What is your opinion on the issue of global warming?
2007-05-10 17:01:38 UTC
Technically, this question is on global warming. For example, should humans ban cars? Should we ride bikes or walk? What is global warming affecting? Do forest fires and hurrican rely on global warming for intensity?

Please name good facts of global warming -- some that really help. Thanks in advance for everyone's answers.
Eight answers:
Vera Z
2007-05-10 17:13:14 UTC
I believe that cars should not be banned- instead biofuel and hybrid or even electric cars should be used. All other cars that use gasoline- especially diesal- should be banned. They should have been banned a long time ago.

The number of cars are increasing, which means more pollution.

More people should walk and ride bikes. If work is only a few blocks away or even a 45 minute walk- it is worth getting the execise and cutting down the amount of pollution. People have grown lazy over hte years- and have caused the environment to become more damaged- by driving to the store or nearby destinations that are easily within walking distance.

Global warming is effecting the environment- the oceans, wildlife, forests, and everyone. In the arctic, the ice floes help to reflect the light from the sun back int othe atmopshere. As the temperatures have risen, the ice has sstarted to melt, causing sea level to rise and less light to be reflected back into the atmosphere. Thus, more heat and light is trapped, causing the temperature to rise. Polar bears and penguins are affected because they need the ice to survive. ONce the ice is gone, they will go extinct- unless they are raised in zoos or in captivity.

Forest fires may result from the increase in temperature. Winters have been growing shorter and warmer- and spring and summer have arrived earlier. Flowers have started blooming earlier than they ever have- and fruit trees suffer because of the lack of frost. (they need frost for a certain amount of hours to produce fruit later in the season). The forests lack water, and become more prone to catching fire. As for hurricanes, yes, the seasons are changing, the weather itself is becoming warmer and more humid.

I don't believe that there global warming is a hoax. Only lately has it been noticed as a huge environmental problem. I think that global warming should have been addressed a long time ago- and maybe it wouldn't have gotten this bad. People need to realize that we can still help stop global warming or reverse it.
2007-05-10 20:55:00 UTC
Global warming is the "new thing" right now. 25 years ago it was global cooling and the coming of the new ice age. There was even thoughts of spreading soot on the polar icecaps to melt them to stop the "ice age". The Earth is in a warm cycle. Wait a few years and the warming will end. Also, the ice caps on Mars are melting. Anyone want to blame Bush and big oil for that too? There is more co2 put out in one small volcano then we humans could put out on 1000 years. now you're thinking that I am just hitting bullet points. You're right...I am. If the libs can do it, so can I.
2007-05-10 17:19:12 UTC
Yes I think its real. The temperature was 9 degrees warmer in the year of 2006. Look at this way in Montana it would snow there and be very cold this winter 2006 hardly any snow until it was very late in the winter season. I would prefer cleaner burning cars or trucks and the government to give better tax breaks for solar, wind and water power. Global warming affects many peoples health such as we are to hot and puts a strain on the electric company. I hope I have made some since.
2007-05-10 23:40:11 UTC
We can not predict tomorrows weather - how in blazes can we be sure this warming trend is A) Not the beginning of an ice age B) a normal cycle spiced by us c) Brought on by our solar position or galaxy position d) An aberration E) The consequences only require us to move out of today's wet lands.

If we humans are causing the global warming - perhaps we should stop raising cows or better yet allow the Taliban freedom to kill all westerners.
2016-09-05 20:37:25 UTC
Personally, I do not purchase the person-made worldwide warming conception. The technological know-how is not there. But that does not imply I do not recycle, purchase natural whilst I can, and switch the lighting off in rooms Im now not in. I do. Being 'inexperienced' does not imply you always purchase into the anthropogenic worldwide warming hysteria. It simply manner you care approximately what is going on round you, and feature the experience to be a little bit extra liable.
2007-05-10 18:39:39 UTC
I guess I should read what others say before posting my opinion, but I dint lol!

My opinion, Global Warming is the COOL thing to do right now! This issue is a very old one. In time it will no longer be the cool thing to be into and something else will be the cool topic.

This of course is sad, but true.
2007-05-10 17:41:31 UTC
I believe it will happen, however many scientists do not. So can we really believe any of it! Ban Cars: no cars but more buses & trains = infrastructure problems, problematic emissions from buses, no emissions checks in China Parts of the arctic are supposed to be melting as we speak = flood risk over time. Wait about 20 years to see real damage..
cheesehead with an attitude
2007-05-10 17:05:21 UTC
technically speaking, haven't we been in a form of global warming since the end of the ice age?

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