If you look at good validated scientific data not liberal fantasy you can clearly see that minor ice ages like the Dalton of 1790 to 1820 can happen fairly quickly. The more severe Maunder occurred between 1640 and 1720 and was much more severe than the more recent Dalton. The little ice age from about 1300 through 1820 was caused by 4 solar minimums of which the Maunder was the most serious. Our sun is a variable output star that can vary its output up to 20% and possibly more from its lowest activity point to its highest activity. One of the longest lasting and most serious discussions in science is what causes this extreme variation in solar output. There are many ideas that have been floated over the centuries on this and the what to me seems the most sensible was expressed by Isaac Asimov back in the 50s in this novel.
The base points he uses about stars performance levels being affected by thin streams of matter that he terms currents of space to me and many others seems to be a good explanation of why stars can and do have extreme variability cycles in their output. I have also read and evaluated the comments on climate written by many liberals over the years and found them to not even come close to exceptionally well documented facts on the subject. And then I find them altering materials that I have observed in my lifetime and claiming they either did not happen or were opposite to what I had observed. Altogether I fully agree that very few liberal minds know very much at all about any kind of science because they first of all do not have the mental capacity for science.
Some scientific information revealing the truth about global warming, when it happened and what probably caused it.
Where the heat came from and why it was abnormally cold previously