I’m not sure how much you’ll like this but… your list is based on weather stations only and these record temperatures at a limited number of specific points on the planet. The satellite record is far more comprehensive as it measures temperatures across the entire surface of the Earth.
In which case, the highest ever temperature is 70.7°C recorded in the Lut Desert in Iran in 2005.
Try to remember, global warming does not mean that every part of the world has seen a dramatic increase in temperature. Globally the average temperature has risen by a little under 1°C, this does not mean that every high temperature record will be smashed. In reality it means that the likelihood of setting a new high temperature record has increased and the likelihood of a new cold record has decreased.
Given that there are only seven datapoints in your list means that no reliable conclusion can be drawn. We need to look at something that has much wider scope and is more representative of what’s actually happening in the world.
Instead of being selective it makes sense to look at every major temperature record that has been broken. When we do this we find that in 2010 there were been 349 all time highs and 17 all time lows. If we extend this back over the last 10 years then there have been 941 highs and 149 lows.
If we look at individual countries we find that there were no all time cold records set last year but all time highs were set in Tokelau, Colombia, Solomon Islands, Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha, Myanmar (twice), Pakistan, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Chad, Niger, Sudan, Russia (thrice), Qatar, Finland, Cyprus, Belarus (twice), Ukraine, Martinique and Zambia.
If you choose to focus on such a miniscule amount of the available data then it’s possible to falsely draw any conclusion you want. I could look out of the window and see seven cars parked (the same number of points you referenced) and from what I see could conclude that there are no cars more than 4 years old, there are no white cars anywhere, no cars have engines larger than 2.4 litres and every car has four doors. If I went and stood by the roadside and sampled 100 cars or 1000 cars then this ‘conclusion’ would almost certainly fall apart.
PS: Didn’t you ask this question a month ago https://answersrip.com/question/index?qid=20101124155327AAVOEaZ
PPS: ‘Athens’ weather station is not subject to the urban heat island effect as it’s not in Athens. The record temp was recorded jointly at Elefsina and Tatoi, both are several miles out of the city. The Arctic has only been melting since about 1960 http://arctic.atmos.uiuc.edu/cryosphere/ and is presently at a record low for the time of year http://www.ijis.iarc.uaf.edu/en/home/seaice_extent.htm
Edit: Guess who’s online at the moment manically logging in and out of multiple accounts so as to give everyone he doesn’t agree with multiple thumbs down. Is that really the best you can do? Your level of desperation is truly pathetic and the only person you’re fooling is yourself (not hard to do).