2009-07-30 04:20:12 UTC
From 1905 to 2005, there was a one half of 1 degree rise in temperature on the Earth. During the last 10 centuries, there were 6 different 100 year periods with a greater change than that.
Now lets look at volcanos. Did you know that a massive volcanic eruption puts 100 times more pollutants into the atmosphere than man has done in our entire existence?
Finally, let's look at this fact: If man were not even on planet earth, if we had never even existed, the gobal climate would be exactly the same as it is right now.
It is time for mankind to wake up and realize we have better things to do than to waste our money trying to force people to change due to something that doesn't even exist. I'm all for people who want to be environmentally responsible but I am absolutely against a government using legislation based on a failed 'theory' like global warming to force everyone to change.
Why are people so unable to get past this? Is it because deep down inside they are such environmental radicals that they allow their personal views to override their common sense?