Why do people still insist Global Warming is a problem despite evidence that it does not even exist?
2009-07-30 04:20:12 UTC
Let's look at the last 10 centuries, from the year 1000 AD to 2000, for proof that Global Warming is a total farce.

From 1905 to 2005, there was a one half of 1 degree rise in temperature on the Earth. During the last 10 centuries, there were 6 different 100 year periods with a greater change than that.

Now lets look at volcanos. Did you know that a massive volcanic eruption puts 100 times more pollutants into the atmosphere than man has done in our entire existence?

Finally, let's look at this fact: If man were not even on planet earth, if we had never even existed, the gobal climate would be exactly the same as it is right now.

It is time for mankind to wake up and realize we have better things to do than to waste our money trying to force people to change due to something that doesn't even exist. I'm all for people who want to be environmentally responsible but I am absolutely against a government using legislation based on a failed 'theory' like global warming to force everyone to change.

Why are people so unable to get past this? Is it because deep down inside they are such environmental radicals that they allow their personal views to override their common sense?
Fourteen answers:
2009-07-30 04:25:15 UTC
Global cooling and global warming do exist but they are not caused by man. They are a fact of nature. And as Horse M said, "If man were not even on planet earth, if we had never even existed, the global climate would be exactly the same as it is right now."
2009-07-30 15:41:54 UTC
So where's the evidence? Are we supposed to believe what you say because you said it? Where's your supporting evidence?

I'm not surprised you didn't provide any, since every single statement you made is false.

"During the last 10 centuries, there were 6 different 100 year periods with a greater change than that."


"Did you know that a massive volcanic eruption puts 100 times more pollutants into the atmosphere than man has done in our entire existence?"


"If man were not even on planet earth, if we had never even existed, the gobal climate would be exactly the same as it is right now."


"they actually believe that 97% of scientists support the theory of global warming, which is utterly ridiculous."

No, actually it's true that 97% of *climate* scientists (you know, the ones who actually study the climate) agree that humans are causing global warming.

I think the answer is clear that we believe humans are causing global warming because we've researched the science. You should try it.

You see those blue words after my statements? Those are links to the supporting scientific evidence. Unlike yourself I don't just make stuff up and expect people to believe me. I research the scientific evidence and then provide it to others, and let them decide for themselves based on the facts. And it bugs me when people spout off a bunch of misinformation and pretend it's true.

And by the way, I'd trust information on a Wikipedia page (which has references to the sources of information at the bottom of the page) more than I'd trust some random guy on this site who just says crap with no supporting evidence.

Guy #1: bananas are blue

Guy #2: bananas are yellow

You're Guy #1. I believe Guy #2.
2009-07-30 12:46:19 UTC
1) Historical climate change: This looks to be the fastest change in at least 1,000 years, and the highest average temperatures:

2) A large volcanic eruption gives out approximately 1/150th of the annual CO2 emissions of humanity:

3) Not according to climate models and past trends. Here's a comparison of what would have happened to atmospheric methane if it followed the last 3-400,000 years:

Here's what would probably have happened to climate in the last 100 years or so if there were no humans, and with human involvement:

Ruddiman, 2003 suggested that human climate change started about 8,000 years ago with deforestation and farming. Meehl et al 2004 was a modeling study, of which there are dozens and all of the ones I've read agree.

EDIT: If you bothered to check the wikipedia page, you'd see that the graph is from data from published studies only.

As for 97% of active climate researchers, I can believe the results of Doran & Zimmerman (and I'm not aware of a counter-article passing peer review. Correct me if I'm wrong). If you look through a random selection of climate science papers you will be very unlikely to come across a paper that says that global warming isn't real/isn't caused by humans. I looked at about 300 abstracts and found 83 that took a position on the cause of warming. 100% of those papers implicitly or explicitly said man was the dominant factor.

Oreskes (2004) looked at over 900 abstracts and found the same thing.
2009-07-30 12:20:22 UTC
I believe that some day Polymers will be as valuable as gold. We need to conserve the oil we have left to build the future. Electric Cars have been around since 1919 there's one in the Sloan museum in Flint MI. The reason there are none is because the Oil Companies own all the best patents on this stuff. Our world is getting warmer and if it goes to far we will die. Does it really matter how or why it is happening. We may have to Terraform our own planet and it does not matter how or why. It may be a question of the survival of my children so do not mess with my family. Your numbers are fine but it still doesn't matter we are experiencing the coldest summer in Michigan since the beginning of record keeping. And other states are setting heat records every day. Somethings up at least admit that and the rest of the non crazy world can move on from there.
Richard the Physicist
2009-07-30 14:51:54 UTC
Let me get this straight. You ask not to use Wikipedia as a source, but you provided no sources what-so-ever. Am I supposed to just take your word for all the misinformation you just posted?

I'll tell you what, I will post science websites, since you don't seem capable of doing.

NOAA: 2nd warmest june in recorded history and warmest ocean temps.

This is so you can learn about greenhouse gases, the greenhouse effect and how it relates to earth's energy budget.

84% of all scientist believe the earth is getting warmer because of human activity, and 97% of Climate Scientists believe the same.

The only "failed theory" is yours.
2009-07-30 19:22:34 UTC
Global warming does not exist.

It is a money making scam created by our government. That way they can make money off of taxes on oil and coal companies, have people buy more fuel efficient vehicles, and etc.
2009-07-30 17:14:58 UTC
that 1 degree change in the earth's temperature makes such a difference, although i understand that some one as stupid as you have no way of understanding that.

Also, where are your references?
2009-07-30 14:06:29 UTC
You are completely wrong on so many levels. I provide scientific links below that debunk completely your "information." All the evidence (rise in the mean global temperature an increasing rate of the rise, vanishing ice sheets, ocean acidification, ocean warming) point to a problem and there is a scientific consensus, most scientist think AGW is a real problem (nothing is debunked just because you say it is- please provide a reference if it exist or is supporting your lies to much trouble?).

Read and learn the truth. It is truly sad that people some people have lost the ability to rational evaluate scientific information, or lack the basic education to understand information, preferring instead to believe political propaganda instead of thinking for themselves! These people will be the ruin of the country.

School will start soon. Please pay attention in class!
2009-07-30 15:35:50 UTC
CONGRATULATIONS !! Your groundbreaking discoveries in the fields of Meteorology and Climate, have earned you the Nobel Prize in Science ! You have, all by yourself, discovered that all previous Scientific discoveries were a fraud. Please submit a peer reviewed dissertation, and cite all your PHONY sources !
2009-07-30 11:25:58 UTC
Actually global warming or climate change is real even you admit to that. What is false is that man's CO2 and methane is causing this round of climate change. One article that Dana used had all greenhouse gases down as man instead of showing the percent that is natural and the percent that is man. It is this type of illogic that the AGW crowd has to use to force something that is more natural into a man made problem.

Considering that man has been trying to fight nature for well over 3000 years and lost every battle, what makes these AGW people so sure that we can once again control nature?
2009-07-30 11:33:54 UTC
Are you asking, if a bear falls in the woods, will a tree hear it?

I live in sourthern California, it has been a very cool summer. I grow vegatables, and it has not been warm enough at night to get very many tomatos.

Before anyone says the usual, it not climate, it's weather. It is climate, it is local climate.

I care about things where I live the most.
2009-07-30 11:29:36 UTC
There is an international Flat Earth Society. It doesn't matter how thoroughly you prove something, there will be people who stubbornly refuse to accept it.
2009-07-30 14:48:01 UTC
Global warming's not over because the political goals haven't been reached yet.

It's a matter of social change, supported by a spattering of misled and uninformed scientists.
2009-07-30 11:24:37 UTC
Please backup your non-factual statements with links to reputable and verifiable websites.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.