global warming debate at work?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
global warming debate at work?
21 answers:
2010-04-01 19:39:24 UTC
it is amazing to me to hear people argue about the "normal" graph of ice coverage of the polar caps...

we have 30 years worth of data... that is ALL the graph covers... the last ice age was 100,000 years ago...

do you REALLY think we can trend ice coverage of the arctic???

that would be like plotting 2 hours worth of temps and thinking you could say what was normal over the last year...

the data chosen for warming graphs WAS slanted.. the curve flattens out tremendously if you move the starting point fifty years either way.. they choose the coldest decade they could to show the maximum warming.. it is why everyone says release ALL the data not part of it... if you graph data.. you KNOW how to manipulate the data to make a graph show what you want.. not what is there...

there is little doubt that global warming is happening somewhat... that is a natural geographic phenomenon.. between ice ages the earth warms.. till it ices over again...

what IS debatable is how much of it is due to mankind.. and that is a LONG way from settled.
2010-04-09 03:16:37 UTC
I live in Florida, have a house in NJ that I go to in the June/July/August. Normally, I'm freezing in June in NJ. This year I froze my azz off in Florida December thru the end of March. In the meantime, I've been keeping tabs on my neighborhood in NJ. Global Warming My ***!!! They had record snows and cold.
2010-04-08 15:36:45 UTC
So far global warming and Al Gore are right up there with the tooth fairy and Santa Clause,oops,sorry Santa.
2010-04-02 07:28:31 UTC
What is still debated is if man is causing global warming. There are many credible scientists who are NOT convinced that man is at fault.
2010-04-02 01:17:02 UTC
"It is not being debated among scientists. There is no current published climate researcher who does not believe man is warming the environment. That is beyond consensus, it is now unanimous." (Baccheu)

If the debate is over, could some kind person come and help me dig my veggie patch? I'd do it myself but it's frozen over and it's snowing, this in the South West of England in April.

Global Warming?

Wish it was, I'm freezing.

EDIT: Oh no, not the dreaded coral bleaching again, I've explained that many times, fishing, fertilizer run-off, trawling, but not temperature. The no-take zones in UK are showing a phenomenal growth since we stopped FISHING & TRAWLING!

The coral in these zones was bleaching, we stopped fishing, now the coral is healthy again ,so what pray caused it in the first place?
travis g
2010-04-01 17:31:58 UTC
Thats a dead link haha


While Fox news is obviously bias, so is the bbc. there is not a universal consensus on anything. People who disagree are just discredited and slandered.

Edit #2:

That article is citing a British news source. Fox is reporting what that paper stated
2010-04-01 22:55:56 UTC
Islands come and go all the time - geologically speaking. That has always been, and most likely always will be, the case. The erosion and disappearance of delta islands especially, is quite common. For one famous example, the swampy low-lying islands at the mouth of the Mississippi river have been disappearing for decades, but their disappearance has nothing to do with rising sea levels (levels, by the way, which have risen by approximately 1 inch in the past 150 years). They are disappearing because the natural processes which build them up against the constant erosion of current and waves has been altered by humanity's need to control flooding in those areas. When the floods stop depositing new layers of sediment, the constant erosion eventually wins out and they slip back beneath the waves altogether. Many $Billions have been spent to attempt to reverse that process, while simultaneously maintaining the desirable flood-control features, but success has been somewhat limited so far.

As for the broader question of Global Warming, I don't think anyone disputes the fact that the world is a little warmer than it was 35 years ago - when many of the same scientists who today screech about warming were earnestly warning us of the impending ice age. But the current warming trend started in the early to mid 1800s, when humanity was a mere pimple on an elephant's posterior. In fact, most of the post-1840 warming happened before 1940, when humanity's carbon emissions were a trifling small fraction of what they are today.

Same goes for the glacial retreat the warmists get so shrill about. Periodic surveys of the glaciers in Glacier National Park showed that the glaciers there lost roughly 50% of their mass between 1870 and 1910 - some more, some less, but all lost significant mass.

Do a little research to verify my statements above, then ask yourslef: If the globe started to warm almost 100 years prior to the beggining of our modern age, how can the carbon emissions associated with our modern age possibly be the primary cause?

That is one of the major questions the promoters of Man-Made Global Warming have either been unable or steadfastly unwilling to answer, while simultaneously insisting that we must put our faith in their computer models. Their computer models have been proven unreliable over 5, 10 and 15 year periods, but we are told that those models are akin to Revealed Truth over multi-century time horizons!?! Such silliness cannot be taken seriously, yet we are told to BUY NOW, before it's too late.

Another of the major quesitons which the promoters of Man-Made Global Warming have vigorously avoided is how humanity caused the dozens, if not hundreds, of similar warming and cooling spells throughout geological history. The island of Manhattan, for one well-known example, has at various times in geologic history been burined under several thousand feet of glacial ice for a spell, then warmer than the tropics are today for a spell, then back under the ice for a millenia, then back to the tropics, and so on. Humans did not even exist on this planet for most of those cycles, so how cane a rational person believe that we are driving the changes this time? The fact that so many do believe in such a weak theory is a triumph of marketing over reason.

Lastly, the biggest question the promoters of Man-Made Global Warming will never answer or debate is, on balance, would humanity be better off with temperatures a little warmer than they are today? I know you've seen the Hollywood version of warmer temperatures causing sudden and massive calamaties, but that is not the way it works in the real world. In reality, such changes take place over multiple centuries. Will there be some draw-backs? Certainly. But might the benefits more than outweigh the problems? Would it be such an awful thing if, 200 years from now, the northern plains of Canada and Russia were open to agricultural development; if we could grow Citrus in the central plains of the U.S.; if Virginia was as warm as South Carolina is today; if trees and other plants grew faster; if the shipping lanes of the Northwest Passage were open for several months every year; etc, etc, etc. The alarmists want us to focus on the threats of all the bad things which might happen if we don't give them tens of $Trillions and immense power over the life-style choices of every human, but they will never engage in a rational discussion of the potential benefits of a warmer climate. IF their worst-case scenarios come to pass, we will certainly lose some low-lying coastal land, but we will gain millions of acres which are now locked in permafrost.
Der Weinerschit
2010-04-01 21:17:24 UTC
Global warmers smoke lots of medicinal MJ, are neo-Marxists, and hate pets. You, like most global warmers, have no historical perspective, are not a scientist, and would rather surrender you freedom for a neo-Marxist life because you have no skills. Please call the Bryman School, or Dr. Phil, they will help you.
2010-04-01 17:46:50 UTC
Global warming is hysteria built on fake data. It takes a lot of intellegence to look at the information and see it is false, rather than just follow the popular preception of Global warming being a real problem.

When global warming experts said that the reason the earth is 'cooling' is due to global warming, that was the end of the debate for me. Then came hacked email, showing how the IPCC ignored the reports of the desenting scientific community.

But if you want to continue to drink the 'global warming cult kool aid' feel free. Just don't put down the rest of us would who don't want to go down the road of science lies.
2010-04-01 19:14:27 UTC
Global Warming is not true, All it is, is an advertisement that stupid people who think they are helping a good cause give money to that people stuff into there pockets and do no research at all.

Hears a couple of examples why global warming is not true -

- first off the so called scientist state the fact that the ice caps are melting and show you sad pictures of polar bears dieing. Truth be told that the Not so long ago, the Ice caps were recorded 3 inches thicker than ever recorded on history.

- Evidence show that the 1000 years ago the earth was hotter than it is today

- Nasa has stated that the hottest years of the Century were not the 90's or 00's but the 1930's

- Arctic website Crysophere Today reported that Arctic ice volume was 500,000 sq km greater than this time last year.

- Ten years ago Different Scientists were telling people that it was global freezing, it just did not get as much media coverage.

Truth be told its a big scam for you to fork over your money for them telling you a lie. The Earth goes through out cycles that make it get hot and cold. We Just have to live with it a realize we cant change it.
2016-10-07 04:04:15 UTC
Scientists do no longer all consider reference to the character and effect of world warming. some observers nonetheless question despite if temperatures have easily been becoming in any respect. Others renowned previous exchange yet argue that it fairly is a lot too early to be making predictions for the destiny. Such critics could additionally deny that the data for the human contribution to warming is conclusive, arguing that a basically organic cycle could be driving temperatures upward. an analogous dissenters tend to emphasise the certainty that persevered warming would have reward in some areas. Scientists who question the international warming trend factor to 3 confusing adjustments between the predictions of the international warming fashions and the actually habit of the factors. First, the warming trend stopped for 3 many years in the midst of the twentieth century; there replaced into even some cooling till now the climb resumed in the Nineteen Seventies. 2nd, the full volume of warming in the time of the twentieth century replaced into in basic terms approximately 0.5 what computer fashions envisioned. 0.33, the troposphere, the decrease area of the ambience, did no longer heat as speedy because of the fact the fashions forecast. notwithstanding, international warming proponents have confidence that 2 of the three discrepancies have now been defined. the lack of warming at midcentury is now attributed frequently to air pollution that spews particulate count number, exceedingly sulfates, into the top environment. those particulates, additionally common as aerosols, reflect some incoming sunlight out into area. persevered warming has now conquer this consequence, partly because of the fact pollution administration efforts have made the air cleanser.
2010-04-07 11:07:10 UTC
Very few newspapers have competent science reporters, and even those that do regularly get it wrong. Some news sites regularly lie, misrepresent and mislead.

Sea levels are not just measured by tide gauges (and they account for erosion and plate rebound by using GPS for example...), but also by satellites, which give global coverage.

The article there links to real scientific papers.

Temperatures are measured by thermometers, weather balloons & satellites.

And all show warming. Also, the lower level of the atmosphere is expanding (because it's warming up), there appears to be more water vapour, ice sheets are melting more quickly, the oceans have more heat, the jet streams seem to be migrating polewards, plants and animals are migrating polewards and heat flows have been measured by satellites and ground stations.

Any search for these issues on googlescholar should lead you to scientific papers.
2010-04-06 14:17:10 UTC
It always amazing me that some people think this Global Warming is not happening.

I think many of them are approaching it in the wrong way.


If millions of people trek over a beauty spot, the beauty spot is eventually debased - he grass etc gets destroyed and the paths become barren.

If vegetable crops are grown on the same patch for over 50 years without compost being added to that patch, the crops will get smaller and smaller until it won`t grow anything at all (this has been proved).

If thousands of chimneys spew smoke into the air, the air becomes polluted and much illness is caused. Whole cities have been known to turn black (The Black country) due to this.


At first read, you might ask, `what has this all to do with global warming` - I just say it is proof we humans are damaging the planet. These are only 3 examples, so multiply these 3 by thousands and work it out for yourself.
timothy p
2010-04-02 13:07:28 UTC

The islands have been appearing and vanishing forever. How is this proof of AGW? If the ice at the poles is growing (NSIDC) then where is the water for the rising sea levels coming from? Just some things to think about.

BTW: The article he was talking about was NASA admitting that their temperature data wasn't accurate. You combine their inaccurate data with the manipulated data then you have to concede that you have no proof of warming or cooling.
2010-04-01 18:06:13 UTC
I'm pretty sure it's safe to say you are not a scientist and have no idea what the hell you are talking about with no proof.

I'm pretty sure that there are some islands that are actually COMING BACK. While islands may be disappearing others may be coming back. ITs natural displacement of earth.

And if we are causing sea levels to rise then who were the ones that caused the land bridge between Russia and Alaska to go underwater thousands of years ago?
2010-04-02 11:02:26 UTC
The debate at your workplace is pointless. Stop wasting time. When Los Angelos floods, the US voters will finally pony up the dollars to pay for a global warming solution. It will probably involve telling CA to stop protecting it's stupid deserts and start planting salt-tolerant crops and algae ponds.
2010-04-09 14:59:23 UTC
It was a record cold winter in places where we just had winter.

Let's see... two years in a row of record numbers of deaths of Manatees due to cold.

And I just went to a Wendy's.... "Due to record cold temperatures, tomatoes are not available."
2010-04-02 11:31:55 UTC
No. There is absolutely no question whatsoever that the planet is warming. The increasing global temperature is measured both by surface stations and satellites. Here's the data from NASA:

And it's also demonstrated by rising sea levels, which are measured by tide gauges and satellite altimeters:

There's no even any question among climate scientists as to what's causing the warming. It's human greenhouse gas emissions. Here's a summary of the scientific evidence:

Among scientists the debate is not about whether the planet is warming or whether humans are causing it. The debate is about how bad future warming and climate change will be.
Jeff M
2010-04-01 17:58:05 UTC
Global warming is happening. The island did sink due to erosion.

Glaciers are receding, there is an increase of coral bleaching during El Nino years, ocean levels, the ocean pH value is decreasing, the C12 is increasing as compared to C13 or C14, outbound radiation is decreasing at the levels associated with methane and CO2, solar radiance is decreasing while the planet is warming, there are many things that when brought together point to a heatign planet due to greenhouse gasses. The island, however, is not one of them.
2010-04-01 17:29:17 UTC
It is not being debated among scientists. There is no current published climate researcher who does not believe man is warming the environment. That is beyond consensus, it is now unanimous.

There is debate as to the rate and the effects that we can expect. There is great debate over what we should do, but that is economics and politics, not physical science.

Anyone who does not believe that man is warming the environment is ignorant of the science. That's a fact. There is no debating it.

Of course, few of us sit around the house reading science journals; we are all ignorant of most of the science. Few of us can even understand the studies, but they are there.

For good summaries of the studies, you can peruse here

One of the most senseless arguments is this idea that because the environment has changed in the past, the changes now must be natural. But the changes now are different than have ever before, and climates in the past were not always hospitable to humans. The rapid changes we are seeing now are already expensive and bad, and the real warming hasn't even hardly started yet.
2010-04-01 17:37:28 UTC
You are dwelling on the wrong subject. The debate lies in what's causing it. If your friend can't see that it's real, he probably lacks the intellectual capacity to debate the cause and affect of GW.... it's a lost cause....

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.