Is Global warming happening because of us or is it a natural cycle the earth goes through??
2007-05-22 22:41:10 UTC
k so im wundering wat u gys think...personally i think its a natural cycle
25 answers:
2007-05-23 02:02:21 UTC
In the past it's always been natural cycles - the Earth and the Sun go through many (search for 'Milkkovitch Cycles' and 'Solar Variation' if require more info). These cycles occur over very long periods of time, the shortest one that has any noticable effect on climate takes 23,000 years,

CO2 levels are the highest since humans populated the planet, temps are rising much faster than anything that has ever beore been known - we can analyse the historical climate and have a record going back over half a billion years.

No natural cycle or combination of them could possible cause temps to change so fast and never has done in the past. Temps rising many times quicker than the fastest natural rate.


Someone always mentions warming on Mars but Mars is just 1 of 172 planets and moons in our solar system, no warming has been observed on 167 of them. Warming is local to individual planets and moons caused by unique events, not caused by the sun - if it were all planets and moons would be warming.
2007-05-23 03:27:28 UTC
Perhaps I can answer this question from a scientists point of view using the facts from both sides of the argument to meet in the middle. Global warming, by and large, is a natural event. In 60,000 years of looking at ice core samples, I have seen massive fluctuations between heat and cold including three ice ages. However! I have seen the amount of carbon simply explode since 1958 and have the data to back it up. If I were to draw two lines on a chart, one showing the amount of carbon and one showing an increase in temperature, there will be a parallell between them. And THAT is unprecedented! In other words, in 60,000 years, I have NEVER seen such a rise in world wide temperatures as I have in the past 39 years. So with the numbers in front of me, I have to conclude that, although we aren't responsible for global warming, we have definitely exascerbated it beyond any argument. And the answer doesn't lie in government. It lies in us - in what we drive, in what we use for power, and in what we recycle personally. Please consider both sides of the argument before either side claims that there answer is the only answer - that global warming is natural occuring or man made. The Year Without a Summer was brought on by the aftermath of a volcanic eruption in which sulfer was ejected in mass quanitites sending solar radiation back into space. And THAT is part of a natural cycle.
2007-05-22 23:01:42 UTC
This is a tough one to answer and i guess it all depends on you who talk to as to what answer you're going to get. Man and his ego will always think it's him casuing the change.

But, we know for a fact the poler ice caps on mars are melting and some of the same things happen on this planet are happing there as well. Plato is getting warmer even tho it's getting futher away from the sun.

So maybe this is just a cylce the earth is goig through.

that being said anything one can do to get down on it, .ike driving under the speed limit or car pooling or any of 1,000 things you can do to help with the enviorment is alwasy a good thing. What really funds Terror? Oil!!! The less we use the better

I could go on and list all the things we are doing. One person sanswer on here already says more the enuff on the subject.

If you've heard of Coast to Coast am the did a great show on this that aired sat may 19th. THey also talked about way the bees seem to have gone missing

check it out it's really interesting
2007-05-23 02:42:07 UTC
It is true the earths climate does go through hot and cold periods naturally, such as an ice age. The reason that we are causing it is because of our emissions, and just the general way we treat our planet. The proof is simple, if you look at a graph of the CO2 emissions, and the temperature, they are in stride with each other. In the last 125 years they have both spiked nearly off the chart, the only answer is sadly us. It seems like common sense to me, when you mistreat something, in this case our earth, things will happen. As for the what is happening due to us, well to name a few, mass extinctions, global warming, bad air quality, etc.
2007-05-23 18:52:11 UTC
considering we havent seen weather or changes like this in over 150 years i would not say it is a cyclical earth change. even if it is a cyclical earth change do humans want to end up like the dinosaurs? we as humans have a duty to become the most efficient we can possibly be and right now we arent. suburban developments, 4 cars in every driveway. tons of manufacturing and pulluting powerplants and even slashing down hundreds of thousands of acres of trees per day is not helping the cause and is in fact making things thousands of times worse. Increasing our everday efficiency and the efficiency of all buisinesses in america will save us all money, but also have profound impact on the environment and spur new environmentally concious industries. Acting on on pollution is win win. and yes definately it is not a natural cycle. I am willing to change my everyday habits, even buy a hybrid or energy saving car because as an american and socially responsible citizen i owe it to myself and others to seek out the most efficient materials, cars, and appliances so that i can do my part to conserve energy and help pollution levels.
2007-05-23 05:30:54 UTC
global warming is a manmade cause.the pollution created by humans cause harm to the environment. pollution caused by carbon di oxide has resuluted in the ozone layer depletion. ppl cut down this increases the amount of carbon di oxide.carbon di oxide has the capacity to trap heat. and so we have ozone layer depletion.if u say that it is the natural cycle that the earth goes through then u r wrong my dear . if earth goes through this kind of cycle then by now the earth would have been destroyed.
Rajesh Desai
2007-05-23 00:27:39 UTC
It is both - because of us and because of the natural cycle. I think the important question is - whether our contribution can make things go out of hand?

It seems reasonable to think that - considering how much energy we are releasing - we are a big factor. Think of how the sky gets lit up because of our tiny little bulbs. Billions of little engines burning gas and leaking heat seems like it would impact things on a global scale. Why would it not?
just help ducky
2007-05-22 22:49:01 UTC
The majority of it is due to the lack of respect that we have shown for our planet, but every bit of conservation and awareness make things better.

However, the dinosaurs were wiped out at one point in time and perhaps humans are nearing their time? In that case, I must admit that as a bit of irony, the human's faultiness is predestined and in timing with the natural cycle of things.
2007-05-23 00:00:57 UTC
the funny thing is that alot of people claim greenhouse gasses such as CO2 are causing global warming but the truth is that the main producer of CO2 is in fact our ocean. When the tempature rises, the oceans release more CO2 which in turn, causes CO2 levels to rise. What alot of these alarmist fail to mention is that the temperature rising is causing the CO2 levels to rise, not vice-versa as many people may believe.
Scottish Dachsy
2007-05-22 23:01:58 UTC
So-called global warming, if it is happening, is basically caused by solar flare cycles. Furthermore, if we limit CO2, then what wil the plants breathe? Plant life uses CO2 just like we use oxygen.
2007-05-22 23:01:53 UTC
The danger in developing a consensus, is that a consensus is a lack of leadership.

Hold your opinions singularly and steadfastly.

The earth heats and cools in an unpredictable cycle which is an eventuality we are powerless to change.
2007-05-22 22:52:50 UTC
It is a natural cycle...but we mankind have bee contributing too much to make global warming faster and faster.
Who knows
2007-05-22 23:41:06 UTC
With so many long answers and considering I don't have to much knowledge in the subject Ill just keep mine short. I think its both!
2007-05-23 03:50:13 UTC
the consensus seems to be leaning towards that it is occuring natually and the sun is the main culprit..this has all happened thousands of times before.
2007-05-23 03:57:52 UTC
I know most people will not read this post, they will just give me a thumbs down so here’s a summary of questions for the global warming crowd to think about, these have not been answered or even acknowledged by the global warming community.

- Why does CO2 always rise after temperature?

- Why is Mars warming?

- If temperature is raise by CO2 than why did global temperature drop between 1940 and 1970 while CO2 continued to rise?

- Why is the troposphere cooling if the greenhouse effect is the source of the earth’s warming?

- What about the numerous studies showing the sun is the cause of temperature change?

- Who funds global warming scientists?

- Why is a scientific consensus claimed?

- Why can you still see marks on rocks that mark the water level in the 1800’s?

- Why is the center of the artic and Antarctic ice shelves cooling?

- Why are the same glaciers retreating on one edge and expanding on the other?

Finally read this:

The idea of man made global warming is false; it is based on false, misinterpreted, or biased evidence. When “An Inconvenient Truth” came out it was supposed to be the final word in proving global warming exists, but it did not. It was hosted solely by a politician who has no scientific training and presented only 2 graphs. According to these sources almost everything Al Gore claimed was either false or greatly exaggerated.

For a movie that debunks global warming (hosted by actual scientists and presenting more than 2 graphs) look here:

This scientist says it will be a joke in 5 years:

One of the biggest claims by the global warming crowd is that there is a scientific consensus, this is a blatant and shameful lie. This claim is made to coerce you into belief because there is no opposition, right? Wrong, these 17,000+ scientists would disagree with the idea of a scientific consensus.

Come to think of it when is the last time you heard that there is a scientific consensus that actually cited numbers? There never has been, people will claim that 90% of scientists agree, this number is made up. Here are the real numbers:

It seems there is a scientific consensus against global warming.

Some people will ask if I expect all the scientists who agree with global warming will come out one day and say we were joking, fooled you. No I don’t believe that, this will happen:

Here’s 21 pages of disagreement:

Here’s some general information on my position.

The central claim by the global warming crowd is that human generated CO2 is causing the current warming of the earth, this is false. An ice core sample like the one Al Gore showed actually shows the opposite, temperature rises the concentration of CO2.

The global warming crowd hardly ever shows this graph, they will only show graphs of the last 50 years or so, that is because if you take any particular 50 years it appears that CO2 is leading temperature, go ahead try it with the spike 250,000 years ago.

This is because a rise in temperature causes the sea to give up stored CO2:

Here’s another ice core study that clearly shows a cyclical pattern in earth’s temperature, we are currently at a warming phase.

The main greenhouse gas is water vapor, which accounts for 95% of the greenhouse effect, CO2 only accounts for 3.6%. It makes up only .03% of our atmosphere. Of that only a about 6Gt of that comes from humans another 150Gt comes from animals.

This is the official NASA CO2 center, they have been studying atmospheric CO2 long before global warming was an issue, they conclude that CO2 is not the cause of warming.

If the earth was warming due to the greenhouse effect the troposphere would also be warming thus radiating the heat to the surface of the earth, but its not, the troposphere is actually cooling, only the earths surface is heating pointing to a more direct source of warming.

And the claim that our current levels of CO2 are unprecedented are also false:

If CO2 determines temperature why did the temperature drop between the years of 1940 and 1970 while the concentration of CO2 increased?

The sun is causing our warming along with interplay between the sea currents. For proof look at the fact that mars is also warming.

Time to dispel myths of global warming:

1) Last year was the hottest year on record.

False, a number of sources above address this and so does this one

The world has actually cooled since 1998.

2) This warming is unprecedented.

False the medieval warm period was actually warmer. Grapes were grown in England, trees existed in place where there are now glaciers.

3) Glaciers are melting.

False, only portions are melting the cores are actually cooling. Some edges are decreasing while other expand.

4) Sea levels will increase 20 feet flooding costal cities.

False this is a lie by Al gore, even the IPCC does not agree with this. The seas are increasing in some areas and decreasing in others.

5) This current idea is a first climate crisis.

False, in the 1970’s there was a scare of global cooling. A scientific consensus was claimed, evidence poured in, and now, global warming. Hundreds of studies came in supporting the idea but we now know this idea was wrong.

6) Computer models predict further warming.

The computer models are unreliable, they all depend on dozens of assumptions, if any one is wrong the whole model is wrong. Also every model assumes human CO2 causes temperature increase so the outcome is always more warming. Computer models by scientists on the other side predict cooling.

7) The only scientists who disagree are paid by big oil.

This is false, most are paid by non partisan groups. This also begs a counter question, who pays global warming scientists? The answer big environmental companies who make millions off selling global warming materials, alternate fuels, green living products, etc.

Now the IPCC. Some will claim that the IPCC addressed solar impact and natural sources of CO2, they didn’t, see for yourself:

The IPCC is a political organization that knows what it will conclude before it starts its science. It has published a fake graph (the hockey stick graph) and later had to retract the report after THEY admitted it was wrong, yet they still use the graph. Scientists who disagreed with global warming were either excluded or censored.

If you actually read this post you should at least realize that global warming is not an absolute truth, it is the subject of active scientific debate.
2007-05-23 06:44:26 UTC
Byderule needs to get a job (and you need to learn more about modern agriculture)
Jeigh B
2007-05-23 03:45:13 UTC
Nasa is recording record temps on Mars, so is this natural? Yes because who on Mars is driving SUV's....Nobody! Greenland used to be just that GREEN! Then there is the fact that the Global Scaling Models used to make the arguement for global warming isn't complete as it doesn't account for rain or snow fall. Speaking of snow fall why was the New York debate on this very subject called off just two months ago? Because of the snow and cold in New York. Not to mention the recent cold weather problems all over the country doesn't fit the whole concept of Global Warming.

Recently there was a subtropical storm which is a storm caused by cold temps over the warmer Atlantic waters just off the NC coast. California lost fruit and vegetable crops due to record cold temperatures. Kansas, Colorado, Alaska, Michigan all reported record snow fall just two months ago and in Detriot had snow storms as late as April closing airports.

The facts about global warming are not set in stone and there is so much we don't know about climate change. During the dinosaurs the Earth was much hotter and yet everybody is willing to believe that we now are causing the shift in temperature. Al Gore claims to buy "Carbon Offsets" from a company that he, himself ownsthis coming from a guy who took heavy metal bands to court for lyric content in the 80's. Do I trust what he says...NO! The eco-freaks want us to buy compact florescent bulbs, little does anybody mention that these bulbs use Mercury in them which is posinous, and requires special handling when they are broken or discarded.

In closing get the facts, global warming is a way for "Big Brother" to tell us what to do. You don't see Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, or John Edwards worrying about conserving resources at all. And if you think you are going to get tax cuts for driving a Toyota Prius think again.

Al Gore’s Personal Energy Use Is His Own “Inconvenient Truth”

Gore’s home uses more than 20 times the national average

Last night, Al Gore’s global-warming documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, collected an Oscar for best documentary feature, but the Tennessee Center for Policy Research has found that Gore deserves a gold statue for hypocrisy.

Gore’s mansion, located in the posh Belle Meade area of Nashville, consumes more electricity every month than the average American household uses in an entire year, according to the Nashville Electric Service (NES).

In his documentary, the former Vice President calls on Americans to conserve energy by reducing electricity consumption at home.

The average household in America consumes 10,656 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per year, according to the Department of Energy. In 2006, Gore devoured nearly 221,000 kWh—more than 20 times the national average.

Last August alone, Gore burned through 22,619 kWh—guzzling more than twice the electricity in one month than an average American family uses in an entire year. As a result of his energy consumption, Gore’s average monthly electric bill topped $1,359.

Since the release of An Inconvenient Truth, Gore’s energy consumption has increased from an average of 16,200 kWh per month in 2005, to 18,400 kWh per month in 2006.

Gore’s extravagant energy use does not stop at his electric bill. Natural gas bills for Gore’s mansion and guest house averaged $1,080 per month last year.

“As the spokesman of choice for the global warming movement, Al Gore has to be willing to walk the walk, not just talk the talk, when it comes to home energy use,” said Tennessee Center for Policy Research President Drew Johnson.

In total, Gore paid nearly $30,000 in combined electricity and natural gas bills for his Nashville estate in 2006.
Chris S
2007-05-22 22:55:19 UTC
I am all for conservation, but the temperature of Mars has been rising too....somebody must be driving SUVS there.
2007-05-23 03:33:01 UTC
I use this site for info.
2007-05-23 02:11:34 UTC
Hey Byderule thanks for giving us the Sierra Club talking points. Of course Sierra Club/Greenpeace makes their money off of suckers like you don't they?
2007-05-22 23:58:15 UTC
we are causing global warming
2007-05-22 23:01:55 UTC
yes! it is because of us only.because we are spreading pollution with non-biodegradable substances.that is giving us harm.we are the only one to destroy or protect our world
2007-05-23 02:46:25 UTC
Here is the real story:

I studied environmental sciences for eleven years over the twenty year period from 1964 to 1984. I took a course in Earth Sciences called Climatology in 1971. Climatology is the study of average temperature and moisture conditions over large areas of the planet over long periods of time.

We have actual weather data going back to about 1850, when the US Weather Bureau was founded. We have data about prevailing seasonal climate going back about 6 to 10,000 years ago from tree rings. We have other data, from ice cores, going back from ten to 40,000 years ago. We have other data, from sedimentation from stream flow due to precipitation, going back from millions of years for some locations to hundreds of millions of years for other locations. We also have data that can be used to estimate the atmospheric concentrations of CO2 for hundreds of millions of years, measurements from air trapped in ice for tens of thousands of years, and actual measurements of actual air composition for a few centuries.

There are several observations that are absolute facts. One of them is that the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is twice what it was in 1750, at the start of the Industrial Revolution, but is only about half that of what it was 500 million years ago, the age of the vast coal deposits now buried in sedimentary rocks all over the world. Another is that the average global temperature has been rising for the entire history of the US Weather Bureau, from 1854 to the present. Other data indicates a net increase of about one degree centigrade since 1750. There have also been fluctuations in average earth surface temperatures over time, on a variety of scales, including millions of years, thousands of years, hundreds of years, and decades. These were all indisputable scientific facts about forty years ago.

What was disputed in 1971 was the cause for the observed increase in temperature, and the causes for the various fluctuations in climate known from the fossil records. In the 36 years since then, hundreds of studies have been done, matching various effects to various fluctuations, determining mathematically how much is due to variation in solar output, how much is due to shifts in the earth's axis of rotation, how much is due to irregularities in the earth's orbit around the sun, how much was due to asteroidal impacts that have occurred every sixty million years or so, how much was due to volcanic eruptions at various times in various places around the world. I have followed these discoveries with great interest as they were published in a magazine for scientists that I have been reading weekly for most of the past 36 years.

The math is pretty sophisticated, but there are now enough raw numbers and powerful enough computers to actually calculate how much effect each cause has, or had, and when it had that effect. There are no substantial anomalies unaccounted for, and no variation left over due to some unknown cause. The math is stochastic (about probability), so the result is expressed in confidence (chance of a false positive, chance of a false negative.) We have now better than 90% confidence that the temperature increase since 1750 is due to the increase in CO2 since 1750, and nothing else. Some confounding effects (earth axial and orbital) have actually kept the increase in temperature lower than otherwise expected due to CO2 alone. We have greater than 90% confidence that the increase in CO2 is due almost entirely to the combustion of fossil fuels.

Confidence greater than 90% is not usually possible to get in climate studies - it takes too much data. What we do know is that the effects we observe have less than a one in ten probability of being due to random or unknown causes, a better than 9 out of ten probability of being due to CO2 from burning fossil fuel raising the average atmospheric temperature by about a degree centigrade, and still rising.

Don't be fooled by talk of "natural cycles." Every change in earth average temperature over the past one billion years was due to some cause, all of them pretty well known by now. The "natural cycle" is the net outcome of all the forces in play, not some mysteriously unknowable intrinsic pendulum that just happens to swing back and forth. You would have to take a climatology course yourself to find out all about it.

Back in the 1920s, a Nobel-prize-wining thermodynamic chemist named Svante Arrhenius proposed increased CO2 as a cause for atmospheric heating. It has taken scientists eighty years to show that he was substantially correct.
2007-05-23 02:24:10 UTC
Because of us :[
2007-05-22 22:48:45 UTC

Irresponsible Agriculture , expanding populations and its effects are the planets biggest enemies.

This text only covers some aspects of Climate change ,i.e.effects of deforestation and subsequent man made desertification ,because of irresponsible farming using chemicals ,over pumping carbon aquifers,over grazing ,wild fires (because of slash and burn gone out of control).

Water and air polution ,such as caused by

industrial contamination ,the contaminating effects of the cities(the internal combustion engine) ,are other stories.

All of these are also man made ,such as the high industrial chimneys pumping contamination into the clouds and the burning of tires,some of this polution has been found in the ice in the polar regions.

There are natural cycles in the planets life

but a lot is influenced by mans existance ,this is increasing with overpopulation,putting strains on Natural resources and increasing contaminations .

The thinner ozone layer helps to speed this up. This is caused mainly by air polution ,also as a result of mans actions.

In North Africa,India,Mexico ,millions of people are effected by land loss , desertification and some have died as a result.

Now many animals are becoming sick because of changes in temperature .

Vital links in the food chains are disapearing affecting other species further along in the chain .

We are witness to a mass exstinction ,for the first time since the dinosaurs.

Of the earth's estimated 10 million species, 300,000 have vanished in the past 50 years.

Each year, 3,000 to 30,000 species become extinct.

Everything is happening so fast it is not possible to monitor things any more.

The Sahara is growing by 7 kilometers a year.

Most of the desserts are as a results of mans actions.And they are increasing .In the dinosaurs days ,there were few desserts.

Collectively this planet is drying up .

Each degree rise in temperature means 10%crop loss

There is less and less water (because of deforestation),to irrigate Agriculture.

Arable lands and their farms are lost all over the globe. Many farmers sons abandon farming and head for the cities.

Northern China is drying up, what once were millions of food producing people, are now hungry refugees ,running for their lives from the all consuming dust storms.

This will have a great effect on world food prices when they start buying at what ever cost, to feed their people.

The farmers that are left have to feed some 70 million more people than the year before but with less topsoil(because of desertification and irreverible erosion)

Over the last half century,

Population growth & rising incomes have tripled world grain demand from 640 million tons to 1,855 million

In the near future the global farming community will not be able to feed every body ,food prices will continue to rise. .


The northpole is melting ,and we will know it without ice in our life times.

This does not affect the sea level ,because it is ice that is already in the water.but the melting ice from Green land and the south pole ,and the Glaziers is potable water lost forever and rises the sea levels.

Are We responsible ?

Is it the Sun?

Is it God who wants to punish us?

Is it Gaia who wants to clean some parasitic infestation?

Is it a Natural cycle?

Who cares ? that is not important any more

WHAT IS important -is that we are gonna be in trouble

WHAT CAN WE DO????????????????

The best we can do as individuals is be more responsible ,in our own neck of the woods

Organise well publicized clean up parties ,talk on the radio,hold citizan meetings, get the shools involved to plant trees and listen to environmental awareness talks.

If you do any cleaning up ,leave signs behind saying who cleaned,why and ask people not to start dumping rubbish again ,leave a hole or bins ,in case people come back with trash ,and they always do.

We have done a lot of comunity cleaning and if you dont leave alternatives or try to work on peoples guilt feelings (some people actually have those ,but not many) ,than your efforts are a waste of time.

That is what we do in Mexico.


Print Tshirts with slogans ,hang posters all over the place (with recycled paper if possible).

Classify trash, take out all the organic waste and make compost with it ,the worst you can do is throw it with the trash,or burn it .

70% of contamination is due to organic waste that is mixed in with the garbage .

and it is just as bad in the sewer where it helps to breed rats and in the landfill it poisons the ground .

This is the easiest to take care of .

First of all we have to clasify trash ,at least keep the organic to one side ,like in a plastic bin with a lid .

If you got a few meters of ground ,you only need 1 or 2 square meters in a shallow hole ,(in the shade) ,that you can wet now and again .

Where you dump everything that is organic .

Toilet paper,bones vegetable cuttings ,eggshells,

deadbodies ,excrement ,cardboard,leaves,

shredded paper,old clothes (if they are organic),

Cover regularly with leaves or a piece of plastic,

to keep humid and to hide any smell .

REGULARLY spray some water over it ,but do not saturate it or the worms will die or leave.

The worms will decompose the wastes, turning it into beautifull black soil for the garden of flower pots .

If you are in a apartment ,if you have a balcony get a big plastic bin drill some holes in the side and lid ,

and add a few buckets of sand now and again to put over the trash ,you should realy stir or move the stuff at times to airate it ,and ensure that the decomposition is even ,keep moist

this rubbish does not get big very fast and the thing works for a long time with out getting full

----------------------Some more Positive thoughts

Global warming cannot be stopped but being friendlier to our Environment cannot be bad and maybe we buy some time.

If you want to help the planet ,plant a tree every week ,if everyone on the planet did we we would be able to slowdown the destructive processes.

Reduce carbon emisions,and they are already working on that ,by alternative forms of energy We need more regulations on carbon production.

Dont use aerosol cans,

Dont burn trash

Limit water use

Recicling wastes.

AGRICULTURE must invest in

Waterharvesting projects ,(such as thousands of small dams).to redirect over ground waterflows from the rains into the ground to supply subteranian water supplies.

Assist the capture of carbon and the production of water by promoting Reforestation.

The world bank pays large subsidies for reforrestation to capture carbon and the best tree for this is the Pawlonia .

Agricultural education and improvements to follow the principals of sustainability and soil management


The protection of existing forrests.

Stop building more highways,

Urban planning to include vegetation

Stop building cities encourage people to return to the land to conduct their business from there ,which now has become possible thanks to the internet.

More environmental or land ,design to prevent bush fires,such as--fire breaks .

More dams,regulations and control for public behaviour.

Alternative effeciant public transport to discourage the use of the internal conbustion engine.


Education to motivate people to auto sufficiency by building more home food gardens.

Education on environmental awareness.

Education on family planning ,to curb overpopulation.

Here are a 100 more ways Source(s) Lester E Brown is the director and founder of the global institute of Environment in the United states .he has compiled a report based on all the satalite information available from NASA,and all the information that has

come from Universities and American embassies WORLD WIDE ,

his little book--a planet under stress , Plan B has been trans lated into many languages and won the best book award in 2003

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.