2010-04-07 17:07:49 UTC
1. Do you currently believe that nuclear power is worse, from an environmental standpoint, than fossil fuels?
2. Do you believe that corn-based ethanol is currently a feasible, green alternative to oil?
3. Do you believe that wind turbines should be illegal, because of the damage they cause to birds and bats?
4. Do you think that a strict tax on carbon emissions is currently a good idea all on its own, even in absence of AGW and ocean acidification?
5. Are you genuinely afraid to state your true political beliefs on the internet? Meaning, do you feel you must only support them indirectly, such as by feigning support for scientific theories?
6. Does belief in AGW require that one live a perfect life, free of any indulgence or wrongdoing? (Reason for asking: many apparently expect AGW proponents to not drive, use electricity, or even eat, solely because they do not deny that such actions have a negative impact.)
7. Do you feel that the existence of a corrupt and super-competent world government, (such as one capable of influencing 30+ years of scientific research), is generally a more terrifying idea than most environmental problems?
8. Do you feel safe that your government would never abuse its power by implementing taxes or laws with knowledge that they are less than ideal for its citizens, principally for its own gain?
9. Do you believe poorer nations should not have the opportunity to develop, because it would be bad for the environment?
10. Would you advocate mass killings to reduce global population?
11. Do you feel that the opinions of environmental extremists, such as members of VEHMT or ELF, accurately or closely reflect your opinions?