No. AGW is a theory that CO2 is a greenhouse gas and that we have increased the levels of CO2 in our atmosphere by 40%, both have been proven and it is irrational to claim that this has no effect on the heat retention capacity of the atmosphere.
Lets point out some the irrational statements on this question.
It is irrational to claim that the thousands of climate scientist all over the world are working together in secret publishing and endorsing science papers in order to get politicians to raise taxes on every one, including the scientists. Really there is no conspiracy...
It is irrational that you (and other deniers) still ignore the fact that carbon dioxide is transparent to visible light but absorbs strongly in the infrared and near-infrared.
It is irrational to claim that advances in AGW sciences are opposed to scientific progress.
It is irrational to claim that developing renewable energy sources and improving efficiency are opposed to industrial progress. (it is also alarmist)
It is irrational to claim that the United Nations goal is to depopulate the earth. (another conspiracy theory and alarmist)
It is irrational to claim that environmentalist are not concerned about human or animal health.
It is irrational to claim problems with pollution in the manufacture of solar panels go unreported, while linking to the "Northern Colorado Business Report"
It is irrational to claim that If that was a fossil fuel company who left that mess do you think we'd hear about it, North Dakota recorded 300 oil spills in two years and we didn't get 300 stories of each individual oil spill. [1]
It is irrational to claim that ozone depletion, deforestation, air pollution, overfishing, chemicals like nitrates and hormones in our food, plastic trash in our oceans are not addressed by environmentalist.
It is irrational to claim that a consensus amongst scientist about science is wrong without producing scientific evidence that contradicts the theory.
It is irrational to claim that the scientist are a part of a "movement" and that there is an unquestioning allegiance to that "movement". (another conspiracy theory)
It is irrational to claim that SARS, Swine Flu and Y2k were insignificant potential problems because SARS only killed 775 people (9.6% of the people who got the disease) , in the case of SARS and Y2k they were addressed and resolved before they became a problem.
It is irrational to post an inaccurate quote about the "big lie". [2] Then again what else do we expect from a Nazi sympathizer who advocates for execution of over 60 million Americans for the crime of voting for the "wrong" candidate...
It is fine if you didn't read it, it only shows that it is the deniers who do not want an open debate. Go on stick your head in the sand, how irrational....
As I pointed out almost every argument that is made by the deniers on this question has been illogical, now you add even more illogical arguments in your additional information.
It is illogical to claim that because an event occurred naturally, mankind can not create similar events.
It is illogical to claim that CO2 lags the temperature, when the graph you use in oder to support your claim shows that we should be more then 10 °C warmer today in order to produce the current CO2 levels in the atmosphere.
And as I pointed out in the past, It is illogical for you to use data that can only be true if the earth is at least 800,000 years old when you (a young earth creationist) claim that the earth is only 6,000 years old.
@ O.M. It is illogical to get the quote wrong when we all have access to search engines. Furthermore it is illogical to suggest that there is not a genuine threat because the threat is used for something you may or may not agree with (in this case to unite people.) [3] You still have to show that AGW will not affect our climates as the science overwhelmingly says it has and will.
Your second quote is hearsay, wikipedia lists the national review as the source, unless you come up with a better source, we will just have to take Ronald Bailey's word that this is what Maurice Strong said and if it was, not taken out of context.. [4] Even if we accept the "quote" as accurate and in context, it does not prove or disprove the science.