Global Alarming Alarmists will continue to "nit-pick" towards a human forcing as to why the World is warming. The hottest or coldest day 'ever recorded' was a simple measurement, but measuring averages of averages is their specialty. "Statistics" are easily manipulated.
Having 5 hits more every 100 at bats in baseball is the difference from batting .250 and .300. Many times it is the difference in how a hit is scored. It's no different in averaging anything including temperature, but temperature measuring has many more variables to consider and science still has a hard time getting it right just as do the umpires and statisticians (official scorers) in baseball, yet they are still considered the "officials" of the game.
A 0.87C rise in global average temperatures in over 350 years of human industrialization could be a 1.17C rise or even a 0.57C rise. The problem with coming up with an ACTUAL temperature relies on the interpretation of the statistics. With either a 1.17C rise or a 0.57C rise, there is a statistical error bar of over 68.9% (1.17C - 0.57C = 0.6C : 0.6C/0.87C = 68.96551%) of what the ACTUAL temperature of the Earth REALLY is. Science needs to start measuring more accurately so Monckton has nothing to complain about in as far as how science measures Global Average Temperatures.
The "jaggity" fluctuation of temperature should be science's first clue. If ACTUAL temperature of the Earth does fluctuate as much as they are displaying, then they REALLY need to try harder to get it right, but they aren't measuring the whole atmosphere and they definitely aren't getting an exact reading. They are measuring where and how they want to. Regardless of Monckton's point on the matter, 'science in general' is not producing a system that is conducive to an accurate accounting of Earth's ACTUAL temperature.
10,000 years out of a glacial period, 150 years out of a mini ice age, an overall trend towards a warmer World, along with a "mere" overall atmospheric change of 0.012% in 350 years of human industrialization doesn't convince me that we are heading towards "catastrophic" Global Warming. Now they are going to try and throw in "Global coral bleaching" as another finger-pointing effort at human emissions.
They'll keep working on it. That's why they are called "ALARMISTS".
It's hard to tell if there is a pause or not IMO. The way that we measure temperature is antiquated.We need to move forward and get more specific before we let a bunch of bureaucrats tell us how we can live our lives.