I'll answer the How here:
There are a few major controls on the climate.
1)Albedo effect. This is the measurement of reflectivity of solar infrared energy. More albedo means more snow. Snow increases albedo. This is a positive feedback loop
2) Milankovich Cycles.
a)Eccentricity - these are changes in the elliptical orbit of the Earth
b)Axial Tilt - The tilt of our axis ranges from 21.5 to 24.5 degrees. It is currently at 23.5. A minimal tilt allows for colder climates.
c)Precession - This is the direction of Earth's tilt. It is to or away from the Sun.
3) Volcanic Activity - Sulfates, emitted in eruptions, act as nuclei for cloud condensation. More clouds result in a higher albedo.
4)Atmospheric Composition - Most important is carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. The current concentration is at 381ppm while historically it is shown at 105ppm less than this.
So, climate naturally varies. It is, on average, warmer than it is now. But in the Sturtian and Marinoan ice ages, scientists believe the entire Earth was glaciated and the oceans were capped by ice. Thus, there is a large range for global temperature.
The only part that is not considered natural is man's carbon dioxide emittance which forces a warming effect on the climate.
Interestingly, according to natural variability we SHOULD be expecting a cooling effect over the next 5,000 years.