, your usless as a scientist, and that makes many others wonder who else is "bought off". Will we see a future riddles with deaths due to slacking safety scientists ? Or perhaps more or the many flawed products bought from China killing our pets and poisoning our kids ? Where is the ***Damn integrity ? The Standards ?
It seems that political correctness and the liberal mentality that "the ends justifies the means" is acceptable regardless of safety, laws, regulations or standards.
Its almost coming to the point that we have to rely on people like Joe Stack to express the anger of the people toward government and compromised institutions.
After all, your right. We found that the IPCC was basically lying to us based on an agenda. Although they're cover is that they were just 'inaccurate'.
We then witnessed ClimateGate which is just the so called scientists end of it, that doesn't even go into the fact that the temperature stations themselves that the data was collected from aren't even up to government standards. They've had electronics installed, they've been painted with the wrong paint, they've been found next to blacktop parking areas instead of 100 yards from everything.
Then there is the increasing number of reports we've seen regarding GW deniers having thier grants taken away, political and personal threats and attacks. And now that many have banded together to tell the world the truth.
California is being destroyed by a CARB board for instance. An out of control committee that is driving business out of the state and basing thier "go green" initiatives on lies from a fake scientist with a fake degree.
Even when thier own economists say they are out of control and unrealistic about expectations
Then you have reputable science organizations like the NOAA whom is warning that it is the water vapor in the statosphere NOT CO2 that is responsible for the heating and cooling, but the eco freaks don't seem to be listening (probably because they know they can scam us and government on the whole notion that they can tax us more)
Now i'm not saying to litter or stop conserving energy, but when it is industry and technology that determines what advances we make, why is the government and the self-righteous eco freaks trying to lump this burden upon the citizens of this nation ? And violating our liberties and Constitutional rights to do so ?