Is it any wonder why we are destroying the atmosphere.?
2007-05-09 23:54:44 UTC
I think it hilarious that government agencies are just getting on the top of economical disaster while scientist have been talking about this for decades. Maybe if they weren't allowing the oil companies to line politicians pockets we would have had more efficient and better energy sources and vehicles done years ago. Before we started to notice a huge change in global warming.
Seven answers:
2007-05-10 07:21:14 UTC
As usual it takes forever to get an issue addressed, but while the research clearly shows that the Earth is warming, the debate in the scientific community is the cause of the trend. While some contend that the recent rise in temperature is due to man made cause and pollutants in the atmosphere, there is another camp that points out, that there is quite a lot of data to refute that opinion. The Earth goes through cyclical changes in climate and has done so for Billions of years. The Great Lakes were created when the last major Ice Age receded and left those gaping holes behind. Does anyone doubt it was once a lot colder there? As recently as the Middle Ages, there was what was called a Mini Ice Age in Europe with the expansion of glaciers and global cooling. The reality of the issue is,as most global warming alarmists don't want you to know , is that the CO2 levels have actually remained at relatively the same level through out the 20th century and were higher in the 19th. We don't fully understand the cycles of the sun and it's effects on Earths climate. We have gone through many stages of warming and cooling through the Earth's history and we will continue to do so. We are obviously in a slight warming trend at this time, but the reasons are debatable. People like Al Gore have clinged to this issue to promote an anti-industrialist agenda and should be looked at with scutiny. His carbon offset scam is an example, as he pushews you to buy carbon offsets, he doesn't mention he owns the company providing them or that his mansion uses 21 times the energy as a normal house in Tennessee. Nor does he mention the tons of pollutants pumped into the air by the Kaolin mine he sold the property rights to on his land in Tennessee. It was in the top 20 polluting mining ops in the US. All the while he preaches to you to conserve energy , drive hybrids, and ride bicycles while he flies coast to coast in private jets belching his hippocracy! The Earth is getting warmer, but don't listen to scam artists as to the cause and effect. Read some indepenent articles or books on the subject and you may develope a different perspective on global warming.
Vera Z
2007-05-10 00:19:49 UTC
No, it is no surprise that we now have this problem that has evovled into an even bigger problem.

If there had been stricter protocols and restrictions on industries, automobiles, and pollution, global warming wouldn't have gotten worse. But it has. First we must find a way how to stop the damage that is still being made and then do our best to reverse the damage.

But even getting the majority of people to help contribute to the stopping of pollution and destruction of the environment is a problem itself.

We need to realize that even though buyng hybrid and biofuel cars might be more expensive, it is worth it in the future.

- That renewable and alternative resources need to be used now- not when gasoline, fossil fuels, and coal have completely been used up.

- That we need to recycle and reuse things- not send more things to the landfills unecessarily. Most things that are sent to the landfill are recyclable- but would take millions of years to decompose. (glass and plastic)

- Become less dependent on oil.

- Realize that littering and dumping chemicals is affecting the water supply. Even the toxins from the landfills are entering the underground water supply.

We need to act now. We have less than 1% of fresh water- the rest is salt water or unaccessable.

I totally agree that things should have been done a long time ago- and maybe this problem wouldn't be this bad.
2016-05-20 01:13:48 UTC
Well yes it is possible for the earths atmosphere to be completely wiped away not just broken there is a upcoming magnetic pole switch coming soon and during every one the magnetic shield around the earth gets very weak and if a strong enough solar flair hit the earth at that time the earth would be bathed in radiation a and the atmosphere obliterated so yes yes it could :) but no don't worry
2007-05-10 01:24:53 UTC
It's kind of sad that our world has to be literally falling apart before we acknowledge the changes that are taking place. And even now that most of us are aware of what is happening, we are still in denial. We go on with our lives the same as before because it doesn't matter to us until we are directly inconvenienced. We are too worried about the now to have time to worry about the future. This ignorance may lead to the distruction of mankind. Hopefully I'll be dead by then. The road ahead don't look too pretty.
2007-05-10 08:56:24 UTC
Yeah, you're right and if I may add, the politicians seem to be more concerned about the environmental pollution when they are up for election. Rapidly losing interest, or begging ignorance of its extent, after the final vote.
2007-05-10 09:22:19 UTC
$$ is all they think about.they wanna buy oils and crap from the sandniggers,and wont make all farmers grow hemp.Hemp is what this world needs.everything can be made of hemp.yes even TVs can be made of hemp.most the cds cases are made of hemp.
2007-05-10 02:11:17 UTC
It's is not surprising at all

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